Uses of Class

Packages that use Label

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.core

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.core that return types with arguments of type Label
 List<Label> AbstractLabelableEntityObject.getGlobalLabels(com.atlassian.user.User user)
          List the labels on this content that are global labels
 List<Label> AbstractLabelableEntityObject.getLabels()
 List<Label> AbstractLabelableEntityObject.getLabelsForDisplay(com.atlassian.user.User user)
          List the labels on this content that are visible to a particular user, and should be shown in a list of labels.
 List<Label> AbstractLabelableEntityObject.getPersonalLabels(com.atlassian.user.User user)
          List the labels on this content that are personal labels for a particular user
 List<Label> AbstractLabelableEntityObject.getTeamLabels(com.atlassian.user.User user)
          List the labels on this content that are team labels for a particular user
 List<Label> AbstractLabelableEntityObject.getVisibleLabels(com.atlassian.user.User user)
          List the labels on this content that are visible to a particular user

Uses of Label in

Methods in that return Label
 Label LabelEvent.getLabel()

Constructors in with parameters of type Label
LabelAddEvent(Label source, Labelable labelled)
LabelCreateEvent(Label source)
LabelDeleteEvent(Label source)
LabelEvent(Label source)
LabelEvent(Label source, Labelable labelled)
LabelRemoveEvent(Label source, Labelable labelled)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.labels

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels that return Label
 Label ParsedLabelName.addLabel(Labelable labelable, LabelManager labelManager)
 Label LabelManager.createLabel(Label label)
 Label DefaultLabelManager.createLabel(Label label)
 Label Labelling.getLabel()
 Label LabelManager.getLabel(Label label)
          Retrieve the persistent instance of the label with the exact same details as the specified label.
 Label DefaultLabelManager.getLabel(Label label)
 Label LabelManager.getLabel(long id)
          Retrieve the label with the specified id.
 Label DefaultLabelManager.getLabel(long id)
          Retrieve a label based on its id.
 Label LabelManager.getLabel(ParsedLabelName parsedLabelName)
          Retrieve the label by name.
 Label DefaultLabelManager.getLabel(ParsedLabelName parsedLabelName)
 Label LabelManager.getLabel(String unparsedLabelName)
          convenience method to fetch a label without having to call the label parser
 Label DefaultLabelManager.getLabel(String unparsedLabelName)
 Label LabelManager.getLabel(String labelName, Namespace namespace)
          Convenience method to fetch a label without having to create a Label object
 Label DefaultLabelManager.getLabel(String labelName, Namespace namespace)
 Label ParsedLabelName.toLabel()

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels that return types with arguments of type Label
 List<Label> PermittedLabelView.getLabels()
 List<Label> Labelable.getLabels()
          Retrieve the labels that are associated with this object.
 List<Label> LabelManager.getLabels(Collection<String> unparsedLabelNames)
          convenience method to fetch labels without having to call the label parser
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getLabels(Collection<String> unparsedLabelNames)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRecentlyUsedLabels()
          Retrieve the DEFAULT_LABEL_COUNT most recently used labels within the system.
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label)
          Retrieve the DEFAULT_LABEL_COUNT labels that are 'related' to the specified label.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label, int maxResults)
          Retrieve the labels that are 'related' to the specified label.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label, int count)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabels(List<? extends Label> labels, String spaceKey, int maxResultsPerLabel)
          Retrieve the labels that are 'related' to the labels in the list.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabels(List<? extends Label> labels, String spaceKey, int maxResultsPerLabel)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
          Retrieve the DEFAULT_LABEL_COUNT labels that are 'related' to the specified label and that are used to label content within the specified space.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey, int maxResults)
          Retrieve the labels that are 'related' to the specified label and that are used to to label content within the specified space.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey, int maxResults)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getSuggestedLabelsInSpace(Labelable content, String spaceKey, int maxResults)
          Retrieve the suggested labels for the specified content bound to the specified space.
 List<Label> LabelManager.getTeamLabelsForSpaces(Collection<Space> spaces)
          Retrieve all of the team labels used to label content in the specified spaces.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getTeamLabelsForSpaces(Collection<Space> spaces)

