Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PlanAwareBandanaContext |
PlanAwareBandanaContext.forPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable String |
TrackingConfigurationManager.getDefaultUser(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
@Nullable String |
TrackingConfigurationManagerImpl.getDefaultUser(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
TrackingConfigurationManager.isTrackingEnabled(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
TrackingConfigurationManagerImpl.isTrackingEnabled(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ResultsSummary |
ResponsibilitiesUpdatedNotificationListener.calculateAndUpdateResultSummary(UserResponsibilityEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
protected List<NotificationRecipient> |
ResponsibilitiesUpdatedNotificationListener.calculateRecipients(@NotNull UserResponsibilityEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable ResultsSummary resultsSummary) |
protected Iterable<NotificationRule> |
ResponsibilitiesUpdatedNotificationListener.getNotificationRules(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull UserResponsibilityEvent event) |
void |
ResponsibleRecipient.setPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
ViewResponsibilitiesForUser.getCurrentResponsiblePlans() |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Buildable |
interface |
Job |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DefaultJob |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull ImmutablePlan |
BuildStatusHelper.getBuild() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManagerImpl.getEffectiveChildPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManager.getEffectiveChildPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManagerImpl.getEffectiveParentPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManager.getEffectiveParentPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManagerImpl.getEffectiveChildPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManager.getEffectiveChildPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManagerImpl.getEffectiveParentPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
Set<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanDependencyManager.getEffectiveParentPlans(@NotNull ImmutablePlan chain) |
@NotNull BuildTriggerCondition.ExecutionPreference |
BuildTriggerCondition.getExecutionPreference(ImmutablePlan plan,
Map<String,String> configuration)
Use to indicate preference for whether this plugin things the plan should execute.
protected int |
ViewNextBuildResults.getNextBuildNumber(ImmutablePlan plan,
int currentBuildNumber)
Return the next build to the given currentBuildNumber.
Constructor and Description |
BuildStatusHelper(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
@NotNull ResultsSummary currentBuildResult,
@NotNull ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ArtifactHandlerForPlanConfigurator.isApplicableTo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ConcurrentBuildsPlanConfigurationPlugin.isApplicableTo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BuildContextBuilder |
BuildContextBuilderImpl.plan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan buildPlan) |
@NotNull BuildContextBuilder |
BuildContextBuilder.plan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan buildPlan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BuildTriggerConditionConfigHelper.performPostActionsOnConfig(@NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
WebRepositoryConfigHelper.performPostActionsOnConfig(@NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
PlanConfigHelper.performPostActionsOnConfig(@NotNull BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Performs any miscellaneous actions required before saving the plan.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected long |
BuildExpiryBeanImpl.expireBuildPlan(@NotNull BuildExpiryConfig config,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull ResultsSummary lastResultsSummary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BuildExpiryPerPlanPlugin.isApplicableTo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
HungBuildPlanConfigurationPlugin.isApplicableTo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Constructor and Description |
StatisticsCollectorImpl(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable List<? extends ResultsSummary> results)
Class which takes in a
Collection of ResultStatisticsProvider objects
and produces some statistics about it. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract void |
AbstractBuildStatusUpdater.send(@NotNull PlanResultEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull ImmutableResultsSummary resultsSummary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
TimeAgoBuildResultsFilter.getResultsForPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
Latest25FiveBuildResultsFilter.getResultsForPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
AllBuildResultsFilter.getResultsForPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsFilter.getResultsForPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan)
Obtain a collection of
ResultsSummary for the specified plan
The number returned will depend on the filter applied. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Iterable<AgentAssignmentService.AgentAssignmentExecutable> |
AgentAssignmentServiceHelper.asExecutables(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BuildTriggerCondition.ExecutionPreference |
PlansGreenCondition.getExecutionPreference(ImmutablePlan plan,
Map<String,String> configuration) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Mutable version of
ImmutableChain . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DefaultChain |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BranchStatusLinkInfo |
BranchStatusServiceImpl.getBranchStatusLinkInfo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable String navigationSource) |
@NotNull BranchStatusLinkInfo |
BranchStatusService.getBranchStatusLinkInfo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable String navigationSource)
Provides information about branch status link for the given plan - whether the link should or should not be
displayed and what is the direct URL for this plan's VCS branch.
boolean |
BranchStatusServiceImpl.shouldDisplayBranchStatusLink(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
BranchStatusService.shouldDisplayBranchStatusLink(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Whether a link to branch status page should be displayed for the given plan.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Predicate<ImmutablePlan> |
CloverPluginHelper.isCloverEnabledForPlan |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Collection<? extends ImmutableJob> |
ViewAgentPlanMatrix.getBuildablesForPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
ViewAgentPlanMatrixWizard.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PlanConfigExportServiceImpl.exportBuildConfiguration(ImmutablePlan immutablePlan,
Consumer<<? extends com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.api.model.plan.configuration.PluginConfigurationProperties>> pluginConfigurationConsumer,
Consumer<Map<String,Object>> customConfigurationConsumer,
List<com.atlassian.bamboo.configuration.external.ExportablePluginModule> exportableModules) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Map<String,Object> |
PermissionExporter.exportPermissions(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Exports plan permissions to a YAML-friendly format.
