public interface BambooUserManager
extends bucket.user.UserAccessor, org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetailsService
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
static String |
since 5.13 without replacement
static String |
static String |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
addMembershipWithConfirmation(com.atlassian.user.Group group,
com.atlassian.user.User user) |
BambooUser |
addUser(String username,
String password,
boolean enabled,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
List<String> selectedGroups,
List<Long> authors) |
BambooUser |
addUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
List<String> groupNames)
Method that extends the standard addUser methods to also add Bamboo specific params
BambooUser |
addUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
List<String> selectedGroups,
ExtendedAuthor author)
Method that extends the standard addUser methods to also add Bamboo specific params
BambooUser |
addUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
List<String> selectedGroups,
List<Long> authors) |
boolean |
Whether creation of new groups is allowed.
boolean |
Whether creation of new users is allowed.
void |
cleanupRemovedGroupReferences(String groupName)
Cleanup all Bamboo-stored data related to a group that is being deleted or has been deleted.
void |
cleanupRemovedUserReferences(String userName)
Cleanup all Bamboo-stored data related to a user that is being deleted or has been deleted.
PasswordResetToken |
createPasswordResetToken(String username)
Request new one-time token for a user.
void |
deletePasswordResetToken(String username)
Deletes existing user token.
BambooUser |
findUserWithJabberAddress(String jabberAddress)
Searches for user using specified jabberAddress.
BambooUser |
getBambooUser(String username)
Returns a
BambooUser of the given username |
BambooUser |
getBambooUser(com.atlassian.user.User user)
Returns a
BambooUser given a User |
List<String> |
getGroupNamesAsList(com.atlassian.user.User user)
Returns groups for the
User |
String |
getJiraIssueDefaults(com.atlassian.user.User user) |
List<String> |
getMemberNamesAsList(com.atlassian.user.Group group) |
PasswordResetToken |
getPasswordResetToken(String username)
Retrieves existing user token.
BambooUser |
injectUser(BambooUser user)
A variation of addUser which inserts the encryptedPassword instead - used for importing
boolean |
isDeletable(com.atlassian.user.Group group)
Returns true if the given group can be deleted.
boolean |
isDeletable(com.atlassian.user.User user)
Is this user deletable? A user may not be deletable because:
1) They are read-only (i.e.
boolean |
isReadOnly(com.atlassian.user.Group group)
Is this group read only?
boolean |
isReadOnly(com.atlassian.user.User user)
Is this user read only?
boolean |
Determines whether or not we are allowed to do autocompletion for users.
BambooUser |
loadUserByUsername(String username)
Currently should NOT be called during setup/upgrade.
void |
onExternalUserRename(String oldUserName,
String newUserName) |
void |
renameUser(String oldUserName,
String newUserName) |
void |
saveJiraIssueDefaults(com.atlassian.user.User user,
String jiraIssueDefaultsJson)
Saves default data use in JIRA issue creation dialog
void |
saveNotificationPreferences(String username,
String notificationPreference,
String notificationTransportPref)
Save just the notification preferences for the given user
void |
saveUser(String username,
String password,
boolean active,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
String notificationPreference,
String notificationTransportPreference,
List<String> selectedGroups,
List<Long> authors) |
void |
saveUser(String username,
String password,
boolean active,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
String notificationPreference,
String notificationTransportPreference,
List<String> selectedGroups,
List<Long> authors,
String idePort)
void |
saveUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
List<String> selectedGroups)
Saves the properties for the given user
void |
saveUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
List<String> selectedGroups,
ExtendedAuthor author)
Saves the properties for the given user
void |
saveUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
List<String> selectedGroups,
ExtendedAuthor author,
String idePort)
since 5.13, use
#saveUser(String, String, String, String, String, List |
void |
saveUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
String notificationPreference,
String notificationTransportPreference,
List<String> selectedGroups,
ExtendedAuthor author,
String idePort)
void |
saveUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName,
String jabberAddress,
String notificationPreference,
String notificationTransportPreference,
List<String> selectedGroups,
List<Long> authors,
String idePort)
void |
setMembership(com.atlassian.user.Group group,
List<String> members)
Sets a group's members as the passed list
void |
setupInitialAdminUser(String username,
String password,
String email,
String fullName)
Setup the initial admin user for the Bamboo instance.
