Interface ProjectDao

    • Method Detail

      • findById

        @Nullable Project findById​(long id)
      • findAll

        @NotNull Collection<? extends Project> findAll​(int firstResult,
                                                       int maxResults)
      • findAllProjectsIds

        @NotNull List<Long> findAllProjectsIds()
        ids of all projects (not marked for deletion)
      • countNonDeleted

        Number countNonDeleted()
      • delete

        void delete​(@NotNull
                    @NotNull Project project)
        Description copied from interface: BambooObjectDao
        Removes the given entity from the database
        Specified by:
        delete in interface BambooObjectDao<Project>
        project - entity to be removed
      • isExistingProjectName

        boolean isExistingProjectName​(@NotNull
                                      @NotNull String projectName)
      • isExistingProjectKey

        boolean isExistingProjectKey​(@NotNull
                                     @NotNull String projectKey)
      • getProjectByKey

        Project getProjectByKey​(@NotNull
                                @NotNull String key)
      • getProjectByName

        Project getProjectByName​(@NotNull
                                 @NotNull String projectName)
      • getNonEmptyProjects

        @NotNull List<Project> getNonEmptyProjects()
        projects (not marked for deletion) with at least one top level plan (not marked for deletion)
      • getEmptyProjects

        @NotNull List<Project> getEmptyProjects()
        projects (not marked for deletion) without top level plans (not marked for deletion)
      • getAllProjectsMarkedForDeletion

        @NotNull List<Project> getAllProjectsMarkedForDeletion()
        all Projects that are marked for deletion..
      • getMaxProjectOid

        @Nullable BambooEntityOid getMaxProjectOid​(int serverKey)
        Returns the max BambooEntityOid that's currently in use of BambooEntityType.PROJECT type, with the given server key. Returns null if no OIDs are in use of this type with the given server key.