Class AttachmentLinkRenamingBean

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.util.AttachmentLinkRenamingBean
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AttachmentLinkRenamingBean
extends Object
implements LinkRenamingBean

Constructor Summary
AttachmentLinkRenamingBean(ContentEntityObject referringContent, ContentEntityObject oldLocation, String newSpaceKey, String newPageTitle)
          Create a bean to update attachment links throughout a given ContentEntityObject's content, changing the page to which the links refer.
AttachmentLinkRenamingBean(ContentEntityObject referringContent, String oldFileName, String newFileName)
          Create a bean to rename the attachment filename throughout a given ContentEntityObject's content.
AttachmentLinkRenamingBean(ContentEntityObject referringContent, String oldFileName, String newFileName, ContentEntityObject oldLocation, ContentEntityObject newLocation)
          Create a bean to update links on a given page to reflect a change to an attachment.
Method Summary
protected  String escapeDollars(String s)
 String getRenamedContent()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AttachmentLinkRenamingBean(ContentEntityObject referringContent,
                                  String oldFileName,
                                  String newFileName)
Create a bean to rename the attachment filename throughout a given ContentEntityObject's content. The updated content can be retrieved from getRenamedContent().

referringContent - page in which to update links.
oldFileName - the filename as it appears in the content
newFileName - the filename as it should appear in the content


public AttachmentLinkRenamingBean(ContentEntityObject referringContent,
                                  ContentEntityObject oldLocation,
                                  String newSpaceKey,
                                  String newPageTitle)
Create a bean to update attachment links throughout a given ContentEntityObject's content, changing the page to which the links refer. The updated content can be retrieved from getRenamedContent(). Any possible simplifications will be performed. EG [space:page^file] will be simplified to [^file] when the referringContent and newLocation are the same.

referringContent - page in which to update links.
oldLocation - page to which the links currently refer.
newSpaceKey - space the links should refer to.
newPageTitle - page the links should refer to.


public AttachmentLinkRenamingBean(ContentEntityObject referringContent,
                                  String oldFileName,
                                  String newFileName,
                                  ContentEntityObject oldLocation,
                                  ContentEntityObject newLocation)
Create a bean to update links on a given page to reflect a change to an attachment. The updated content can be retrieved from getRenamedContent(). Any possible simplifications will be performed. EG [space:page^file] will be simplified to [^file] when the referringContent and newLocation are the same.

referringContent - page in which links will be updated.
oldFileName - The name of the attachment in existing links.
newFileName - The new name of the attachment to which the links should refer.
oldLocation - The page to which the links currently point.
newLocation - The page to which the links will point.
Method Detail


protected String escapeDollars(String s)


public String getRenamedContent()
Specified by:
getRenamedContent in interface LinkRenamingBean

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