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels with parameters of type Label
 int LabelManager.addLabel(ContentEntityObject content, Label label)
          Deprecated. 4.2
 int DefaultLabelManager.addLabel(ContentEntityObject content, Label label)
 int LabelManager.addLabel(Labelable content, Label label)
          Add a label to the specified content.
 int DefaultLabelManager.addLabel(Labelable labelable, Label label)
static ParsedLabelName LabelParser.create(Label label)
 Label LabelManager.createLabel(Label label)
 Label DefaultLabelManager.createLabel(Label label)
 boolean LabelManager.deleteLabel(Label l)
          Delete the specified label.
 boolean DefaultLabelManager.deleteLabel(Label label)
 List LabelManager.getContent(Label label)
 List DefaultLabelManager.getContent(Label label)
 int LabelManager.getContentCount(Label label)
 int DefaultLabelManager.getContentCount(Label label)
 List<? extends Labelable> LabelManager.getContentForLabel(Label label, int maxResults)
          Get all content associated with a label Get all versions of content associated with a label and any space.
 List<? extends Labelable> DefaultLabelManager.getContentForLabel(Label label, int maxResults)
 List<? extends Labelable> LabelManager.getCurrentContentForLabel(Label label)
          Get all content associated with a label and space Get all current content associated with a label and any space.
 List DefaultLabelManager.getCurrentContentForLabel(Label label)
 List<? extends Labelable> LabelManager.getCurrentContentForLabelAndSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
          Get all current content associated with a label and space.
 List<? extends Labelable> DefaultLabelManager.getCurrentContentForLabelAndSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
 Label LabelManager.getLabel(Label label)
          Retrieve the persistent instance of the label with the exact same details as the specified label.
 Label DefaultLabelManager.getLabel(Label label)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label)
          Retrieve the DEFAULT_LABEL_COUNT labels that are 'related' to the specified label.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label, int maxResults)
          Retrieve the labels that are 'related' to the specified label.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabels(Label label, int count)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
          Retrieve the DEFAULT_LABEL_COUNT labels that are 'related' to the specified label and that are used to label content within the specified space.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey, int maxResults)
          Retrieve the labels that are 'related' to the specified label and that are used to to label content within the specified space.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabelsInSpace(Label label, String spaceKey, int maxResults)
 List LabelManager.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label)
          Look up the spaces that have been labelled by the specific label.
 List DefaultLabelManager.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label)
 List<Space> LabelManager.getSpacesWithLabel(Label label)
          Spaces cannot be directly labelled.
 List DefaultLabelManager.getSpacesWithLabel(Label label)
static boolean Namespace.isGlobal(Label l)
static boolean Namespace.isPersonal(Label l)
static boolean Namespace.isTeam(Label l)
 int LabelManager.removeLabel(ContentEntityObject object, Label label)
 int DefaultLabelManager.removeLabel(ContentEntityObject ceo, Label label)
 int LabelManager.removeLabel(Labelable object, Label label)
          Remove a label from the specified content.
 int DefaultLabelManager.removeLabel(Labelable content, Label label)
static String LabelParser.render(Label label)
static boolean LabelPermissionSupport.userCanEditLabel(Label label, Labelable object, PermissionManager permissionManager)

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.labels with type arguments of type Label
 List<? extends Labelable> LabelManager.getContentForAllLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int maxResults, int offset)
          Retrieve all ContentEntityObjects which are labelled with ALL provided labels.
 List<? extends Labelable> DefaultLabelManager.getContentForAllLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int maxResults, int offset)
 List<Label> LabelManager.getRelatedLabels(List<? extends Label> labels, String spaceKey, int maxResultsPerLabel)
          Retrieve the labels that are 'related' to the labels in the list.
 List<Label> DefaultLabelManager.getRelatedLabels(List<? extends Label> labels, String spaceKey, int maxResultsPerLabel)

Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.labels with parameters of type Label
Labelling(Label label, EditableLabelable labelable, String user)
Labelling(Label label, EditableLabelable content, String user, String spaceKey)
          Deprecated. since 2.10. The Labelling object is only associated with a space through the content. Use #Labelling(Label, ContentEntityObject, String) instead.

