Uses of Interface

Packages that use PaginationSupport

Uses of PaginationSupport in bucket.core.actions

Classes in bucket.core.actions that implement PaginationSupport
 class PagerPaginationSupport
          This class stores its items using a Pager - which cannot report the total size of the result.
 class PaginationSupport<T>
          Where there are a _very_ large number of items to paginate (in othe order of 10,000's), loading them all up in memory from the db and then handing them out to the user in a .subList fashion is not very efficient In this scenario we only want to use this bean to compute our next and previous indexes.

Uses of PaginationSupport in com.atlassian.confluence.pages

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pages that implement PaginationSupport
 class ManualTotalPaginationSupport<T>
          This class allows us to set the total number of items without reading the size of the items list.

Uses of PaginationSupport in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory that return PaginationSupport
 PaginationSupport<Space> ViewSpaceDirectoryAction.getPaginationSupport()

Uses of PaginationSupport in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory.util

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory.util that implement PaginationSupport
 class ListBuilderPaginationSupport<T>
          Calculates pagination indexes using a com.atlassian.confluence.core.ListBuilder.

Uses of PaginationSupport in com.atlassian.confluence.user

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.user that implement PaginationSupport
 class UsernameToUserTranslatingPaginationSupport
          A special pagination support class to translate results of membership search to user objects.

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