Class AgentContext

    • Method Detail

      • createFingerprintUrl

        protected String createFingerprintUrl​(String hostName)
      • getServerFingerprint

        public String getServerFingerprint()
        A hash identifying Bamboo server. If it matches, agent can send messages to server.
      • getInstanceFingerprint

        public long getInstanceFingerprint()
        A has identifying last restart of Bamboo server. Used to determine if bamboo agent should restart itself.
      • getBaseUrl

        public URL getBaseUrl()
        base url for bootstrap
      • getAbsoluteURL

        public String getAbsoluteURL​(String relativeUrl)
        since 6.1, provided for compatibility with old code only
      • getAbsoluteUrl

        public String getAbsoluteUrl​(String relativeUrl)
      • getHttpClient

        public org.apache.http.client.HttpClient getHttpClient()
      • getAgentBootstrapType

        public AgentType getAgentBootstrapType()
        type of agent bootstrap
      • getAgentUuid

        public @NotNull UUID getAgentUuid()
        Unique ID for authenticating the agent.
        unique agent ID
      • systemExit

        public static void systemExit​(@Nullable
                                      @Nullable String reason,
                                      @Nullable Throwable throwable)

        Shutdown the AgentContext, as a unrecoverable error has occurred.

        reason - for systemExit
        throwable - The Throwable that caused the systemExit.
      • isUnhealthy

        public boolean isUnhealthy()
        Checks if this remote agent was "heart attack" state at any point in time. "Heart attack" state means that heartbeat timeout has been exceeded, but the agent is still running with limited functionality in order to give itself a chance of finishing current build/deployment and returning its result should the communication be re-established. Agent that went through "heart attack" state will attempt to restart itself at the nearest opportunity.
      • isHeartAttack

        public boolean isHeartAttack()
        Checks if this remote agent is in "heart attack" currently. "Heart attack" state means that heartbeat timeout has been exceeded, but the agent is still running with limited functionality in order to give itself a chance of finishing current build/deployment and returning its result should the communication be re-established.
      • heartAttack

        public void heartAttack()
        Set agent in "heart attack" state.
      • normalSinusRhythm

        public void normalSinusRhythm()
        Clear the 'heart attack' state. This does not mean agent is considered healthy, it just means it's not dying right now. If unhealthy, it will be restarted at the nearest opportunity.