Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
DeploymentTimingPoint |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DeploymentTimingPoints |
static class |
Deployment was picked up from the queue by agent
static class |
Deployment execution was cancelled on agent
static class |
Deployment execution was finished on agent
static class |
Deployment execution was started on agent
static class |
Deployment was put to the queue
static class |
OutOfBandDeploymentTimingPoints.AgentAssigned |
static class |
OutOfBandDeploymentTimingPoints.ExecutionFinished |
static class |
OutOfBandDeploymentTimingPoints.ExecutionStarted |
static class |
OutOfBandDeploymentTimingPoints.Queued |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Class<? extends OutOfBandTimingPoint> |
OutOfBandDeploymentTimingPoints.getOobClassForTimingPoint(TimingPoint timingPoint) |
Constructor and Description |
TimingPointMessage(TimingPoint timingPoint,
boolean isOutOfBand) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RemoteTimingPointServiceImpl.publish(TimingPoint timingPoint) |
void |
RemoteTimingPointServiceImpl.publish(TimingPoint timingPoint,
boolean isOutOfBand) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
BuildContextTimingPoint |
interface |
BuildTimingPoint |
interface |
OutOfBandTimingPoint |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractBuildContextTimingPoint |
class |
AbstractBuildTimingPoint |
class |
BuildTimingPoints |
static class |
Not using @AsynchronousPreferred on this type to avoid async execution
static class |
Not using @AsynchronousPreferred on this type to avoid async execution
static class |
Not using @AsynchronousPreferred on this type to avoid async execution
static class |
Not using @AsynchronousPreferred on this type to avoid async execution
static class |
Not using @AsynchronousPreferred on this type to avoid async execution
static class |
Not using @AsynchronousPreferred on this type to avoid async execution
static class |
OutOfBandBuildTimingPoints.ExecutionFinished |
static class |
OutOfBandBuildTimingPoints.ExecutionStarted |
static class |
OutOfBandBuildTimingPoints.OutOfBandAgentAssigned |
static class |
OutOfBandBuildTimingPoints.VcsSyncStarted |
class |
Asynchronous event broadcast upon receiving a
TimingPoint |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TimingPoint |
OutOfBandTimingPointWrapper.getTimingPoint() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Class<? extends OutOfBandTimingPoint> |
OutOfBandTimingPoints.getOobClassForTimingPoint(Class<?> outOfBandBuildTimingPointsClass,
TimingPoint timingPoint)
since 6.9 without replacement
static Class<? extends OutOfBandTimingPoint> |
OutOfBandBuildTimingPoints.getOobClassForTimingPoint(TimingPoint timingPoint) |
static OutOfBandTimingPoint |
OutOfBandTimingPoints.oobTimingPointFor(org.apache.log4j.Logger log,
Class<? extends OutOfBandTimingPoint> oobTimingPoint,
TimingPoint timingPoint) |
void |
TimingPointServiceImpl.publish(TimingPoint timingPoint) |
void |
TimingPointService.publish(TimingPoint timingPoint)
This method will publish two timing points: the in-band and the out-of-band version
void |
TimingPointServiceImpl.publish(TimingPoint timingPoint,
boolean isOutOfBand) |
void |
TimingPointService.publish(TimingPoint timingPoint,
boolean isOutOfBand) |
Constructor and Description |
OutOfBandTimingPointWrapper(TimingPoint delegate) |
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