addGroup, addMembership, addMembership, addUser, addUser, alterPassword, authenticate, createGroup, createUser, deactivateUser, findUsers, getDefaultGroup, getDelegatingRepositories, getExternallMembers, getGroup, getGroupCreateIfNecessary, getGroups, getGroups, getLocalMembers, getMemberNames, getPropertySet, getRepository, getUser, getUserNames, getUsers, getUsersByEmail, getUsersWithConfluenceAccess, hasMembership, hasMembership, isDeactivated, isDeactivated, isLicensedToAddMoreUsers, isUserRemovable, reactivateUser, removeGroup, removeMembership, removeMembership, removeUser, saveUser, setAtlassianUserConfiguration
static final String JABBER_ADDRESS_KEY
@Deprecated static final String USER_IDE_PORT
@Nullable BambooUser getBambooUser(String username)
of the given usernameusername
- @Nullable BambooUser getBambooUser(@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user)
given a User
- BambooUser addUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, List<String> groupNames)
- password
- email
- fullName
- jabberAddress
- groupNames
- - List
of Strings as the group names. May be null.BambooUser
object with the created propertiesBambooUser addUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, List<String> selectedGroups, ExtendedAuthor author)
- password
- email
- fullName
- jabberAddress
- groupNames
- - List
of Strings as the group names. May be
- BambooUser
object with the created propertiesBambooUser addUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, List<String> selectedGroups, @NotNull List<Long> authors)
BambooUser addUser(String username, String password, boolean enabled, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, List<String> selectedGroups, @NotNull List<Long> authors)
void onExternalUserRename(@NotNull String oldUserName, @NotNull String newUserName)
void saveUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, List<String> selectedGroups) throws IllegalArgumentException
- password
- email
- fullName
- jabberAddress
- groupNames
- - List
of Strings as the group names. May be null.IllegalArgumentException
- if username
does not match a user, or if the password cannot be
altered by the local user management facility.void saveUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, List<String> selectedGroups, ExtendedAuthor author) throws IllegalArgumentException
- password
- email
- fullName
- jabberAddress
- groupNames
- - List
of Strings as the group names. May be
- IllegalArgumentException
- if username
does not match a user, or if the password cannot be
altered by the local user management facility.@Deprecated void saveUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, List<String> selectedGroups, ExtendedAuthor author, String idePort)
#saveUser(String, String, String, String, String, List, ExtendedAuthor)
- if username
does not match a user, or if the password cannot be
altered by the local user management facility.@Deprecated void saveUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, String notificationPreference, String notificationTransportPreference, List<String> selectedGroups, ExtendedAuthor author, String idePort) throws IllegalArgumentException
saveUser(String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, List, List)
- if username
does not match a user, or if the password cannot be
altered by the local user management facility.@Deprecated void saveUser(String username, @Nullable String password, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, String notificationPreference, String notificationTransportPreference, List<String> selectedGroups, @NotNull List<Long> authors, String idePort) throws IllegalArgumentException
saveUser(String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, List, List)
@Deprecated void saveUser(String username, @Nullable String password, boolean active, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, String notificationPreference, String notificationTransportPreference, List<String> selectedGroups, @NotNull List<Long> authors, String idePort) throws IllegalArgumentException
saveUser(String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, List, List)
void saveUser(String username, @Nullable String password, boolean active, String email, String fullName, String jabberAddress, String notificationPreference, String notificationTransportPreference, List<String> selectedGroups, @NotNull List<Long> authors) throws IllegalArgumentException
void cleanupRemovedUserReferences(@NotNull String userName)
void cleanupRemovedGroupReferences(@NotNull String groupName)
List<String> getGroupNamesAsList(com.atlassian.user.User user)
- - Must not be nullList
of String
representing group names. Collections.emptyList()
if none existsvoid setMembership(com.atlassian.user.Group group, List<String> members)
boolean addMembershipWithConfirmation(com.atlassian.user.Group group, com.atlassian.user.User user)
BambooUser injectUser(@NotNull BambooUser user)
- user dataBambooUser
object with the created propertiesboolean isDeletable(com.atlassian.user.User user)
- boolean
whether user deletableboolean isDeletable(com.atlassian.user.Group group)
boolean isReadOnly(com.atlassian.user.User user)
- boolean isReadOnly(com.atlassian.user.Group group)
- boolean canCreateUsers()
boolean canCreateGroups()
void saveNotificationPreferences(String username, String notificationPreference, String notificationTransportPref)
- notificationPreference
- void setupInitialAdminUser(String username, String password, String email, String fullName)
- password
- email
- fullName
- @NotNull PasswordResetToken createPasswordResetToken(String username)
- user login name@Nullable PasswordResetToken getPasswordResetToken(String username)
- user login namevoid deletePasswordResetToken(String username)
- user login name@Nullable BambooUser findUserWithJabberAddress(@NotNull String jabberAddress)
- address to be matchedBambooUser
or null if none found@Nullable String getJiraIssueDefaults(@NotNull com.atlassian.user.User user)
void saveJiraIssueDefaults(@NotNull com.atlassian.user.User user, @NotNull String jiraIssueDefaultsJson)
- userjiraIssueDefaultsJson
- default data formatted as JSON stringboolean isUserAutocompleteAllowed()
BambooUser loadUserByUsername(String username) throws org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UsernameNotFoundException, org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException
in interface org.acegisecurity.userdetails.UserDetailsService
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