Class Summary |
AbstractBlogPostsAction |
AbstractCommandAction |
CommandAction-implementing class that delegates to a CommandActionHelper. |
AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction |
AbstractCreatePageAction |
Functions shared between creating pages and blog posts. |
AbstractDiffPagesAction |
AbstractEditAttachedFileAction |
Deprecated. since 2.9 |
AbstractEditPageAction |
AbstractFileAttachmentAction |
Deprecated. since 2.9 |
AbstractPageAction |
AbstractPageAwareAction |
Parent class for actions which operate on AbstractPages (pages or blog posts). |
AbstractPageChangeAction |
Deprecated. since 2.9 |
AbstractPaginatedListAction |
AbstractPreviewPageAction |
AbstractRemoveAttachmentAction |
AbstractTemplatePageAction |
An abstract action for actions that use page templates. |
AbstractViewAttachmentsAction |
ActionHelper |
TODO come up with decent name for this |
AddCommentAction |
AddLabelAjaxAction |
AdvancedSearchTipsAction |
AlphabeticalListPagesAction |
AttachedImagesAction |
Simple Action to retrieve the details of a ContentEntityObject 's image attachments. |
AttachFileAction |
Upload attachments via a multipart request. |
AttachmentUploadRequest |
Converts an attachment upload multipart request into a list of AttachmentResource objects
which is suitable for storing in Confluence via a FileStorer . |
BreadcrumbAction |
Returns the breadcrumb of a page via JSON. |
BrowseSpaceAction |
CalendarLanguageUtil |
Default implementaion that reads mappings from file. |
ChildrenAction |
CommentAwareInterceptor |
Grabs the 'commentId' or 'focusedCommentId' parameter from the request and sets the associated comment on the action. |
CopyPageAction |
CreateBlogPostAction |
CreatePageAction |
CreatePageAction.SimplePageProvider |
A simple PageProvider that returns the Page that has been set on it. |
CreatePageEntryAction |
An action that performs relevant authorisation checks when trying to enter the 'add page' screen. |
DiffPagesAction |
DiffPagesByVersionAction |
DirectoryViewListPagesAction |
This action will present the specified space as a tree view of all its pages. |
DownloadAllAttachmentsOnPageAction |
EditBlogPostAction |
EditCommentAction |
EditPageAction |
EmptyTrashAction |
ExportWordPageAction |
Deprecated. since 2.9 |
GetPagePermissionsAction |
HandleNameConflictsAction |
HeartbeatAction |
The HeartbeatAction provides methods used by the client side editor
to detect concurrent changes to a single CEO. |
InsertImageInDraftAction |
Deprecated. since 3.1 this action is no longer required by Confluence. |
InsertImageInPageAction |
Deprecated. since 3.1 this action is no longer required by Confluence. |
ListNewOrUpdatedPagesAction |
ListOrphanedPagesAction |
ListPagesAction |
ListPermissionPagesAction |
ListUndefinedPagesAction |
ListUndefinedPagesAction.UndefinedPage |
MoveAttachmentAction |
MovePageAction |
Move a page and its children to a new location in the system. |
MovePageDialogAction |
An action for suppling panels in the MovePageDialog as they are required. |
PageAwareInterceptor |
Encapsulates all the complicated "how are the many ways I can look up a page so the action knows
about it?" stuff. |
PageChildrenAction |
PageChildrenAction.PageWrapper |
Wrap the page object to expose a subset of the page entity object via JSON. |
PageDestinationSearchAction |
An action that will perform a search in Confluence returning results suitable as targets for moving a page to a new
parent. |
PageInfoAction |
PageNotFoundAction |
Redirect to this action if you ever find yourself in a "page not found" situation, it deals with
possible alternative pages, and so on. |
PageNotPermittedAction |
PagePermissionsActionHelper |
Provides methods for converting user and group permission strings from web forms into collections of
ContentPermission objects. |
PageSummaryAction |
PageVariablesAction |
PurgeTrashItemAction |
RecentBlogPostsAction |
RemoveAttachedFileAction |
RemoveAttachedFileVersionAction |
RemoveCommentAction |
RemoveHistoricalVersionAction |
RemoveLabelAjaxAction |
RemovePageAction |
RemovePagePermissionAction |
ReorderPageDialogAction |
An action for supplying panels for the re-order page of the MovePageDialog. |
RestoreExistingTrashItemAction |
RestoreTrashItemAction |
ResumeDraftAction |
RevertPageBackToVersionAction |
RevertPageOrderAction |
Removes page position information from the children of the provided page, effectively
reverting their order to alphabetical. |
SetPageOrderAction |
Sets the order of a page's children to the order specified by the provided child IDs. |
SetPagePermissionsAction |
Called for a existing Page via AJAX, sets new ContentPermission s for the Page, overwriting any existing ones. |
SpaceToolsAction |
SuggestLabelsAction |
TinyUrlAction |
Action that the TinyUrlServlet redirects to, as we want to do (testable) things
with permissions and page availability. |
ValidateLabelAjaxAction |
ViewBlogPostsByDateAction |
ViewChangesSinceLastEditAction |
ViewChangesSinceLastLoginAction |
ViewDraftAttachmentsAction |
ViewPageAction |
ViewPageAttachmentsAction |
ViewPreviousVersionsAction |
ViewTrashAction |
WysiwygConverterAction |
Convert between XHtml and wiki markup. |