Package | Description |
---|---| | |
com.atlassian.bamboo.charts | |
com.atlassian.bamboo.resultsummary.tests | |
com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.actions.chains |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TestCase |
ViewTestCaseAction.getTestCase() |
TestCase |
FailingTestCaseForDisplay.getTestCase() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<TestCase> |
ViewTestsSummaryForPlan.getLongestRunningTests() |
List<TestCase> |
ViewTestsSummary.getLongestRunningTests() |
List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
ViewTestsSummaryForPlan.getLongestTimeToFixTests() |
List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
ViewTestsSummary.getLongestTimeToFixTests() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
ViewTestsSummaryForPlan.getRecentFailures(TestCase testCase,
int number) |
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
ViewTestsSummary.getRecentFailures(TestCase testCase,
int number) |
Constructor and Description |
FailingTestCaseForDisplay(TestCase testCase,
Long failuresCount,
ImmutableJob job) |
Constructor and Description |
TestCaseBuildTimesChart(int height,
int width,
String chartTitle,
String xAxisLabel,
String yAxisLabel,
TestCase testCase,
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> results) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
TestCaseImpl |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static javax.persistence.metamodel.ListAttribute<TestClassImpl,TestCase> |
TestClassImpl_.testCases |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TestCase |
TestCaseImpl.copyTestCase() |
TestCase |
Creates a copy of the
TestCase . |
TestCase |
TestCaseHibernateDao.findById(long testCaseId) |
TestCase |
TestCaseDao.findById(long testCaseId)
Find a specific testCase by id
TestCase |
TestCaseResultImpl.getTestCase() |
TestCase |
TestCaseResult.getTestCase() |
TestCase |
TestsManagerImpl.getTestCaseById(long testCaseId) |
TestCase |
TestsManager.getTestCaseById(long testCaseId)
Find a specific testCase by id
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<TestCase> |
TestCaseHibernateDao.getAllTestCasesWithExpiredQuarantine() |
List<TestCase> |
Returns a list of all
test cases that are marked as quarantined, but their quarantine has
expired. |
List<TestCase> |
TestQuarantineManagerImpl.getCurrentlyQuarantinedTests(ImmutableChain chain) |
List<TestCase> |
TestQuarantineManager.getCurrentlyQuarantinedTests(ImmutableChain chain)
Get a list of
TestCase of all the tests currently quarantined for a given plan |
List<TestCase> |
TestQuarantineManagerImpl.getCurrentlyQuarantinedTests(ImmutableJob job) |
List<TestCase> |
TestQuarantineManager.getCurrentlyQuarantinedTests(ImmutableJob job)
Get a list of TestClass and TestCase names of all the tests currently quarantined for a given job
In string form for use in the BuildContext custom config
List<TestCase> |
TestsManagerImpl.getLongestRunningTestCases(ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<TestCase> |
TestsManager.getLongestRunningTestCases(ImmutablePlan plan)
Provide a list of the top ten longest running tests for a plan, based on the duration of the TestCase's
Finds top 10 results in order (longest first)
List<TestCase> |
TestCaseHibernateDao.getLongestRunningTestCasesForPlan(ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<TestCase> |
TestCaseDao.getLongestRunningTestCasesForPlan(ImmutablePlan plan)
Provide a list of the top ten longest running tests for a plan, based on the duration of the TestCase's
Finds top 10 results in order (longest first)
List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getLongestToFixTestCases(ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
TestsManager.getLongestToFixTestCases(ImmutablePlan plan)
Retrieve a list of the test cases that have taken the longest amount of time to fix.
List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getLongestToFixTestCases(List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults) |
List<Pair<TestCase,Float>> |
TestsManager.getLongestToFixTestCases(List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults)
Retrieve a list of the test cases that have taken the longest amount of time to fix.
List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getMostFailingTestCases(ImmutablePlan plan) |
List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManager.getMostFailingTestCases(ImmutablePlan plan)
Provide a list of the top 10 most failing test cases for a plan.