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.actions

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.actions that return types with arguments of type Label
 Map<String,Collection<Label>> AddSpaceToFavouriteAjaxAction.getBean()
 Map<String,Collection<Label>> AddLabelAction.getBean()
 Map<String,Collection<Label>> AddFavouriteAction.getBean()
 List<Label> AbstractLabelDisplayingAction.getPopularLabels()
 List<Label> AbstractLabelDisplayingAction.getRecentLabels()

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.actions with parameters of type Label
 DisplayableLabel ViewLabelAction.getAddLabel(Label label)
          Returns a DisplayableLabel representing the currently viewed labels and the given label.
 DisplayableLabel ViewLabelAction.getRemoveLabel(Label label)
          Returns a DisplayableLabel representing the currently viewed labels, minus the given label.
 boolean AbstractLabelsForEntityAction.isPersonalLabel(Label label)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao that return Label
 Label LabelDao.findById(long id)
          Find the label by its id.
 Label LabelDao.findByLabel(Label label)
 Label LabelSearchResult.getLabel()

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao that return types with arguments of type Label
 List<Label> LabelDao.findByDetailsInSpaces(String name, String namespace, String owner, Collection<Space> spaces)
          Find all labels for a specific space, based on the details passed in.
 List<Label> LabelDao.findBySingleDegreeSeparation(EditableLabelable content, int maxResults)
          Find the labels that are a single degree of separation away from the specified content.
 List<Label> LabelDao.findBySingleDegreeSeparation(EditableLabelable content, String spaceKey, int maxResults)

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao with parameters of type Label
 Label LabelDao.findByLabel(Label label)
 List LabelDao.findBySingleDegreeSeparation(Label label, int maxResults)
          Find the labels that are a single degree of separation away from the specified label.
 List LabelDao.findBySingleDegreeSeparation(Label label, String spaceKey, int maxResults)
 int LabelDao.findContentCountForLabel(Label label)
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> LabelDao.findContentForLabel(Label label, int maxResults)
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> LabelDao.findCurrentContentForLabel(Label label)
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> LabelDao.findCurrentContentForLabelAndSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
          Returns current content with the specified label and spaceKey.
 Labelling LabelDao.findLabellingByContentAndLabel(EditableLabelable content, Label label)
 List LabelDao.findSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label)
 List LabelDao.findSpacesWithLabel(Label label)

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao with type arguments of type Label
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> LabelDao.findContentForAllLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int maxResults, int offset)
          Retrieve all ContentEntityObjects which are labelled with ALL provided labels.

Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao with parameters of type Label
LabelSearchResult(Label label, int count)
RankedLabelSearchResult(Label label, int rank, int count)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao.hibernate

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao.hibernate that return Label
 Label HibernateLabelDao.findById(long id)
 Label HibernateLabelDao.findByLabel(Label label)

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao.hibernate that return types with arguments of type Label
 List<Label> HibernateLabelDao.findByDetailsInSpaces(String name, String namespace, String owner, Collection<Space> spaces)

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao.hibernate with parameters of type Label
 Label HibernateLabelDao.findByLabel(Label label)
 List HibernateLabelDao.findBySingleDegreeSeparation(Label label, int maxResults)
 List HibernateLabelDao.findBySingleDegreeSeparation(Label label, String spaceKey, int maxResults)
 int HibernateLabelDao.findContentCountForLabel(Label label)
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> HibernateLabelDao.findContentForLabel(Label label, int maxResults)
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> HibernateLabelDao.findCurrentContentForLabel(Label label)
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> HibernateLabelDao.findCurrentContentForLabelAndSpace(Label label, String spaceKey)
 Labelling HibernateLabelDao.findLabellingByContentAndLabel(EditableLabelable content, Label label)
 List HibernateLabelDao.findSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(Label label)
 List HibernateLabelDao.findSpacesWithLabel(Label label)