@NotNull Map<String,Object> |
PermissionExporterImpl.exportPermissions(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<> |
VariableExporter.toSpecsEntities(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull List<VariableDefinition> variables)
VariableDefinition to a property object that can be used for export. |
List<> |
VariableExporterImpl.toSpecsEntities(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull List<VariableDefinition> variables) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends ImmutablePlan> |
JobImportHelper.findPlanByKey(List<T> jobs,
com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.api.model.BambooKeyProperties jobReference) |
static <T extends ImmutablePlan> |
JobImportHelper.findPlanByOidOrKey(List<T> jobs,
com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.api.model.plan.AbstractPlanIdentifierProperties jobReference) |
static <T extends ImmutablePlan> |
JobImportHelper.findPlanByOidOrKey(Stream<T> jobs,
com.atlassian.bamboo.specs.api.model.plan.AbstractPlanIdentifierProperties jobReference) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PlanRepositoryValidator.canChangeDefaultRepository(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Check if default plan repository can be replaced by another repository.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DeletionServiceImpl.deletePlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
DeletionService.deletePlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
default void |
PlanDeletionInterceptorAction.intercept(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull Supplier<Plan> mutablePlan)
Runs before the
Plan and its ResultsSummary s have been deleted
Try relying on the ImmutablePlan argument. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImmutablePlan |
ExecuteManualDeployment.getLinkedPlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
ViewDeploymentProjects.getRelatedPlan() |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
ConfigureDeploymentProject.getRelatedPlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImmutablePlan |
CreateDeploymentVersion.getLinkedPlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Map<String,VariableDefinitionContext> |
DeploymentVersionService.getPossibleVersionVariables(@NotNull ImmutablePlan linkedPlan,
boolean includeUndeterminable)
Provides a map of variables which might show up on a version.
@NotNull Map<String,VariableDefinitionContext> |
DeploymentVersionServiceImpl.getPossibleVersionVariables(@NotNull ImmutablePlan linkedPlan,
boolean includeUndeterminable) |
@NotNull Map<String,VariableDefinitionContext> |
DeploymentVersionService.getPossibleVersionVariables(@NotNull ImmutablePlan linkedPlan,
@Nullable PlanResultKey planResultKey,
boolean includeUndeterminable)
Provides a map of variables which might show up on a version.
@NotNull Map<String,VariableDefinitionContext> |
DeploymentVersionServiceImpl.getPossibleVersionVariables(@NotNull ImmutablePlan linkedPlan,
@Nullable PlanResultKey planResultKey,
boolean includeUndeterminable) |
@NotNull MutableDeploymentVersion |
VersionNamingServiceImpl.nameAndCreateVersion(@NotNull InternalDeploymentProject deploymentProject,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan linkedPlan,
@NotNull MutableDeploymentVersion deploymentVersion,
@Nullable String versionName,
@Nullable String nextVersionName,
@NotNull Map<String,VariableDefinitionContext> variables) |
@NotNull MutableDeploymentVersion |
VersionNamingService.nameAndCreateVersion(@NotNull InternalDeploymentProject deploymentProject,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan linkedPlan,
@NotNull MutableDeploymentVersion version,
@Nullable String versionName,
@Nullable String nextVersionName,
@NotNull Map<String,VariableDefinitionContext> variables)
Takes a new deployment version, if new version name supplied, uses that, otherwise generates unique name based on version naming scheme.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImmutablePlan |
PlanSummaryObject.getPlan() |
Constructor and Description |
PlanSummaryObject(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Labelling |
LabelHibernateDao.findLabellingByBuild(Label label,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
@Nullable Labelling |
LabelDao.findLabellingByBuild(Label label,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
@Nullable Labelling |
LabelHibernateDao.findLabellingByBuild(String name,
String namespace,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
@Nullable Labelling |
LabelDao.findLabellingByBuild(String name,
String namespace,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<Labelling> |
LabelHibernateDao.findLabels(ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<Labelling> |
LabelDao.findLabels(ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<String> |
LabelManagerImpl.getFavouritesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<String> |
LabelManager.getFavouritesForPlan(ImmutablePlan plan)
Retrieves a list of usernames which have the given plan set as a favourite.
@NotNull Set<Label> |
LabelManagerImpl.getPlanLabels(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Set<Label> |
LabelManager.getPlanLabels(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get labels defined for a plan
boolean |
LabelManagerImpl.isFavourite(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user) |
boolean |
LabelManager.isFavourite(ImmutablePlan plan,
com.atlassian.user.User user)
Determines if the build is a user's favourite
Note that its more efficient to use
PlanManager.filterFavouritedPlans(java.util.Collection, com.atlassian.user.User)
if you are performing this operation over a collection of Plan s |
protected int |
LabelManagerImpl.removeLabel(@NotNull String labelName,
@NotNull String namespace,
@NotNull Project project,
@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable ResultsSummary resultsSummary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected @Nullable ImmutablePlan |
AbstractNotificationEventListener.getPlan(T event)
Try to retrieve plan using data in the event.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected String |
AbstractNotification.getCommitUrl(@NotNull RepositoryDataEntity repositoryDataEntity,
String revision,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull RepositoryDefinitionManager repositoryDefinitionManager,
@NotNull VcsRepositoryViewerManager vcsRepositoryViewerManager) |
@NotNull Set<NotificationRule> |
NotificationManagerImpl.getNotificationRules(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull Set<NotificationRule> |
NotificationManager.getNotificationRules(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan)
Extract notification rules for a plan.
protected Iterable<NotificationRule> |
AbstractNotificationEventListener.getNotificationRules(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
T event)
Return notification rules effective for a given plan and event.
abstract void |
AbstractNotificationEventListener.handleEvent(T event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Notification event listeners must implement this method to handle incoming events.
void |
NotificationRecipient.RequiresPlan.setPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CommentNotificationListener.handleEvent(@NotNull BuildCommentedEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ImmutablePlan |
AbstractCompletedNotification.plan |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BuildCompletedNotificationListener.handleEvent(@NotNull BuildStateResultEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BuildErrorNotificationListener.handleEvent(@NotNull BambooErrorEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BuildHungNotificationListener.handleEvent(@NotNull BuildHungEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BuildMissingCapableAgentNotificationListener.handleEvent(@NotNull BuildQueuedEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BuildQueueTimeoutNotificationListener.handleEvent(@NotNull BuildQueueTimeoutEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AfterXFailedNotificationListener.handleEvent(@NotNull ChainCompletedEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
ChainCompletedNotificationListener.handleEvent(ChainCompletedEvent event,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
AfterXFailedNotification.setPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WatcherRecipient.setPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
CommitterRecipient.setPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
Constructor and Description |
RssAffectedPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable Integer buildNumber) |
RssAffectedPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable Integer buildNumber,
boolean noChangesInProperties) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static org.hibernate.type.Type |
BambooHibernate.entity(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
long |
DefaultAuditLogService.countAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
long |
AuditLogService.countAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Count audit log messages for plan
long |
DefaultAuditLogService.countAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate) |
long |
AuditLogService.countAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate)
Count audit log messages for plan in a given time period
List<AuditLogEntry> |
DefaultAuditLogService.getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate,
int firstResult,
int maxResults) |
List<AuditLogEntry> |
AuditLogHibernateDao.getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate,
int firstResult,
int maxResults) |
List<AuditLogEntry> |
AuditLogDao.getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate,
int firstResult,
int maxResults) |
List<AuditLogEntry> |
AuditLogService.getAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate,
int firstResult,
int maxResults)
Provide a paginated list of all audit log messages written against a plan between input dates.
