Interface Summary | |
AttachmentManager | |
BreadcrumbsManager | Deprecated. use GlobalHelper instead to retrieve
breadcrumbs and PageHelper to retrieve ellipsis
breadcrumbs. |
CommentManager | Manager for page comments. |
DelegatingAttachmentManager | Classes that implement this interface perform some sort of delegation of AttachmentManager calls |
DraftAjax | |
DraftManager | Saves, retrieves and merges drafts of Confluence content. |
FileUploadManager | |
PageManager | Manages the retrieval and manipulation both pages and blog entries. |
TrashManager | Operations on the Trash |
Class Summary | |
AbstractPage | Parent of the concrete Page and BlogPost classes |
Attachment | |
AttachmentData | This class encapsulates Attachment metadata and maintains an InputStream that represents the data for the Attachment object. |
AttachmentUtils | All versions of attachments in confluence are stored under a folder labeled with the name with the name of the attachment. |
BlogPost | |
BlogPostsCalendar | Helper bean that turns a list of blog posts into a monthly calendar. |
ChildPositionComparator | Deprecated. use Page.CHILD_POSITION_COMPARATOR A comparator used to sort pages based on the Page Ordering sort rules. |
Comment | |
ContentNode | |
ContentTree | Stores a list of root ContentNodes. |
DefaultAttachmentManager | Default implementation of AttachmentManager . |
DefaultBreadcrumbsManager | Deprecated. use GlobalHelper instead to retrieve
breadcrumbs and PageHelper to retrieve ellipsis
breadcrumbs. |
DefaultCommentManager | Manager for page comments. |
DefaultDraftAjax | |
DefaultDraftManager | This implementation supports anonymous drafts using session-based storage. |
DefaultFileUploadManager | |
DefaultPageManager | |
DefaultTrashManager | This class provides utility methods for operating on the Trash |
DelegatorAttachmentManager | This class delegates attachment manager requests to the appropriate attachment manager implementation based on certain Confluence configuration options |
Draft | |
DraftData | A data transfer object used purely to capture and hold a draft's data so it can be sent across the wire by DWR |
ManualTotalPaginationSupport | This class allows us to set the total number of items without reading the size of the items list. |
NaturalStringComparator | A comparator makes string comparisons based on their natural order. |
Page | Represents a Page within Confluence. |
TinyUrl | |
TreeBuilder | |
UploadedResource | Resource wrapper for uploaded files. |
WebDavAttachmentManager | Deprecated. since 2.7 WebDav attachment storage is no longer supported |
Exception Summary | |
AttachmentDataExistsException | This exception should be used when attachment data was found, when it should not have existed. |
AttachmentDataNotFoundException | This exception can be used when no Attachment data was found, but was expected. |
DuplicateDataRuntimeException | A RuntimeException thrown when an operation is being called with some duplicate data |