List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getMostFailingTestCases(List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults) |
List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManager.getMostFailingTestCases(List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults)
Provide a list of the top 10 most failing test cases for a plan.
List<TestCase> |
TestCaseHibernateDao.getQuarantinedTestCasesForChain(ImmutableChain chain) |
List<TestCase> |
TestCaseDao.getQuarantinedTestCasesForChain(ImmutableChain chain)
Provide a list of the quarantined tests for a job
List<TestCase> |
TestCaseHibernateDao.getQuarantinedTestCasesForJob(ImmutableJob job) |
List<TestCase> |
TestCaseDao.getQuarantinedTestCasesForJob(ImmutableJob job)
Provide a list of the quarantined tests for a job
List<TestCase> |
TestClassImpl.getTestCases() |
List<TestCase> |
Retrieve the TestCases that are part of this class.
|<TestClass,TestCase> |
TestsHibernateDao.getTestClassesMapForPlan(Plan plan,
long masterJobId,
int cutoffBuildNumber) |<TestClass,TestCase> |
TestsDao.getTestClassesMapForPlan(Plan plan,
long masterJobId,
int cutoffBuildNumber)
Retrieve all test classes attached to a specific plan in a build later or equal to cutoffBuildNumber.
List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getTopBrokenTests(PlanKey planKey,
BuildResultsFilter filter) |
List<Pair<TestCase,Long>> |
TestsManager.getTopBrokenTests(PlanKey planKey,
BuildResultsFilter filter)
Returns a pai of the top 10 tests that's broken + the count for a given filter period
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TestClassImpl.addTest(TestCase testCase) |
void |
TestClass.addTest(TestCase testCase)
Add a testCase to this group
void |
TestCaseMapper.afterImportListItem( inputCursor,
List<TestCase> list,
TestCase object,
long objectIndex,
org.hibernate.Session session) |
int |
TestCaseImpl.compareTo(TestCase testCase) |
static boolean |
TestQuarantineHelper.contains(Set<String> quarantinedTests,
TestCase testCase) |
protected void |
TestCaseMapper.exportProperties(org.codehaus.staxmate.out.SMOutputElement outputElement,
TestCase testCase,
org.hibernate.Session session,
ExportDetailsBean exportDetailsBean) |
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getLastNFailingResults(TestCase testCase,
int number) |
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestsManager.getLastNFailingResults(TestCase testCase,
int number)
Retrieve the last n failing testResults for this given test case, latest first.
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestsManagerImpl.getLastNFailingResults(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults,
int number) |
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestsManager.getLastNFailingResults(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults,
int number)
Retrieve the last n failing testResults for this given test case, but only those that occurred within the provided
build results.
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getLastNFailingResultsForTestCase(TestCase testCase,
int number) |
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestCaseResultDao.getLastNFailingResultsForTestCase(TestCase testCase,
int number)
Retrieve the last n failing testResults for this given test case, latest first.
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getLastNFailingResultsForTestCaseAndBuildResults(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults,
int number) |
List<Pair<TestCaseResult,Integer>> |
TestCaseResultDao.getLastNFailingResultsForTestCaseAndBuildResults(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults,
int number)
Retrieve the last n failing testResults for this given test case, but only those that occurred within the provided
build results.
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestsManagerImpl.getResultStatistics(TestCase testCase) |
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestsManager.getResultStatistics(TestCase testCase)
Returns a list of wrapped TestCaseResult and BuildResultSummary for a particular test case, for use by e.g.
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestsManagerImpl.getResultStatistics(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults) |
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestsManager.getResultStatistics(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults)
Returns a list of wrapped TestCaseResult and BuildResultSummary for a particular test case and contained within a specific
span of build result summaries.
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getResultStatisticsForTestCase(TestCase testCase) |
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestCaseResultDao.getResultStatisticsForTestCase(TestCase testCase)
Returns a list of wrapped TestCaseResult and BuildResultSummary for a particular test case, for use by e.g.