boolean |
DefaultAuditLogService.hasAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate) |
boolean |
AuditLogService.hasAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long startDate,
long endDate)
Determine whether any log messages have been recorded against the specified plan between the
startDate and endDate (inclusive).
void |
DefaultAuditLogService.removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
AuditLogService.removeAuditLogMessagesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Deletes all log messages for a given plan
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Mutable version of the plan.
interface |
Marker interface that specifies that the implementing
Plan is a 'top level' object |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractChain |
class |
This plan is only partially migrated to annotation-based Hibernate model, to allow creating queries using the new
query mechanism.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
FilteringPlanManager.getPlans(Class<T> planType)
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
FilteringPlanManager.getPlans(Class<T> planType,
@NotNull<? super T> filter)
since 5.11 this method warms the whole cache. Use it very carefully. Avoid it in core Bamboo.
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
FilteringPlanManager.getPlansByProject(Project project,
Class<T> planType)
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
FilteringPlanManager.getPlansByProject(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull Class<T> planType,
@NotNull<? super T> filter) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
FilteringPlanManager.getRunnablePlans(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull Class<T> planType)
static <T extends ImmutablePlan> |
PlanPredicates.isBranchOf(@NotNull PlanIdentifier master) |
static <T extends ImmutablePlan> |
PlanTestHelper.mockPlan(@NotNull CachedPlanManager cachedPlanManager,
@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
Class<T> planClass) |
static <T extends ImmutablePlan> |
PlanTestHelper.mockPlan(@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
Class<T> planClass) |
static <T extends ImmutablePlan> |
PlanTestHelper.mockPlan(@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
Long id,
Class<T> planClass) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static @NotNull ImmutablePlan |
PlanHelper.getMasterPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get master plan if plan has master or passed plan otherwise.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Class<? extends ImmutablePlan> |
PlanType.getImmutableClassType() |
static Predicate<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanPredicates.isFavourite(@NotNull LabelManager labelManager,
@NotNull com.atlassian.user.User user)
Get a predicate that returns true for Plans that are marked as favourite for a given user.
static Predicate<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanPredicates.isMyBranch(com.atlassian.user.User user)
Get a predicate that returns true for branches that "belong" to a user.
static<? super ImmutablePlan> |
since 6.3 use method reference to
PlanClassHelper.isTopLevelPlan(ImmutablePlan) |
static Predicate<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanPredicates.withEqualProjectKey(Project project) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
PlanHibernateDao.getBranchCount(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
int |
PlanDao.getBranchCount(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Returns the number of branches that exist for the given plan
static <T> T |
PlanHelper.getConfigObject(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String key,
@NotNull Class<T> clazz) |
static String |
PlanHelper.getCurrentStatus(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
static @Nullable PlanRepositoryDefinition |
PlanHelper.getDefaultPlanRepositoryDefinition(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
static @NotNull ImmutablePlan |
PlanHelper.getMasterPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get master plan if plan has master or passed plan otherwise.
static @NotNull PlanKey |
PlanHelper.getMasterPlanKey(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get planKey of master plan if plan has master or planKey of passed plan otherwise.
static long |
PlanHelper.getPermissionPlanId(ImmutablePlan plan) |
static PlanRepositoryDefinition |
PlanHelper.getPlanRepositoryDefinitionById(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long id) |
static @NotNull LinkedHashMap<Long,PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
PlanHelper.getPlanRepositoryDefinitionMap(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
static List<PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
PlanHelper.getPlanRepositoryDefinitions(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
static List<PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
PlanHelper.getPlanRepositoryDefinitionsByType(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String pluginKey) |
static boolean |
PlanClassHelper.isChain(ImmutablePlan plan) |
static boolean |
PlanClassHelper.isChainBranch(ImmutablePlan plan) |
static boolean |
PlanPredicates.isCloverEnabled(ImmutablePlan plan)
Check if plan is Clover enabled.
static boolean |
PlanHelper.isDivergentBranch(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
PlanFavouriteServiceImpl.isFavourite(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user) |
boolean |
PlanFavouriteService.isFavourite(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user)
Test if plan is set as favourite for a user.
static boolean |
PlanClassHelper.isJob(ImmutablePlan plan) |
static boolean |
PlanClassHelper.isTopLevelPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
static boolean |
PlanPredicates.planIsMaster(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Constructor and Description |
ResultsSummaryJsonDecorator(@NotNull com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider textProvider,
ResultsSummary resultsSummary,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ArtifactDefinition |
ArtifactDefinitionManagerImpl.findArtifactDefinition(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String label) |
@Nullable ArtifactDefinition |
ArtifactDefinitionManager.findArtifactDefinition(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String label)
Get artifact definition associated with a plan of a given label
@Nullable ArtifactDefinition |
ArtifactDefinitionManagerImpl.findArtifactDefinitionByChain(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String label) |
@Nullable ArtifactDefinition |
ArtifactDefinitionManager.findArtifactDefinitionByChain(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String label) |
@NotNull List<ArtifactDefinition> |
ArtifactDefinitionManagerImpl.findArtifactDefinitionsByPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<ArtifactDefinition> |
ArtifactDefinitionManager.findArtifactDefinitionsByPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get list of artifact definitions associated with a specific plan.
@Nullable ArtifactDefinition |
ArtifactDefinitionHibernateDao.findByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String name) |
@Nullable ArtifactDefinition |
ArtifactDefinitionDao.findByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String name)
Find artifact definition of a given name associated with a producer job.
