Class FreemarkerContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FreemarkerContext
    extends Object
    implements BareFreeMarkerContext
    This class is similar to BambooActionSupport but does not require an action or action context. This makes this functionality available to any servlets as well.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstanceName

        public @NotNull String getInstanceName()
      • getLogoPath

        public @Nullable String getLogoPath()
      • getFaviconPath

        public @Nullable String getFaviconPath()
      • getUser

        public @Nullable com.atlassian.user.User getUser​(@Nullable
                                                         @Nullable javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      • isEnableSignup

        public boolean isEnableSignup()
      • isUserAutocompleteAllowed

        public boolean isUserAutocompleteAllowed()
      • getCurrentUrl

        public @Nullable String getCurrentUrl​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      • getRequestUrl

        public @Nullable String getRequestUrl​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        It's alternate method for getCurrentUrl(HttpServletRequest). In some circumstances getCurrentUrl doesn't work correctly. For example: it doesn't work for "/plugins/servlet/*"
        request -
        url of request
      • hasBuilds

        public boolean hasBuilds()
      • getRemainingJobsLimit

        public int getRemainingJobsLimit()
      • isFavourite

        public boolean isFavourite​(ImmutablePlan plan,
                                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      • getNotificationAvatarUrl

        public @NotNull String getNotificationAvatarUrl​(@Nullable
                                                        @Nullable String userName,
                                                        String size)
      • getBambooUser

        public @Nullable BambooUser getBambooUser​(@Nullable
                                                  @Nullable String username)
      • isAuthorBambooServer

        public boolean isAuthorBambooServer​(@Nullable
                                            @Nullable String userName)
        Is the supplied author user the bamboo server?
        userName -
        true if the author is the bamboo server, otherwise false.
      • getRandomString

        public String getRandomString​(int length)
      • getWebItemsForSectionNoAction

        public List<com.atlassian.plugin.web.descriptors.WebItemModuleDescriptor> getWebItemsForSectionNoAction​(String sectionName,
                                                                                                                javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Will not bother putting any build information on the context
        sectionName - - the section to retrieve the web items for
        request - - the http request
        all web items contained within the provided section
      • getDynamicWebItemsForSectionNoAction

        public List<com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.WebItem> getDynamicWebItemsForSectionNoAction​(String sectionName,
                                                                                               javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Obtain a list of web items within the provided location. Will include web items generated dynamically by web item providers. Does not put any build/plan information to the context.
        See Also:
        WebItem, WebItemProvider, DynamicWebInterfaceManager
      • getWebItems

        public @NotNull List<Map<String,​Object>> getWebItems​(String sectionName,
                                                                   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Returns a list of Map objects with prefilled text, id, accesskey, href fields for a template engine layer to consome
        sectionName -
        request -
      • getWebSectionsForLocationNoAction

        public List<com.atlassian.plugin.web.descriptors.WebSectionModuleDescriptor> getWebSectionsForLocationNoAction​(String location,
                                                                                                                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Will not bother putting any build information on the context
        location - - the location to retrieve the web sections for
        request - - the http request
        all web sections contained within the provided location
      • getDynamicWebSectionsForLocationNoAction

        public List<com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.WebSection> getDynamicWebSectionsForLocationNoAction​(String location,
                                                                                                      javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Obtain a list of web sections within the provided location. Will include web sections generated dynamically by web section providers. Does not put any build/plan information to the context.
        See Also:
        WebSection, WebSectionProvider, DynamicWebInterfaceManager
      • renderFreemarkerTemplateNoAction

        public String renderFreemarkerTemplateNoAction​(String templateString,
                                                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Will not bother putting any build information on the context
        templateString - - to render
        request - - the http request
        The rendered string
      • hasGlobalPermission

        public boolean hasGlobalPermission​(String permission)
        Does this user have the global permission right?
        permission - The global permission being checked.
        true if the current user has this permission; false otherwise.
      • hasGlobalAdminPermission

        public boolean hasGlobalAdminPermission()
      • hasProjectPermission

        public boolean hasProjectPermission​(String permission,
                                            String projectKey)
      • hasRestrictedAdminPermission

        public boolean hasRestrictedAdminPermission()
      • hasProjectAdminPermission

        public boolean hasProjectAdminPermission​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull Project project)
      • canCreateProject

        public boolean canCreateProject()
      • canCreatePlanInProject

        public boolean canCreatePlanInProject​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull Project project)
      • canCreatePlan

