Interface Summary | |
SeleniumLogin | Logs users in and out of Confluence. |
SpaceBrowse | Provides access to the functionality under Browse Space. |
Class Summary | |
AjaxError | A helper for the Ajax Error Banner. |
AttachTo | |
AuthorAutocompleteTextField | Client for interacting with the autocomplete box for authors. |
Autocomplete | |
Breadcrumbs | |
BrowseUsers | Page object for browserusers.action |
ColorPickerPopup | |
ConfluenceLogin | Logs users in and out of Confluence via the Confluence login screen |
ConfluencePopup | |
ConfluenceSeleniumAssertions | Makes assertions specific to Confluence based on page elements such as title, content, error messages, etc. |
ConfluenceSeleniumClient | Extends the Atlassian Selenium client to provide Confluence specific methods. |
ConfluenceSeleniumConfiguration | A SeleniumConfiguration that is set up with system properties. |
CreateUsersPanel | Page object for the create users panel, shown in the browseusers.action |
DashboardSeleniumHelper | Dashboard Selenium testing logic. |
DefaultSpaceBrowse | Provides access to the functionality under Browse Space for the default theme. |
Dialog | |
DocThemeSpaceBrowse | Provides access to the functionality under Browse Space for the documentation theme. |
DraftChangesDialog | |
Editor | |
EditorAutocomplete | Represents an Autocomplete widget in the RTE that accepts keystrokes and displays a list of search results that a user may select from. |
EditorInsertMenu | |
EditorLink | Represents a hyperlink in the Editor |
EditorMoreMenu | |
EditorNotifications | |
EditorPopup | Generic object to represent an editor popup. |
EditorPreview | Provides test support for accessing the editor preview and its contents. |
EditorSettings | Represents the user editor settings page |
EmoticonPickerPopup | |
FavouritePage | |
Gadget | |
GlobalEntitiesPanel | |
GroupPickerPopup | |
ImagePreview | An image preview using the Fancybox jQuery plugin. |
ImagePropertyPanel | |
InsertCharacterDialog | |
InsertImageDialog | The insert image dialog added in 3.1. |
InsertTablePopup | |
InviteUsersPanel | Page object for the invite users panel, shown in the browseusers.action |
KeyboardShortcutHelpDialog | |
KeyboardShortcuts | |
LabelsDialog | |
LinkBrowser | |
LinkPropertyPanel | |
LinkToPageDialog | |
Location | Represents the location of a page, as a parent page plus space. |
LookAndFeel | |
MacroBrowser | |
MacroPropertyPanel | |
ManageWatchersDialog | The Manage Watchers dialog launched from the Tools menu. |
Marketplace | |
Menus | |
MovePageDialog | |
PageDiff | A helper for the Page Comparison screen. |
PageGadget | |
PageInfo | A helper for a Page or Blogpost info screen. |
PageOrderingRootTree | A subclass of PageOrderingTree for a tree which contains a root node as in the Move Page dialog. |
PageOrderingTree | |
PagePermissionsEditor | |
PageTemplateWizard | |
PageView | A helper for a Page or Blogpost view screen. |
PropertyPanel | Represents the Property Panel that appears in the Editor when certain elements like links and images are triggered. |
QuickComment | |
QuickNavBox | Represents a Quick-Navigation box that accepts keystrokes and displays a list of search results that a user may select from. |
QuickSearch | |
ScheduledJobAdmin | Provides access to the scheduled admin functionality. |
ScheduleJobAdminEditDialog | Class for interacting with the scheduled job edit dialog. |
ScheduleJobAdminHistoryDialog | Class for interacting with the schedule job history dialog. |
SearchUsersPanel | Page object for the search users panel, shown in the browseusers.action |
SharePageDialog | |
SignupOptionsPanel | |
SiteSearch | |
SpaceDirectory | |
StudioLogin | Provides common Confluence/Studio actions with a Studio flavour. |
Suite | Provides site actions common to Standalone and OnDemand Confluence instances. |
TableToolbar | |
TestUtils | Static class (that might be renamed) to provide Selenium tests with common util methods. |
TinyMce | |
TinyMce.Bookmark | Represents a TinyMCE bookmark. |
TinyMce.ShortCut | |
ToggleFavourites | |
ToolsMenu | |
UPM | |
UserHoverPopup | |
UserPickerPopup | |
UserProfile | |
UserStatusDialog | |
ViewUser | Page object for viewing a user's group memberships. |
WhatsNewDialog | |
WikiMarkupDialog |