@NotNull List<ArtifactDefinition> |
ArtifactDefinitionHibernateDao.findByProducer(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<ArtifactDefinition> |
ArtifactDefinitionDao.findByProducer(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get list of artifact definitions associated with a plan
@NotNull<ImmutableArtifactDefinition> |
ImmutableArtifactManagerImpl.findImmutableArtifactDefinitionsByProducer(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull<ImmutableArtifactDefinition> |
ImmutableArtifactManager.findImmutableArtifactDefinitionsByProducer(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Create list of
ImmutableArtifactDefinition s produced by plan |
@NotNull<ImmutableArtifactSubscription> |
ImmutableArtifactManagerImpl.findImmutableArtifactSubscriptionsByPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull<ImmutableArtifactSubscription> |
ImmutableArtifactManager.findImmutableArtifactSubscriptionsByPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Create list of
ImmutableArtifactSubscription s defined in plan |
void |
ArtifactDefinitionManagerImpl.removeArtifactDefinitionsByPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
ArtifactDefinitionManager.removeArtifactDefinitionsByPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Remove all artifact definitions associated with a plan.
void |
ArtifactSubscriptionManagerImpl.removeArtifactSubscriptionsOfPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
ArtifactSubscriptionManager.removeArtifactSubscriptionsOfPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Remove all artifact subscriptions for a plan
void |
ArtifactDefinitionHibernateDao.removeByProducer(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
ArtifactDefinitionDao.removeByProducer(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Remove all artifact definitions associated with a plan.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Represents a branch of a plan.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ChainBranchImpl |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
ChainBranchManagerImpl.getBranchCount(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
int |
ChainBranchManager.getBranchCount(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Returns the number of branches the given plan has
static @NotNull String |
ChainBranchUtils.getChainBranchName(@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
static @NotNull String |
ChainBranchUtils.getChainBranchNameWithoutContextChange(@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull PlanRepositoryDefinition |
BranchIntegrationServiceImpl.getIntegrationRepository(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull VcsRepositoryData |
BranchIntegrationService.getIntegrationRepository(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get repository configured as merge to / merge from in branch configuration.
@NotNull PlanRepositoryDefinition |
BranchIntegrationServiceImpl.getIntegrationRepository(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull BranchIntegrationPoint branchIntegrationPoint) |
@NotNull PlanRepositoryDefinition |
BranchIntegrationService.getIntegrationRepository(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull BranchIntegrationPoint branchIntegrationPoint)
Get repository configured as integration point for arbitrary defined integration point (vcs branch or plan)
long |
ChainBranchManagerImpl.getNextBranchKeyNumber(ImmutablePlan chain) |
long |
ChainBranchManager.getNextBranchKeyNumber(ImmutablePlan chain)
Retrieving suggested number for next branch key in given chain.
@NotNull Map<Long,PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
BranchIntegrationServiceImpl.getPlanRepositoryDefinitionMap(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull Map<Long,PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
BranchIntegrationService.getPlanRepositoryDefinitionMap(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get repository definition map for a given plan and if Branch Integration was configured merge it with
repository definition of branch selected in Integration Configuration
static @Nullable String |
ChainBranchUtils.getSubstitutedVcsBranchDisplayName(@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Returns substituted branch name of a plan's default repository or null if there is no branch (eg.
static @NotNull String |
ChainBranchUtils.getSubstitutedVcsBranchDisplayName(@NotNull com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver i18nResolver,
@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Returns substituted branch name of a plan's default repository or 'Default' if there is no branch (eg.
static String |
ChainBranchUtils.getSubstitutedVcsBranchDisplayNameWithoutContextChange(@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
static @Nullable String |
ChainBranchUtils.getSubstitutedVcsBranchName(@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
ChainBranchManagerImpl.updateNextBranchKeyNumber(ImmutablePlan chain,
long number) |
void |
ChainBranchManager.updateNextBranchKeyNumber(ImmutablePlan chain,
long number)
Set suggested number for next branch key in given chain
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ImmutableChainBranchImpl |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
ImmutableBuildable |
interface |
Represents a
Chain that is immutable. |
interface |
Interface of an immutable version of
ChainBranch |
interface |
Immutable, threadsafe cacheable version of
Job |
interface |
Represents a
TopLevelPlan that is immutable. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractImmutableChain |
class |
AbstractImmutablePlan |
class |
ImmutableChain implementation. |
class |
ImmutableJobImpl |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlanById(long id,
Class<T> planType) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManager.getPlanById(long id,
Class<T> planType)
Returns a
ImmutablePlan by its database id and Class |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlanByIdNotThrowing(long id,
Class<T> planType) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManager.getPlanByIdNotThrowing(long id,
Class<T> planType)
Returns a
ImmutablePlan by its database id and Class . |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlanByKey(@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
Class<T> planType) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManager.getPlanByKey(@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
Class<T> planType)
Returns a
ImmutablePlan by its planKey and Class |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlanByKeyIfOfType(@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
@NotNull Class<T> planType) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManager.getPlanByKeyIfOfType(@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
@NotNull Class<T> planType)
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlans(Class<T> planType) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlans(Class<T> planType,
@NotNull<? super T> filter) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
ImmutablePlanCacheServiceImpl.getPlans(Class<T> planType,<? super T> filter) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
ImmutablePlanCacheService.getPlans(Class<T> planType,
@NotNull<? super T> filter)
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlansByProject(Project project,
Class<T> planType) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlansByProject(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull Class<T> planType,
@NotNull<? super T> filter) |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getRunnablePlans(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull Class<T> planType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
Return the master plan if one exists.
