Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected DbmsBean |
AbstractBambooRawJdbcDao.dbmsBean |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ValidateOracleJDBCDriverVersion.setDbmsBean(DbmsBean dbmsBean) |
Constructor and Description |
BambooHealthCheckServiceImpl(com.atlassian.config.db.HibernateConfig hibernateConfig,
DbmsBean dbmsBean,
AgentManager agentManager,
org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T,E> List<T> |
JpaUtils.listCriteria(DbmsBean dbmsBean,
org.hibernate.Session session,
Class<T> targetClass,
Class<? extends T> persistentClass,
String propertyName,
Collection<E> values)
Runs queries with predicate where
Constructor and Description |
PartitionedCriteriaDelete(DbmsBean dbmsBean,
org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
Class<T> entity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
HibernateDaoUtils.addRestrictionIn(DbmsBean dbmsBean,
org.hibernate.Criteria criteria,
String propertyName,
List<?> values)
Adds a, Collection) to criteria. |
static int |
HibernateDaoUtils.getMaximumNumberOfValuesForIn(DbmsBean dbmsBean) |
static List |
HibernateDaoUtils.listCriteria(DbmsBean dbmsBean,
Supplier<org.hibernate.Criteria> criteriaFactory,
String propertyName,
List<?> values)
Sets the given query param and runs
Criteria.list() . |
static List |
HibernateDaoUtils.listQuery(DbmsBean dbmsBean,
org.hibernate.query.Query query,
String queryParam,
List<?> values)
Sets the given query param and runs
Query.list() . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Supplier<DbmsBean> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ForeignKeyConstraintUtils.dropForeignKeyConstraint(DbmsBean dbmsBean,
Connection c,
String tableName,
String constraint) |
static<String,String> |
ForeignKeyConstraintUtils.getAllForeignKeyConstraints(DbmsBean dbmsBean,
Connection c,
Collection<String> tables) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected DbmsBean |
EmbeddedCrowdUpgradeBootstrapValidation.dbmsBean |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AllMySqlTablesUseInnoDb.setDbmsBean(DbmsBean dbmsBean) |
void |
BranchKeyStartsWithMastersChainKey.setDbmsBean(DbmsBean dbmsBean) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractDbmsBean |
class |
H2DbmsBean |
class |
MsSqlDbmsBean |
class |
MySqlDbmsBean |
class |
OracleDbmsBean |
class |
PostgreSqlDbmsBean |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull DbmsBean |
DbmsBeanFactoryImpl.createDbmsBean() |
@NotNull DbmsBean |
DbmsBeanFactory.createDbmsBean() |
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