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.persistence.dao.hibernate with type arguments of type Label
 List<? extends EditableLabelable> HibernateLabelDao.findContentForAllLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int maxResults, int offset)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.service

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.service that return types with arguments of type Label
 Collection<Label> AddLabelsCommandImpl.getAddedLabels()
          Returns a list of labels that were added.
 Collection<Label> AddLabelsCommand.getAddedLabels()
          Returns the labels that were added
 Collection<Label> ValidateLabelsCommandImpl.getValidLabels()
 Collection<Label> ValidateLabelsCommand.getValidLabels()

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.service with parameters of type Label
 RemoveLabelCommand LabelsService.newRemoveLabelCommand(Label label, com.atlassian.user.User user, long entityId)
          Builds a command that takes removes the specified label Page or Blog Post for the specified user.
 RemoveLabelCommand DefaultLabelsService.newRemoveLabelCommand(Label label, com.atlassian.user.User user, long entityId)
 RemoveLabelCommand LabelsService.newRemoveLabelCommand(Label label, com.atlassian.user.User user, long entityId, String entityType)
 RemoveLabelCommand DefaultLabelsService.newRemoveLabelCommand(Label label, com.atlassian.user.User user, long entityId, String entityType)

Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.service with parameters of type Label
RemoveLabelCommandImpl(Label label, com.atlassian.user.User user, long entityId, LabelManager labelManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, PageManager pageManager, SpaceManager spaceManager, AttachmentManager attachmentManager)
RemoveLabelCommandImpl(Label label, com.atlassian.user.User user, long entityId, String entityType, LabelManager labelManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, PageManager pageManager, SpaceManager spaceManager, AttachmentManager attachmentManager)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions that return types with arguments of type Label
protected  List<Label> PageVariablesAction.getLabels()
protected  List<Label> AbstractPageAction.getLabels()

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions with parameters of type Label
 boolean RemoveLabelAjaxAction.isPersonalLabel(Label label)

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions with type arguments of type Label
 void AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction.setLabelsString(List<Label> labels)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.templates.actions

Method parameters in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.templates.actions with type arguments of type Label
protected  void AbstractPageTemplateAction.setLabels(List<Label> labels)

Uses of Label in

Methods in with parameters of type Label
 LabelEntity label)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory that return types with arguments of type Label
 List<Label> ViewSpaceDirectoryAction.getTeamLabels()

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.soap.beans

Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.soap.beans with parameters of type Label
RemoteLabel(Label label)

Uses of Label in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Label
 List<Label> SearchSiteAction.getRelatedLabels()
          Returns a list of related labels to the labels matching the search result

Uses of Label in

Constructors in with parameters of type Label
InheritedLabelQuery(Label label)
          Construct a LabelQuery directly from the Label instance to be searched for
LabelQuery(Label label)
          Construct a LabelQuery directly from the Label instance to be searched for

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.actions

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.actions that return types with arguments of type Label
 List<Label> CreateRssFeedAction.getLabels()
          uses the label String to create a list of label objects to pass into the query object.

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions that return Label
 Label ViewMyLabelsAction.getCurrentLabel()
 Label ViewMyFavouritesAction.getCurrentLabel()

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions that return types with arguments of type Label
 Collection<Label> ViewMyLabelsAction.getMyLabels()

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions with parameters of type Label
 int ViewMyLabelsAction.getContentCount(Label l)
 int ViewMyFavouritesAction.getContentCount(Label l)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.user.history

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.user.history with parameters of type Label
 void UserHistory.addLabel(Label label)

Uses of Label in com.atlassian.confluence.util

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.util that return Label
static Label LabelUtil.addLabel(String labelReference, LabelManager labelManager, Labelable object)
          Adds the label to the specified object.

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.util that return types with arguments of type Label
static List<Label> LabelUtil.extractLabelsFromLabellings(List<Labelling> labellings)
          Simple utility method to extract the label instances from the given list of labelling instances.
static List<Label> LabelUtil.getLabelsFor(String labels, LabelManager labelManager)

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.util with parameters of type Label
static void LabelUtil.recordLabelInteractionInHistory(Label label)

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