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
CachedPlanManagerImpl.getPlanByKey(@NotNull PlanKey planKey) |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
CachedPlanManager.getPlanByKey(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
Returns a
ImmutablePlan by its planKey |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<ImmutablePlan> |
ImmutablePlanCacheServiceImpl.getPlans(Predicate<ImmutablePlan> predicate) |
Stream<ImmutablePlan> |
ImmutablePlanCacheService.getPlans(Predicate<ImmutablePlan> predicate)
Returns a stream of plans (chains+jobs) matching the supplied predicate.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
AbstractImmutablePlan.compareTo(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<ImmutablePlan> |
ImmutablePlanCacheServiceImpl.getPlans(Predicate<ImmutablePlan> predicate) |
Stream<ImmutablePlan> |
ImmutablePlanCacheService.getPlans(Predicate<ImmutablePlan> predicate)
Returns a stream of plans (chains+jobs) matching the supplied predicate.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractImmutablePlan(@Nullable Long databaseId,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
BuildLoggerManager buildLoggerManager,
@NotNull LabelManager labelManager,
VariableDefinitionManager variableDefinitionManager,
@NotNull BuildDefinition buildDefinition,
ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager) |
AbstractImmutablePlan(@Nullable Long databaseId,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull PlanKey planKey,
@NotNull String name,
BuildLoggerManager buildLoggerManager,
@NotNull LabelManager labelManager,
VariableDefinitionManager variableDefinitionManager,
@NotNull BuildDefinition buildDefinition,
ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PlanConfigurationUiPlugin.isApplicableTo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Checks if the plugin is applicable to a plan.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<VariableDefinition> |
EffectivePlanPropertiesHelper.createEffectiveVariableDefinitions(ImmutablePlan plan,
List<VariableDefinition> variableDefinitions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CustomBuildDefinitionGenerator.populateBuildDefinition(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull Map<String,Object> configObjects,
@NotNull BuildDefinition buildDefinition)
Implementors can add their custom objects to the configObjects map.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PlanConfigurationPluginUIHelperImpl.isPluginApplicableTo(BuildConfigurationAwarePlugin module,
ImmutablePlan immutablePlan) |
boolean |
PlanConfigurationUIPluginHelper.isPluginApplicableTo(@NotNull BuildConfigurationAwarePlugin module,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan immutablePlan)
Return true if a plugin module should be displayed on given plan''s "Other" page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
BitbucketBuildStatusUpdater.send(@NotNull PlanResultEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull ImmutableResultsSummary resultsSummary) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Function<ImmutablePlan,Iterable<GitRepository>> |
Retrieves git repositories of one plan
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static @Nullable AutomaticDependencyManagementConfig |
AutomaticDependencyManagementPlugin.getConfig(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
AutomaticDependencyManagementDeletionInterceptorAction.intercept(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull Supplier<Plan> mutablePlan) |
boolean |
AutomaticDependencyManagementPlugin.isApplicableTo(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
AutomaticDependencyManagementPlugin.populateBuildDefinition(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull Map<String,Object> configObjects,
@NotNull BuildDefinition buildDefinition)
For Jobs it adds AutomaticDependencyManagementConfig object from a parent of delivered plan
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Class<? extends ImmutablePlan> |
RestHelper.getPlanType( uriInfo) |
Constructor and Description |
RestPlan(ImmutablePlan plan,
Supplier<Boolean> favourite, uriInfo,
PlanRestService planRestService,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User currentRestUser) |
Constructor and Description |
RestPlanBranch(ImmutablePlan planBranch,
Supplier<Boolean> favourite, uriInfo,
@Nullable RestBranchLatestActive latestActive,
PlanRestService planRestService,
com.atlassian.user.User currentRestUser) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RestDedicatedAgentBuilder |
RestDedicatedAgentBuilder.withPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Constructor and Description |
AgentAssignmentSearchResult(AgentAssignment.ExecutorType executorType,
long executorId,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
AgentAssignmentSearchResult(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
BranchSearchResult(@NotNull com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver i18nResolver,
@NotNull CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
PlanSearchResult(com.atlassian.sal.api.message.I18nResolver i18nResolver,
CustomVariableContext customVariableContext,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Predicate<ImmutablePlan> |
SearchResource.filterPlans(String searchTerm,
boolean fuzzySearch,
boolean searchAtShortPlanNameOnly) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestService.getPlans(Class<T> planType,
@NotNull uriInfo,
@NotNull authenticationContext)
Get a list of plans.
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getPlans(Class<T> planType,
@NotNull uriInfo,
@NotNull authenticationContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestService.getBranchByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String branchName)
Get branch of a given plan by name.
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getBranchByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String branchName) |
@NotNull ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestService.getPlanByKey(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
Returns a
Plan if plan exists and is visible for calling user |
@NotNull ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getPlanByKey(@NotNull PlanKey planKey) |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestService.getPlanByKeyUnchecked(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
Returns a
Plan if plan exists. |
ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getPlanByKeyUnchecked(@NotNull PlanKey planKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestService.getPlans(@NotNull uriInfo,
@NotNull authenticationContext)
Get a list of plans.
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getPlans(@NotNull uriInfo,
@NotNull authenticationContext) |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestService.getPlansByProject(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull uriInfo)
Get a list of plans that belong to a project.
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getPlansByProject(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull uriInfo) |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestService.getPlansByProject(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull uriInfo,
@NotNull authenticationContext)
Get a list of plans that belong to a project.
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getPlansByProject(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull uriInfo,
@NotNull authenticationContext) |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestService.getRunnablePlans(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull uriInfo)
Get a list of plans that can be run currently logged in user.
List<ImmutablePlan> |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getRunnablePlans(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull uriInfo) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ResultServiceImpl.addBuildSearchCriteria(ImmutablePlan plan, uriInfo,
ResultsSummaryCriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) |
@Nullable RestBranchLatestActive |
PlanRestService.createLatestActiveBranchResult(ImmutablePlan branch) |
@Nullable RestBranchLatestActive |
PlanRestServiceImpl.createLatestActiveBranchResult(ImmutablePlan branch) |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestService.getBranchByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String branchName)
Get branch of a given plan by name.
