Uses of Interface

Packages that use XhtmlVisitor

Uses of XhtmlVisitor in com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml with type arguments of type XhtmlVisitor
 void DefaultXhtmlContent.handleXhtmlElements(String storageFragment, ConversionContext context, List<? extends XhtmlVisitor> visitors)

Uses of XhtmlVisitor in com.atlassian.confluence.xhtml.api

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.xhtml.api that implement XhtmlVisitor
 class PageLayoutVisitor
          Provides a handler for detecting if a page contains an atlassian page layout.

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.xhtml.api with type arguments of type XhtmlVisitor
 void XhtmlContent.handleXhtmlElements(String storageFragment, ConversionContext context, List<? extends XhtmlVisitor> visitors)
          Provides a mechanism for finding arbitrary Xhtml elements in the supplied storageFormat.

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