Interface DraftDao

All Known Implementing Classes:
HibernateDraftDao, SessionDraftDao

public interface DraftDao

Stores Confluence drafts in a data store.

Method Summary
 java.util.List<Draft> findAll()
          Returns all drafts stored in the data store.
 java.util.List<Draft> findByCreatorName(java.lang.String creatorName)
          Returns the drafts stored against the given username.
 Draft getDraft(long draftId)
          Returns the draft with the given ID, or null if no draft is found with that ID.
 Draft getDraft(java.lang.String pageId, java.lang.String owner, java.lang.String type)
          Finds and returns a draft object with all the specified properties or null if none is found.
 void remove(Draft draft)
          Removes a draft based on its page ID, owner and type.
 void remove(long id)
          Remove a draft based on its ID.
 void removeAll()
          Removes all drafts in the data store.
 void saveOrUpdate(Draft draft)
          Saves the draft.
 void updateSpaceKey(java.lang.String newSpaceKey, java.lang.String oldSpaceKey)
          Changes all drafts with a space key of oldSpaceKey to have newSpaceKey.

Method Detail


void saveOrUpdate(Draft draft)
                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Saves the draft.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the draft has no page ID, owner or type.


Draft getDraft(java.lang.String pageId,
               java.lang.String owner,
               java.lang.String type)
Finds and returns a draft object with all the specified properties or null if none is found.

pageId - the id of the page which this draft is associated with
owner - the owner of the draft
type - the type of draft, which is usually the result of calling ContentEntityObject.getType()
a draft object with all the specified properties or null if no valid draft could be found


Draft getDraft(long draftId)
Returns the draft with the given ID, or null if no draft is found with that ID.


void remove(Draft draft)
Removes a draft based on its page ID, owner and type. Does nothing if such a draft is not found in the data store.

See Also:
for a faster way to remove a draft when you know its ID


void remove(long id)
Remove a draft based on its ID. Does nothing if such a draft is not found in the data store.


java.util.List<Draft> findByCreatorName(java.lang.String creatorName)
Returns the drafts stored against the given username.


void updateSpaceKey(java.lang.String newSpaceKey,
                    java.lang.String oldSpaceKey)
Changes all drafts with a space key of oldSpaceKey to have newSpaceKey.

newSpaceKey - the new space key
oldSpaceKey - the old space key


void removeAll()
Removes all drafts in the data store.


java.util.List<Draft> findAll()
Returns all drafts stored in the data store.

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