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getBranchByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String branchName) |
List<ImmutableChainBranch> |
PlanRestService.getBranchesForChain(ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<ImmutableChainBranch> |
PlanRestServiceImpl.getBranchesForChain(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RestPlanBranchList |
PlanRestService.createPaginatedBranchResponse(List<? extends ImmutablePlan> branches,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, uriInfo,
boolean allBranches) |
RestPlanBranchList |
PlanRestServiceImpl.createPaginatedBranchResponse(List<? extends ImmutablePlan> branches,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, uriInfo,
boolean allBranches) |
RestPlans |
PlanRestService.createPaginatedPlanResponse(List<? extends ImmutablePlan> plans,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, uriInfo) |
RestPlans |
PlanRestServiceImpl.createPaginatedPlanResponse(List<? extends ImmutablePlan> plans,
@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user, uriInfo) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
BitbucketServerBuildStatusUpdater.send(@NotNull PlanResultEvent event,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull ImmutableResultsSummary resultsSummary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<ImmutablePlan> |
Collection of Plans that are currently configured to use this cache.
Collection<ImmutablePlan> |
CacheDescription.FileBased.getUsingPlans() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlanRepositoryLinkHibernateDao.detachAllRepositoriesFromPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
PlanRepositoryLinkDao.detachAllRepositoriesFromPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Remove all
PlanRepositoryLink defined for the . |
PlanRepositoryLink |
RepositoryDefinitionManagerImpl.getPlanRepositoryLink(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long repositoryId) |
@Nullable PlanRepositoryLink |
RepositoryDefinitionManager.getPlanRepositoryLink(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long repositoryId)
Get persistent representation of a relation between Plan and repository
PlanRepositoryLink |
RepositoryDefinitionManagerImpl.getPlanRepositoryLinkByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String repositoryName) |
@Nullable PlanRepositoryLink |
RepositoryDefinitionManager.getPlanRepositoryLinkByName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull String repositoryName)
Get persistent representation of a relation between Plan and repository
@NotNull List<PlanRepositoryLink> |
PlanRepositoryLinkHibernateDao.getPlanRepositoryLinks(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<PlanRepositoryLink> |
RepositoryDefinitionManagerImpl.getPlanRepositoryLinks(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<PlanRepositoryLink> |
RepositoryDefinitionManager.getPlanRepositoryLinks(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get persistent representation of relation between Plan and repositories
@NotNull List<PlanRepositoryLink> |
PlanRepositoryLinkDao.getPlanRepositoryLinks(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<RepositoryDefinition> |
RepositoryDefinitionManagerImpl.getRepositoryDefinitionsForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<RepositoryDefinition> |
RepositoryDefinitionManager.getRepositoryDefinitionsForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
since 5.14
Constructor and Description |
FileBased(File cacheDir,
String description,
Collection<ImmutablePlan> plans) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
ResultsSummaryDiscriminatorRegistry.getDiscriminatorsForPlanType(Class<T> planType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull ImmutablePlan |
AbstractResultsSummary.getImmutablePlan() |
@NotNull ImmutablePlan |
Gets the
ImmutablePlan that this result directly belongs to. |
@NotNull ImmutablePlan |
Gets the
ImmutablePlan that this result belongs directly belongs to. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ResultsSummary |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.findFirstFailedBuildResultBetween(@NotNull ImmutablePlan build,
int lowerBuildNumber,
int upperBuildNumber) |
@Nullable ResultsSummary |
ResultsSummaryManager.findFirstFailedBuildResultBetween(@NotNull ImmutablePlan build,
int lowerBuildNumber,
int upperBuildNumber)
Finds the first failed build between the upper and lower build numbers inclusively.
@Nullable ResultsSummary |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.findLastFailingBuildResultBefore(@NotNull ImmutablePlan build,
int buildNumber) |
@Nullable ResultsSummary |
ResultsSummaryManager.findLastFailingBuildResultBefore(@NotNull ImmutablePlan build,
int buildNumber)
Finds the last failing
ResultsSummary before buildNumber |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryHibernateDao.getAfterSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.getAfterSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryDao.getAfterSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount)
Returns build results strictly after given build number.
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
ResultsSummaryManager.getAfterSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount)
Returns all the
ResultsSummary objects that represent build results strictly after the given build number. |
long |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.getAveragePlanExecutionDuration(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int numberOfResults) |
long |
ResultsSummaryManager.getAveragePlanExecutionDuration(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int numberOfResults)
Get average duration from n last results summaries in finished state for a plan.
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryHibernateDao.getBeforeSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.getBeforeSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryDao.getBeforeSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount)
Returns build results strictly before given build number.
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
ResultsSummaryManager.getBeforeSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount)
Returns all the
ResultsSummary objects that represent build results strictly before the given build number. |
default @NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
ResultsSummaryManager.getLastNResultsSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int numberOfResults)
since 8.2.0. Use
ResultsSummaryManager.getLastNResultsSummaries(PlanIdentifier, int) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryHibernateDao.getNeighbouringSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.getNeighbouringSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount) |
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryDao.getNeighbouringSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount)
Returns build results "around" given build number.
@NotNull List<ResultsSummary> |
ResultsSummaryManager.getNeighbouringSummaries(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
int maxCount)
Returns all the
ResultsSummary objects that represent build results "around" the given build number. |
long |
BuildResultsSummaryHibernateDao.getNumberOfFinalizedResults(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
long |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.getNumberOfFinalizedResults(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
long |
BuildResultsSummaryDao.getNumberOfFinalizedResults(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get number of the
ResultsSummary s in a LifeCycleState.FINISHED or LifeCycleState.NOT_BUILT state for the given Plan |
long |
ResultsSummaryManager.getNumberOfFinalizedResults(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get number of the
ResultsSummary s in a LifeCycleState.FINISHED or LifeCycleState.NOT_BUILT state for the given Plan |
<T extends ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryHibernateDao.getResultSummariesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int firstResult,
int maxResults) |
<T extends ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.getResultSummariesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int firstResult,
int maxResults) |
<T extends ResultsSummary> |
BuildResultsSummaryDao.getResultSummariesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int firstResult,
int maxResults)
Get the
ResultsSummary s for the given Plan . |
<T extends ResultsSummary> |
ResultsSummaryManager.getResultSummariesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int firstResult,
int maxResults)
void |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.removeArtifacts(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber) |
void |
ResultsSummaryManager.removeArtifacts(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber)
Remove any artifacts stored for this plan result
void |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.removeBuildLogs(ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber) |
void |
ResultsSummaryManager.removeBuildLogs(ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber)
Remove any build logs stored for this plan result
void |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.removeBuildLogs(ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
long maxIgnoredSize) |
void |
ResultsSummaryManager.removeBuildLogs(ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber,
long maxIgnoredLogSize)
Remove build logs stored for this plan result that are greater than given size (in bytes).
