Interface ResultsSummary

    • Method Detail

      • setTriggerReason

        void setTriggerReason​(TriggerReason triggerReason)
      • setDeltaState

        void setDeltaState​(DeltaState deltaState)
        Sets the DeltaState for the summary. Provides a status relative to the previous summary.
        deltaState - - the relative status for this summary
      • setOnceOff

        void setOnceOff​(boolean onceOff)
      • setCustomBuild

        void setCustomBuild​(boolean customBuild)
      • setRebuild

        void setRebuild​(boolean rebuild)
      • setLogSize

        void setLogSize​(@Nullable
                        @Nullable Long logSize)
        Sets the size of the log file associated with this result, eg. size of the log produced by a Job or largest log produced by Chain's Jobs.
        logSize - size of the largest log associated with the result (use null if unknown)
      • setDuration

        void setDuration​(long duration)
        duration - duration of the build in milliseconds
      • setProcessingDuration

        void setProcessingDuration​(long processingDuration)
        processingDuration -
      • setBuildCompletedDate

        void setBuildCompletedDate​(@Nullable
                                   @Nullable Date completionDate)
      • setBuildCancelledDate

        void setBuildCancelledDate​(Date buildCancelledDate)
      • setTimeToFix

        void setTimeToFix​(Long timeToFix)
        A stored version of how long (milli seconds) it took for this build to fix a failure.
        timeToFix - how long (milli seconds) it took for this build to fix a failure.
      • resetTestClassResults

        void resetTestClassResults​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull List<TestClassResult> testClassResults)
        Overrides all current testClassResults with the new ones
        testClassResults - to set
      • setTestResultsSummary

        void setTestResultsSummary​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull TestResultsSummary testResultsSummary)
        Set the test summary information from this build
        testResultsSummary - the test summary information
      • setBuildDate

        void setBuildDate​(Date buildDate)
        buildDate -
      • setQueueTime

        void setQueueTime​(Date queueDate)
        queueDate -
      • updateLifeCycleState

        void updateLifeCycleState​(@NotNull
                                  @NotNull LifeCycleState lifeCycleState,
                                  @NotNull BuildState buildState)
        Update lifeCycleState and buildState in one go. Can throw IllegalArgumentException when values passed make no sense: - lifeCycleState == LifeCycleState.NOT_BUILT && buildState != BuildState.UNKNOWN
        lifeCycleState - lifeCycleState to be set
        buildState - buildState to be set
      • incrementRestartCount

        int incrementRestartCount()
        Increments number of build restarts and returns the new value
      • setRestartCount

        void setRestartCount​(int restartCount)
        Sets number of build restarts.
      • setBuildAgentId

        void setBuildAgentId​(long buildAgentId)
      • setBuildAgentType

        void setBuildAgentType​(@Nullable
                               @Nullable AgentType agentType)
        Sets the build agent type.
      • getVariableContextBaselineId

        @Nullable Long getVariableContextBaselineId()
      • getFormatVersion

        int getFormatVersion()
        build number of Bamboo version in which this result was created
      • updateFormatVersion

        void updateFormatVersion()
        Sets format version to current Bamboo build number.
      • addVariableContextItem

        void addVariableContextItem​(@NotNull
                                    @NotNull VariableContextSnapshot variableContext)