public interface BitbucketApiService
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
deleteComment(String username,
String password,
String repositorySlug,
String commitId,
String commentId)
Delete commit comment.
@NotNull BitbucketPageEntity<BitbucketNodeEntity> |
findBranches(@NotNull String owner,
@NotNull String slug,
@NotNull String username,
@Nullable String password,
@Nullable String queryString,
int start,
int limit) |
@NotNull BitbucketPageEntity<BitbucketResourceEntity> |
findPublicRepositories(@NotNull String username,
@Nullable String queryString,
int start,
int limit)
Return a filtered list of public repositories that user has access to.
@NotNull BitbucketPageEntity<BitbucketResourceEntity> |
findRepositories(@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Nullable String queryString,
int start,
int limit)
Return a filtered list of accessible to Bitbucket user.
@NotNull BitbucketNodeEntity |
getBranch(@NotNull String owner,
@NotNull String slug,
@NotNull String branch,
@Nullable String username,
@Nullable String password)
Returns a branch of a repository if it exists, throws exception (404) if not.
@NotNull List<BitbucketNodeEntity> |
getBranches(@NotNull String owner,
@NotNull String slug,
@NotNull String username,
@Nullable String password)
Retrieve list of all branches for given repository
List<String> |
getCommentIds(String username,
String password,
String repositorySlug,
String commitId)
Fetch comment ids by commit id.
List<String> |
getCommits(String username,
String password,
String repositorySlug,
int limit)
Fetch repository commits.
@NotNull BitbucketNodeEntity |
getDefaultBranch(@NotNull String owner,
@NotNull String slug,
@Nullable String username,
@Nullable String password)
Fetch default branch of a repository.
@NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> |
getPublicRepositories(@NotNull String username)
Return a list of all public repositories that user has access to.
@NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> |
getPublicRepositories(@NotNull String username,
@Nullable String queryString)
Return a list of all public repositories that user has access to.
@NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> |
getRepositories(@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password)
Retrieve list of all repositories accessible to Bitbucket user
@NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> |
getRepositories(@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password,
@Nullable String queryString)
Retrieve list of all repositories accessible to Bitbucket user
@NotNull BitbucketResourceEntity |
getRepository(@NotNull String owner,
@NotNull String slug,
@Nullable String username,
@Nullable String password)
Retrieve data about single Bitbucket repository.
@Nullable String |
getUuidForWorkspaceOrUsername(@NotNull String identifier,
@NotNull String secret)
Fetch UUID for given identifier.
void |
updateBuildStatus(@NotNull String owner,
@NotNull String slug,
@NotNull String revision,
@NotNull RestBuildStatus buildStatus,
@NotNull String username,
@NotNull String password)
Send build status update to Bitbucket server
@NotNull @NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> getPublicRepositories(@NotNull @NotNull String username) throws BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> getPublicRepositories(@NotNull @NotNull String username, @Nullable @Nullable String queryString) throws BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull BitbucketPageEntity<BitbucketResourceEntity> findPublicRepositories(@NotNull @NotNull String username, @Nullable @Nullable String queryString, int start, int limit) throws BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> getRepositories(@NotNull @NotNull String username, @NotNull @NotNull String password) throws BitbucketApiException
- password
- BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull List<BitbucketResourceEntity> getRepositories(@NotNull @NotNull String username, @NotNull @NotNull String password, @Nullable @Nullable String queryString) throws BitbucketApiException
- password
- BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull BitbucketPageEntity<BitbucketResourceEntity> findRepositories(@NotNull @NotNull String username, @NotNull @NotNull String password, @Nullable @Nullable String queryString, int start, int limit) throws BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull List<BitbucketNodeEntity> getBranches(@NotNull @NotNull String owner, @NotNull @NotNull String slug, @NotNull @NotNull String username, @Nullable @Nullable String password) throws BitbucketApiException
- slug
- username
- password
- BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull BitbucketPageEntity<BitbucketNodeEntity> findBranches(@NotNull @NotNull String owner, @NotNull @NotNull String slug, @NotNull @NotNull String username, @Nullable @Nullable String password, @Nullable @Nullable String queryString, int start, int limit) throws BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull BitbucketResourceEntity getRepository(@NotNull @NotNull String owner, @NotNull @NotNull String slug, @Nullable @Nullable String username, @Nullable @Nullable String password) throws BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull BitbucketNodeEntity getDefaultBranch(@NotNull @NotNull String owner, @NotNull @NotNull String slug, @Nullable @Nullable String username, @Nullable @Nullable String password) throws BitbucketApiException
@NotNull @NotNull BitbucketNodeEntity getBranch(@NotNull @NotNull String owner, @NotNull @NotNull String slug, @NotNull @NotNull String branch, @Nullable @Nullable String username, @Nullable @Nullable String password) throws BitbucketApiException
@Nullable @Nullable String getUuidForWorkspaceOrUsername(@NotNull @NotNull String identifier, @NotNull @NotNull String secret)
- might be username, email, team name or workspace.secret
- the password of the uuid accountList<String> getCommits(String username, String password, String repositorySlug, int limit) throws BitbucketApiException, com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.json.JSONException
List<String> getCommentIds(String username, String password, String repositorySlug, String commitId) throws BitbucketApiException, com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.json.JSONException
void deleteComment(String username, String password, String repositorySlug, String commitId, String commentId)
void updateBuildStatus(@NotNull @NotNull String owner, @NotNull @NotNull String slug, @NotNull @NotNull String revision, @NotNull @NotNull RestBuildStatus buildStatus, @NotNull @NotNull String username, @NotNull @NotNull String password) throws BitbucketApiException
- repository ownerslug
- repository slugrevision
- changeset revisionbuildStatus
- payload to be sent to Bitbucketusername
- credentials used to authenticate against Bitbucketpassword
- credentials used to authenticate against BitbucketBitbucketApiException
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