Class RetryingTaskExecutor<T>

  • public class RetryingTaskExecutor<T>
    extends Object
    Helper class that allows you to easily run a task that is likely to fail multiple times. It will attempt to rerun the task using a backing off algorithm or constant time. By default backing off is used with 1000ms initial delay and 10 max retries. Delays are capped at 60s per run. The last attempt will be at least 4 minutes after the first call.
    • Field Detail


        public static final Duration DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_DELAY

        public static final Duration DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_DELAY

        public static final int DEFAULT_BACK_OFF_MULTIPLIER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • objectToReturn

        protected volatile T objectToReturn
    • Constructor Detail

      • RetryingTaskExecutor

        public RetryingTaskExecutor​(Duration initialRetryDelay,
                                    Duration maxRetryDelay,
                                    int maxRetries,
                                    long backOffMultiplier,
                                    boolean useExponentialBackOff,
                                    boolean rethrowLastException)
      • RetryingTaskExecutor

        public RetryingTaskExecutor​(Duration initialRetryDelay,
                                    int maxRetries)
      • RetryingTaskExecutor

        public RetryingTaskExecutor​(int maxRetries,
                                    boolean rethrowLastException)
      • RetryingTaskExecutor

        public RetryingTaskExecutor​(Duration initialRetryDelay,
                                    int maxRetries,
                                    boolean useExponentialBackOff)
      • RetryingTaskExecutor

        public RetryingTaskExecutor()
    • Method Detail

      • runTask

        public void runTask​(@NotNull
                            @NotNull Callable<T> task)
      • runTask

        public void runTask​(String taskName,
                            @NotNull Callable<T> callable)
      • getObjectToReturn

        public T getObjectToReturn()
      • retry

        public static <T> T retry​(String message,
                                  int retries,
                                  Duration initialRetryDelay,
                                  Callable<T> call)
        Shortcut method that retries the callable up to a certain number of times. The retry will rethrow the last exception it catches.
        Type Parameters:
        T - what object to return
        message -
        retries -
        initialRetryDelay -
        call -
      • retry

        public static <T> T retry​(@NotNull
                                  @NotNull String message,
                                  int retries,
                                  Duration initialRetryDelay,
                                  @NotNull Callable<T> call,
                                  @NotNull Predicate<Exception> shouldRetry)
      • randomInitialDelay

        public static Duration randomInitialDelay()