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getResultStatisticsForTestCaseAndBuilds(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults) |
List<TestCaseResultStatisticsProvider> |
TestCaseResultDao.getResultStatisticsForTestCaseAndBuilds(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults)
Returns a list of wrapped TestCaseResult and BuildResultSummary for a particular test case and contained within a specific
span of build result summaries.
BuildResultsSummary |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getSucceedingSinceBuildResultSummary(TestCase testCase) |
BuildResultsSummary |
TestsManagerImpl.getSucceedingSinceBuildResultSummary(TestCase testCase) |
BuildResultsSummary |
TestCaseResultDao.getSucceedingSinceBuildResultSummary(TestCase testCase)
Find the build in which the given test has been successful since.
BuildResultsSummary |
TestsManager.getSucceedingSinceBuildResultSummary(TestCase testCase)
Find the build in which the given test has been successful since.
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getTestCaseResults(TestCase testCase,
long buildNumber) |
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestsManagerImpl.getTestCaseResults(TestCase testCase,
long buildNumber) |
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestCaseResultDao.getTestCaseResults(TestCase testCase,
long buildNumber)
Find a specific run of a testCase
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestsManager.getTestCaseResults(TestCase testCase,
long buildNumber)
Find a specific run of a testCase
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getTestCaseResultsForTestCase(TestCase testCase) |
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestCaseResultDao.getTestCaseResultsForTestCase(TestCase testCase)
Return a list of TestCaseResults for a given TestCase
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestCaseResultHibernateDao.getTestCaseResultsForTestCaseAndBuilds(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults) |
List<TestCaseResult> |
TestCaseResultDao.getTestCaseResultsForTestCaseAndBuilds(TestCase testCase,
List<BuildResultsSummary> buildResults)
Return a list of TestCaseResults for a given TestCase constrained to a specific set of Build Result Summaries
protected void |
TestCaseMapper.importProperties(TestCase object, inputCursor,
org.hibernate.Session session) |
void |
TestsManagerImpl.saveTestCase(TestCase testCase) |
void |
TestsManager.saveTestCase(TestCase testCase)
Save an individual TestCase to the database
void |
TestCaseResultImpl.setTestCase(TestCase testCase) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TestCaseMapper.afterImportListItem( inputCursor,
List<TestCase> list,
TestCase object,
long objectIndex,
org.hibernate.Session session) |
static void |
TestQuarantineHelper.put(<String,String> customBuildDataBuilder,
List<TestCase> quarantinedTests) |
long |
TestCaseHibernateDao.scrollTestCasesForExport(Consumer<TestCase> consumer) |
long |
TestCaseDao.scrollTestCasesForExport(Consumer<TestCase> consumer)
Scroll through and execute function for each of TestCase records
Objects passed to function are not fully initialized.
Constructor and Description |
TestCaseIdentifier(TestCase testCase) |
TestCaseResultImpl(TestCase testCase,
long duration,
TestState state) |
TestCaseResultImpl(TestCase testCase,
long duration,
TestState state,
List<TestCaseResultError> testCaseResultErrors) |
TestCaseResultImpl(TestCase testCase,
long duration,
TestState state,
List<TestCaseResultError> testCaseResultErrors,
List<String> quarantinedTests)
since 5.7
TestCaseResultImpl(TestCase testCase,
long duration,
TestState state,
List<TestCaseResultError> testCaseResultErrors,
Set<String> quarantinedTests) |
TestCaseSummaryImpl(TestCase testCase,
PlanKey planKey,
List<BuildResultsSummary> filteredBuildResults,
TestsManager testsManager,
ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<TestCase> |
ViewQuarantinedTests.getQuarantinedTestCases() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.user.User |
ViewQuarantinedTests.getQuarantiningUser(TestCase testCase) |
List<TestCaseResult> |
ViewQuarantinedTests.getTestCaseHistory(TestCase testCase) |
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