void |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.removeResultSummary(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber) |
void |
ResultsSummaryManager.removeResultSummary(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
int buildNumber)
Remove plan result summary and all associated objects.
void |
BuildResultsSummaryManagerImpl.removeResultSummary(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull ResultsSummary resultsSummary) |
void |
ResultsSummaryManager.removeResultSummary(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull ResultsSummary resultsSummary)
since 6.9 plan argument is not used. Use
ResultsSummaryManager.removeResultSummary(ResultsSummary) instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull List<TestCase> |
TestsManagerImpl.getLongestRunningTestCases(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<TestCase> |
TestsManager.getLongestRunningTestCases(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Provide a list of the top ten longest running tests for a plan, based on the duration of the TestCase's
Finds top 10 results in order (longest first)
@NotNull List<TestCase> |
TestCaseHibernateDao.getLongestRunningTestCasesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<TestCase> |
TestCaseDao.getLongestRunningTestCasesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Provide a list of the top ten longest running tests for a plan, based on the duration of the TestCase's
Finds top 10 results in order (longest first)
@NotNull List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getLongestToFixTestCases(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
TestsManager.getLongestToFixTestCases(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Retrieve a list of the test cases that have taken the longest amount of time to fix.
@NotNull List<Pair<Long,Float>> |
TestCaseHibernateDao.getLongestToFixTestCasesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<Pair<Long,Float>> |
TestCaseDao.getLongestToFixTestCasesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Retrieve a list of the test cases that have taken the longest amount of time to fix.
@NotNull List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getMostFailingTestCases(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManager.getMostFailingTestCases(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Provide a list of the top 10 most failing test cases for a plan.
@NotNull List<Pair<Long,Long>> |
TestCaseHibernateDao.getMostFailingTestCasesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull List<Pair<Long,Long>> |
TestCaseDao.getMostFailingTestCasesForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Provide a list of the top 10 most failing test cases for a plan.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DefaultPlanScheduler.removeTasksScheduledForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
PlanScheduler.removeTasksScheduledForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Removes Scheduling Jobs for the given
Plan |
void |
DefaultPlanScheduler.removeTasksScheduledForPlanAndBranches(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
PlanScheduler.removeTasksScheduledForPlanAndBranches(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Removes Scheduling Jobs for the given
Plan and its Branches |
void |
DefaultPlanScheduler.scheduleTasksForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
PlanScheduler.scheduleTasksForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Creates Scheduling Jobs for the given
Plan |
void |
DefaultPlanScheduler.scheduleTasksForPlanAndBranches(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
PlanScheduler.scheduleTasksForPlanAndBranches(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Creates Scheduling Jobs for the given
Plan and its Branches |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BambooPermissionManagerImpl.hasPlanPermission(@NotNull org.acegisecurity.acls.Permission permission,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
BambooPermissionManager.hasPlanPermission(@NotNull org.acegisecurity.acls.Permission permission,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Verify plan access
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static @Nullable ImmutablePlan |
TaskContextHelper.getPlan(@NotNull Map<String,Object> context) |
static ImmutablePlan |
TaskContextHelper.getRelatedPlan(@NotNull Map<String,Object> context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
TaskContextHelper.setPlan(@NotNull Map<String,Object> context,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
static void |
TaskContextHelper.setRelatedPlan(@NotNull Map<String,Object> context,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
io.atlassian.fugue.Either<String,Collection<ChangeDetectionRequiredEvent>> |
RemoteTriggerService.getChangeDetectionRequests(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Stream<io.atlassian.fugue.Either<String,Collection<ChangeDetectionRequiredEvent>>> |
RemoteTriggerService.getChangeDetectionRequestsForBranches(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
DependencyTreeBuilderImpl.getDirectParents(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
DependencyTreeBuilder.getDirectParents(ImmutablePlan plan)
Visits all the parent
Plan for the give build and returns its direct linage in topological order |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
DependencyTreeBuilderImpl.getDirectParents(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<ImmutablePlan> |
DependencyTreeBuilder.getDirectParents(ImmutablePlan plan)
Visits all the parent
Plan for the give build and returns its direct linage in topological order |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull TriggerReason |
TriggerReason.getChildTriggerReason(BuildContext child,
ImmutablePlan plan)
If build A (triggered because of this TriggerReason) caused builds of plans X,Y,Z to trigger,
this method will be called to determine trigger reasons for plans X, Y, Z.
