Interface VcsChangeDetector

    • Method Detail

      • collectChangesForInitialBuild

        default BuildRepositoryChanges collectChangesForInitialBuild​(@NotNull
                                                                     @NotNull PlanKey planKey,
                                                                     @NotNull VcsRepositoryData repositoryData,
                                                                     @Nullable VcsBranch otherBranch,
                                                                     boolean otherBranchUnreliable)
                                                              throws RepositoryException
        This method is used to generate the list of commits for an initial build of a plan branch. In particular, this _can_ be the result of comparing current branch with another branch, but it's not a strict contract, i.e. depending on vcs type, there might exist better way to determine optimum commit list. Default implementations returns the last commit revision and empty commit list.
        otherBranch - branch that can be used as reference when generating the commit list. Guaranteed to be not null if the repository type supports branches.
        otherBranchUnreliable - indicates that 'otherBranch' is not a reliable reference point