Interface BuildAgent

    • Method Detail

      • isActive

        boolean isActive()
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
      • getAgentStatus

        @NotNull AgentStatus getAgentStatus()
      • isRequestedToBeStopped

        boolean isRequestedToBeStopped()
        Whether or not a call has been made to shutdown the agent after the current build has finished
      • setRequestedToBeStopped

        void setRequestedToBeStopped​(boolean requestedToBeStopped)
      • accept

        void accept​(BuildAgent.BuildAgentVisitor buildAgentVisitor)
        Runs the appropriate visitor method depending on which type of agent it is
        buildAgentVisitor -
      • isUnresponsive

        boolean isUnresponsive()
        Whether or not the agent has been deemed to be "unresponsive". Agents will be first marked as unresponsive before they are made offline.

        Used for remote agents.

      • setUnresponsive

        void setUnresponsive​(boolean unresponsive)
      • isBusy

        boolean isBusy()
        Returns true if an agent is building or is cancelling a build
      • isDedicated

        boolean isDedicated()
        without replacement; this is temporary solution