public interface TaskManager
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
calculateRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull Job job,
@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Attempts to add
Requirement s to the specified Buildable if the TaskConfigurator is an implementor of BuildTaskRequirementSupport
If requirements are already present for the specified TaskDefinition they will be removed and recalculated |
void |
calculateRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet,
@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition,
Supplier<Set<Requirement>> requirementSupplier)
void |
calculateRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet,
@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition,
Supplier<Set<Requirement>> requirementSupplier,
boolean dockerPipelinesEnabled)
Attempts to add
Requirement s to the specified RequirementSet . |
@NotNull List<TaskModuleDescriptor> |
getAvailableBuildTaskDescriptors() |
@NotNull List<TaskModuleDescriptor> |
getAvailableDeploymentTaskDescriptors() |
@NotNull List<TaskModuleDescriptor> |
getAvailableTaskDescriptors() |
Set<String> |
getCapabilitiesWithExecutables(@NotNull Set<String> executableType)
Returns a set of capabilities that have executable types defined for them in the system.
@NotNull Map<String,String> |
since 8.0 labels are not unique across different executable types. Use {
getExecutableLabelTypesMap() } instead. |
@NotNull com.google.common.collect.Multimap<String,String> |
Returns a map of currently available "configured" executables - identified by a label.
@Nullable TaskModuleDescriptor |
getTaskDescriptor(@Nullable String pluginKey)
Get the task type descriptor matching a particular plugin key.
@NotNull Collection<Requirement> |
getTasksRequirements(@NotNull Job job)
Requirement s for all tasks of Buildable if the TaskConfigurator is an implementor of BuildTaskRequirementSupport |
void |
recalculateRequirementsForJob(Job job,
boolean dockerPipelinesEnabled)
Recalculates requirements for job with given docker pipelines flag.
void |
removeRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull Buildable buildable,
@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Removes all the
Requirement s that belong to the TaskDefinition |
void |
removeRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet,
@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Removes all the
Requirement s that belong to the TaskDefinition |
boolean |
taskProducesTestResults(@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
Return true iff task defined in
TaskDefinition is configured to produce test results. |
void |
updateRepositoryIdsInTask(@NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition,
@NotNull Map<Long,Long> repositoryIdChanges)
Updates task configurations affected by repository edition.
void |
updateWorkingDirSelectors(@NotNull ImmutableBuildable job,
@NotNull BuildDefinition buildDefinition,
@NotNull Map<Long,Long> repositoryIdsChanges)
Calculates id of the repository that defines working directory after repository or task edition.
@NotNull @NotNull List<TaskModuleDescriptor> getAvailableTaskDescriptors()
@NotNull @NotNull List<TaskModuleDescriptor> getAvailableBuildTaskDescriptors()
@NotNull @NotNull List<TaskModuleDescriptor> getAvailableDeploymentTaskDescriptors()
@Nullable @Nullable TaskModuleDescriptor getTaskDescriptor(@Nullable @Nullable String pluginKey)
- - key to matchvoid calculateRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull @NotNull Job job, @NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
s to the specified Buildable
if the TaskConfigurator
is an implementor of BuildTaskRequirementSupport
If requirements are already present for the specified TaskDefinition
they will be removed and recalculatedjob
- taskDefinition
- @Deprecated void calculateRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet, @NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition, Supplier<Set<Requirement>> requirementSupplier)
calculateRequirementsForTaskDefinition(RequirementSet, TaskDefinition, Supplier, boolean)
s to the specified RequirementSet
. How to get the requirements from the task Definition is determined by the supplier.
If requirements are already present for the specified TaskDefinition
they will be removed and recalculatedrequirementSet
- to add requirements update requirements intaskDefinition
- to calculate requirements fromvoid calculateRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet, @NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition, Supplier<Set<Requirement>> requirementSupplier, boolean dockerPipelinesEnabled)
s to the specified RequirementSet
. How to get the requirements from the task Definition is determined by the supplier.
If requirements are already present for the specified TaskDefinition
they will be removed and recalculated.
If docker pipelines is enabled than requirements from requirementSupplier won't be added to RequirementSet
, instead of this docker requirement will be added.requirementSet
- to add requirements update requirements intaskDefinition
- to calculate requirements fromdockerPipelinesEnabled
- flag for docker pipelinesvoid removeRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull @NotNull Buildable buildable, @NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
s that belong to the TaskDefinition
- to remove requirements fromtaskDefinition
- that was removedvoid removeRequirementsForTaskDefinition(@NotNull @NotNull RequirementSet requirementSet, @NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
s that belong to the TaskDefinition
- to remove requirements fromtaskDefinition
- that was removed@NotNull @NotNull Collection<Requirement> getTasksRequirements(@NotNull @NotNull Job job)
s for all tasks of Buildable
if the TaskConfigurator
is an implementor of BuildTaskRequirementSupport
- IllegalStateExceptionboolean taskProducesTestResults(@NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition)
is configured to produce test results.taskDefinition
- @Deprecated @NotNull @NotNull Map<String,String> getExecutableLabelTypeMap()
} instead.Maps label -> taskExecutableType.getExecutableKey().
The executables are backed by available capabilities system wide, filtered by executables which are actually activated in the plugin system.
@NotNull @NotNull com.google.common.collect.Multimap<String,String> getExecutableLabelTypesMap()
Maps label -> collection of taskExecutableType.getExecutableKey().
The executables are backed by available capabilities system wide, filtered by executables which are actually activated in the plugin system.
void updateRepositoryIdsInTask(@NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition, @NotNull @NotNull Map<Long,Long> repositoryIdChanges)
- repositoryIdChanges
- mapping between old and new repositories idsvoid updateWorkingDirSelectors(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableBuildable job, @NotNull @NotNull BuildDefinition buildDefinition, @NotNull @NotNull Map<Long,Long> repositoryIdsChanges)
- affected jobbuildDefinition
- repositoryIdsChanges
- mapping between old and new repositories idsSet<String> getCapabilitiesWithExecutables(@NotNull @NotNull Set<String> executableType)
void recalculateRequirementsForJob(Job job, boolean dockerPipelinesEnabled)
- dockerPipelinesEnabled
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