        public boolean canCreatePlan()
      • canRunCustomBuild

        public boolean canRunCustomBuild​(PlanIdentifier plan)
        Checks if the current user has permissions sufficient to run custom/parameterised build of a given plan
      • hasAdminPermission

        public boolean hasAdminPermission()
      • getNodeLifecycleState

        public @NotNull NodeLifecycleState getNodeLifecycleState()
      • getNodeStatusInfo

        public @NotNull NodeStatusInfo getNodeStatusInfo()
      • getPluggableTopNavigation

        public @Nullable PluggableTopNavigation getPluggableTopNavigation()
        Gets the pluggable top navigation plugin.
        The pluggable top navigation plugin, if it exists, or null.
      • getPluggableFooter

        public @Nullable PluggableFooter getPluggableFooter()
        Gets the pluggable footer plugin.
        The pluggable footer plugin, if it exists, or null.
      • shouldShowActionTip

        public @Nullable Boolean shouldShowActionTip​(@NotNull
                                                     @NotNull String actionKey,
                                                     @NotNull javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        Check if provided action-key is available inside user preferences.
        request -
        actionKey -
      • getWebFragmentsContextMapNoAction

        public Map<String,​Object> getWebFragmentsContextMapNoAction​(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
        A context map that gets appended to for web fragments. Will not look for any build information to put on the context path.
        request - - servlet request
        A context map that gets appended to for web fragments.
      • getWebPanelsForPlan

        public Collection<String> getWebPanelsForPlan​(@NotNull
                                                      @NotNull String location,
                                                      @NotNull String planKey)
        Gets all the rendered WebPanels for the location specified for a specific plan key. Allows the same web panel location to be used in multiple places on page with different plan contexts. If called in the context of rendering a BambooActionSupport action the context used is taken from BambooActionSupport.getWebPanelContext(String)
        location - the web panel will be displayed
        planKey - key of the plan for the context
      • getWebPanelsForResultsSummary

        public Collection<String> getWebPanelsForResultsSummary​(@NotNull
                                                                @NotNull String location,
                                                                @NotNull ResultsSummary resultsSummary)
        Gets all the rendered WebPanels for the location specified for a specific ResultSummary. Allows the same web panel location to be used in multiple places on page with different plan contexts. If called in the context of rendering a BambooActionSupport action the context used is taken from BambooActionSupport.getWebPanelContext(String)
        location - the web panel will be displayed
        resultsSummary - passed to the web panels in the context
      • getRssLink

        public @Nullable String getRssLink​(@NotNull
                                           @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
      • getRssRepositoryId

        public @Nullable String getRssRepositoryId​(@NotNull
                                                   @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
      • getRssRepositoryId

        public @Nullable String getRssRepositoryId​(@NotNull
                                                   @NotNull DeploymentProject project)
      • isRssRepositoryProject

        public boolean isRssRepositoryProject​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
      • isRssManagedPlan

        public boolean isRssManagedPlan​(@Nullable
                                        @Nullable ImmutablePlan plan)
      • isRepositoryDashboardOn

        public boolean isRepositoryDashboardOn()
      • hasLinkedDeployments

        public boolean hasLinkedDeployments​(@Nullable
                                            @Nullable PlanKey planKey)
      • sanitizeUsernameToAvatarId

        public @NotNull String sanitizeUsernameToAvatarId​(@Nullable
                                                          @Nullable String username)
      • isFunctionalTest

        public boolean isFunctionalTest()
      • hasComments

        public boolean hasComments​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull BambooIdProvider entity)
      • isShowAdminContactDetailsToAnonymousUsers

        public boolean isShowAdminContactDetailsToAnonymousUsers()
      • isBambooSpecsFailure

        public boolean isBambooSpecsFailure​(@Nullable
                                            @Nullable ImmutableResultsSummary buildResult)
      • isBambooSpecsSuccess

        public boolean isBambooSpecsSuccess​(@Nullable
                                            @Nullable ImmutableResultsSummary buildResult)
      • isBambooSpecsResult

        public boolean isBambooSpecsResult​(@Nullable
                                           @Nullable ImmutableResultsSummary buildResult)
      • isAwaitingSpecsExecution

        public boolean isAwaitingSpecsExecution​(@Nullable
                                                @Nullable ImmutablePlan plan)
      • getLiveNodeCount

        public int getLiveNodeCount()
      • getNodeId

        public @NotNull String getNodeId()