Class AuthorAutocompleteTextField

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client.AuthorAutocompleteTextField

public class AuthorAutocompleteTextField
extends java.lang.Object

Client for interacting with the autocomplete box for authors.

Constructor Summary
AuthorAutocompleteTextField(java.lang.String fieldLocator, ConfluenceSeleniumClient client)
Method Summary
 void selectUser(User user)
 void typeUserName(java.lang.String text)
          Types the given text with key press events in the author filter search field.
 void waitForHiding()
 void waitForNoResults()
 void waitForNumberOfResults(int expectedResults)
          Performs an assertion on the number of results contained in the autocomplete popup.
 void waitForResultsToContainUser(User user)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AuthorAutocompleteTextField(java.lang.String fieldLocator,
                                   ConfluenceSeleniumClient client)
Method Detail


public void typeUserName(java.lang.String text)
Types the given text with key press events in the author filter search field. Note, this method clears out the field before simulating typing.


public void selectUser(User user)


public void waitForResultsToContainUser(User user)


public void waitForNumberOfResults(int expectedResults)
Performs an assertion on the number of results contained in the autocomplete popup. This assertion waits the default time for the ajax request to populate the autocomplete with the required number of results. This type of wait-assertion is necessary as the ajax request can take an indeterminate amount of time to complete, and we must make an assertion only after the ajax request has completed.


public void waitForNoResults()


public void waitForHiding()

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