Class RepeatSpec

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RepeatSpec
    extends Object
    implements Repeat
    This class does not obey the contract for "equals" and "hashCode" defined by the Annotation interface, so instances of this class cannot currently be compared reliably or used as hash map keys.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RepeatSpec

        public RepeatSpec()
    • Method Detail

      • minExecutions

        public RepeatSpec minExecutions​(int minExecutions)
      • maxExecutions

        public RepeatSpec maxExecutions​(int maxExecutions)
      • passThreshold

        public RepeatSpec passThreshold​(double passThreshold)
      • profile

        public String profile()
      • minExecutions

        public int minExecutions()
      • maxExecutions

        public int maxExecutions()
      • passThreshold

        public double passThreshold()
      • reason

        public String reason()