Interface ContentType

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ContentType

This represents a type of content, typical content types are: page, blogpost, comment, discussion, mail, etc...

The content type give access to a lot of the content behavior, such as linking strategy, display strategy (name, icon), etc...

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          This is the name of the content as it can be displayed on a UI.
 java.lang.String getName()
           Get the name of the content.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()

Get the name of the content. This is meant to be a key to access content type and therefore one should be very careful when deciding the name of the content. Implementation should rely on a constant for their name.

The name is what will be used to register the ContentType to any kind of registry.

the name (key) of the content type.


java.lang.String getDisplayName()

This is the name of the content as it can be displayed on a UI. This can also be a key to an i18nized name.

a human readable name of the content type or a key to an i18nized human readable name of the content type.

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