@NotNull TriggerReason |
AbstractTriggerReason.getChildTriggerReason(BuildContext child,
ImmutablePlan plan) |
static @NotNull DependencyBlockingStrategy |
DependencyBlockingStrategy.getStrategy(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Get strategy for build
Constructor and Description |
ChildDependencyBuildDetectionAction(ImmutablePlan plan,
PlanIdentifier child,
BuildNumberGeneratorService buildNumberGenerator,
TriggerManager triggerManager,
BuildChanges buildChanges,
ErrorUpdateHandler errorUpdateHandler,
ImmutablePlanCacheService immutablePlanCacheService,
BuildContextBuilderFactory buildContextBuilderFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
VariableContextBuilder |
VariableContextBuilderImpl.addParentPlanVariablesIfRequired(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
VariableContextBuilder |
VariableContextBuilder.addParentPlanVariablesIfRequired(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
VariableContextBuilder |
VariableContextBuilderImpl.addPlanAndProjectVariables(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
VariableContextBuilder |
VariableContextBuilder.addPlanAndProjectVariables(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
VariableContextBuilder |
VariableContextBuilderImpl.addPlanVariables(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
VariableContextBuilder |
VariableContextBuilder.addPlanVariables(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
CustomVariableContextForTests.setPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
CustomVariableContextImpl.setPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
CustomVariableContext.setPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
void |
VariableValidationServiceImpl.validateIdForPlanVariable(@NotNull com.atlassian.struts.ValidationAware validationAware,
long variableId,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan expectedPlan) |
void |
VariableValidationService.validateIdForPlanVariable(@NotNull com.atlassian.struts.ValidationAware validationAware,
long variableId,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan expectedPlan)
Validate if id identifies plan variable of a given plan
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull VariableSubstitutor |
VariableSubstitutorFactoryImpl.newSubstitutorForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@NotNull VariableSubstitutor |
VariableSubstitutorFactory.newSubstitutorForPlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Constructor and Description |
VariableSubstitutorImpl(@NotNull ImmutablePlan immutablePlan,
@NotNull BuildLoggerManager buildLoggerManager,
@Nullable CapabilityContext capabilityContext,
@NotNull AgentContext agentContext,
@NotNull BuildDirectoryManager buildDirectoryManager,
@NotNull BambooUrl bambooUrl,
@NotNull VariableDefinitionManager variableDefinitionManager,
@NotNull VcsRepositoryManager vcsRepositoryManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<ImmutableJob,List<TaskDefinition>> |
VcsRepositoryConfigurationServiceImpl.getRelevantJobsForRepositoryIdChange(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long repositoryId) |
Map<ImmutableJob,List<TaskDefinition>> |
VcsRepositoryConfigurationService.getRelevantJobsForRepositoryIdChange(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long repositoryId)
since 5.14
void |
VcsRepositoryConfigurationServiceImpl.setParentOfPlanRepository(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long repositoryId,
long parentRepositoryId) |
void |
VcsRepositoryConfigurationService.setParentOfPlanRepository(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long repositoryId,
long parentRepositoryId)
Creates or changes parent-child relationship for a plan repository.
boolean |
VcsRepositoryConfigurationServiceImpl.validateRepositoryName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan immutablePlan,
@NotNull String repositoryName,
@Nullable BambooIdProvider repositoryDefinition) |
boolean |
VcsRepositoryConfigurationService.validateRepositoryName(@NotNull ImmutablePlan immutablePlan,
@NotNull String repositoryName,
@Nullable BambooIdProvider repositoryDefinition)
Checks if provided name for repository is unique in the Plan
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<ImmutablePlan> |
VcsRepositoryContextImpl.getOwnerPlan() |
Optional<ImmutablePlan> |
VcsRepositoryContext.getOwnerPlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
VcsRepositoryContextImpl.Builder |
VcsRepositoryContextImpl.Builder.withOwnerPlan(ImmutablePlan ownerPlan) |
Constructor and Description |
VcsRepositoryContextImpl(ImmutablePlan ownerPlan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable String |
FreemarkerContext.getRssLink(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
@Nullable String |
FreemarkerContext.getRssRepositoryId(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
FreemarkerContext.isAwaitingSpecsExecution(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
FreemarkerContext.isFavourite(ImmutablePlan plan,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) |
boolean |
FreemarkerContext.isRssManagedPlan(@Nullable ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
PlanActionSupport.getImmutablePlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlanActionSupport.setPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ImportMavenPlanAction.setPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<? extends ImmutablePlan> |
BulkPlanAction.getSortedPlans(Project project) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BulkActionScope.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan)
Returns whether or not a plan is applicable for a certain bulk action, eg.
boolean |
EnablePlanBulkAction.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
DisablePlanBulkAction.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
AbstractNotificationBulkAction.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
ManualBuildBulkAction.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
EnablePlanBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
DisablePlanBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
BulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Provides possibility to populate action parameters before executing bulk action.
void |
AbstractNotificationBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
ManualBuildBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
RepositoryAwareBulkAction.getRepositoryDefinitions(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
SvnBulkAction.getRepositoryDefinitions(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<PlanRepositoryDefinition> |
UpdateWebUrlBulkAction.getRepositoryDefinitions(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
AbstractRepositoryBulkAction.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
UpdateWebUrlBulkAction.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
AbstractRepositoryBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
AbstractRepositoryBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull PlanRepositoryDefinition repositoryDefinition) |
void |
RepositoryAwareBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull PlanRepositoryDefinition repositoryDefinition) |
void |
UpdateSvnCredentialsBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
@NotNull PlanRepositoryDefinition repositoryDefinition) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ReplaceTriggersBulkAction.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
void |
ReplaceTriggersBulkAction.populateActionParameters(@NotNull ActionParametersMap actionParameters,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ViewChainBranches.isFavourite(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImmutablePlan |
ChainJsonProviderAction.getImmutablePlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ChainJsonProviderAction.setPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Constructor and Description |
CurrentlyBuildingJsonDecorator(@NotNull com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider textProvider,
@NotNull CurrentlyBuilding currentlyBuilding,
@NotNull AgentManager agentManager,
@NotNull BambooPermissionManager bambooPermissionManager,
@NotNull TriggerManager triggerManager,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DeleteBuilds.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
BulkEditBuildPermissions.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
boolean |
MoveBuilds.isApplicable(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TaskOwner |
TaskOwnerFactory.createPlanTaskOwner(ImmutablePlan immutablePlan) |
protected @Nullable TaskDefinition |
ConfigureBuildTasks.getTaskById(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan,
long id) |
Constructor and Description |
PlanTaskOwner(ImmutablePlan immutablePlan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImmutablePlan |
CreateChain.getImmutablePlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CreateChain.setPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImmutablePlan |
PlanAware.getImmutablePlan() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlanAware.setPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable DecoratedPlan |
DecoratedNavObjectFactory.decoratePlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan plan)
Decorate plan
@Nullable DecoratedPlan |
DecoratedNavObjectFactoryImpl.decoratePlan(@NotNull ImmutablePlan possiblyMutablePlan) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ImmutablePlan |
PlanInterceptorUtils.findPlan(@NotNull AbstractBambooInterceptor interceptor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
ChainBranchRedirectHelper.getRedirectUrlIfNeeded(@NotNull String servletPath,
@NotNull ImmutablePlan immutablePlan) |
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