public interface ImmutablePlanCacheService
. This Service does not
check for permissions currently. Only works for Chain
Cache is disabled by default and should be explicitly enabled by application (preferably by calling initialiseCache()
instead.Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
static interface |
ImmutablePlanCacheService.CacheInvalidator |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
cascadeInvalidate(PlanKey planKey)
Removes the cached reference for the passed plan and its children.
void |
Disable cache.
void |
Enable cache.
void |
Marks the current thread as being able to see deleted plans.
<T extends ImmutableChainStage> |
filterOutDeletedIfNeeded(List<T> stages)
Returns a list with deleted stages removed.
<T extends PlanIdentifier> |
filterOutDeletedIfNeeded(Set<T> jobs)
Returns a set with deleted jobs removed.
Optional<ImmutableChain> |
getAnyPlan(Predicate<? super ImmutableChain> predicate)
Returns a plan matching the supplied predicate
Range<Integer> |
getBuildNumbersRange(PlanKey planKey)
since 5.10
BambooCacheStats |
Retrieve cache statistics
void |
getChainsToInvalidateAndReindex(ImmutablePlanCacheService.CacheInvalidator invalidator,
Set<PlanKey> chainsToInvalidate,
Set<PlanKey> chainsToReindex)
ImmutableChain |
getImmutableChainByKeyIfInCache(PlanKey planKey) |
ImmutableChain |
getImmutablePlanByKey(PlanKey planKey)
Returns a plan if one exists with the key.
PlanCacheIndices |
Returns the indices created for plan cache content.
<T extends ImmutablePlan> |
getPlans(Class<T> planType,
com.google.common.base.Predicate<? super T> filter)
Stream<ImmutablePlan> |
getPlans(Predicate<ImmutablePlan> predicate)
Returns a stream of plans (chains+jobs) matching the supplied predicate.
void |
hideDeletedPlan(PlanKey planKey)
Hides the plan.
void |
hideDeletedStage(Long stageId)
Hides the stage.
void |
indexPlan(ImmutableChain plan)
Updates plan indexes in cache
void |
Clear the cache and attempt to read all Chains from DB in order to cache them.
void |
invalidate(PlanKey planKey)
Removes the cached Plan.
void |
Invalidates all latest result summaries currently cached.
void |
invalidateBuildNumbersRange(PlanKey planKey,
int buildNumber,
boolean trueForSaveFalseForDelete)
since 5.10
void |
invalidateLatestResultSummary(PlanResultKey key)
Resets the latest build summary of a plan.
boolean |
isPlanBeingDeleted(PlanKey planKey) |
void |
Marks the current thread as no longer being able to see deleted plans.
void |
onStageDeleted(long stageId) |
void |
remove(PlanKey planKey)
Removes the cached Plan and its metadata.
<V> V |
withHiddenPlans(Collection<PlanKey> planKeys,
Supplier<V> supplier)
Invokes supplier while marking the specified plan keys as unavailable.
@Nullable ImmutableChain getImmutablePlanByKey(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
withHiddenPlans(Collection, Supplier)
@NotNull <T extends ImmutablePlan> Stream<T> getPlans(Class<T> planType, @NotNull com.google.common.base.Predicate<? super T> filter)
- - the type of the plan to retrieveDescriptionProvider.getName()
<V> V withHiddenPlans(Collection<PlanKey> planKeys, Supplier<V> supplier)
@Nullable ImmutableChain getImmutableChainByKeyIfInCache(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
void invalidate(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
- key of the Plan to be removed from cachevoid cascadeInvalidate(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
- key of the Plan to be removed from cachevoid remove(@NotNull PlanKey planKey)
- key of the Plan to be removed from cachevoid initialiseCache()
void disableCache()
void enableCache()
instead if you expect plans to be loaded.BambooCacheStats getCacheStats()
@Internal void getChainsToInvalidateAndReindex(ImmutablePlanCacheService.CacheInvalidator invalidator, Set<PlanKey> chainsToInvalidate, Set<PlanKey> chainsToReindex)
@NotNull PlanCacheIndices getIndices()
@Deprecated @Internal @NotNull Range<Integer> getBuildNumbersRange(PlanKey planKey)
@Deprecated @Internal void invalidateBuildNumbersRange(PlanKey planKey, int buildNumber, boolean trueForSaveFalseForDelete)
Stream<ImmutablePlan> getPlans(Predicate<ImmutablePlan> predicate)
Optional<ImmutableChain> getAnyPlan(Predicate<? super ImmutableChain> predicate)
- void invalidateLatestResultSummary(PlanResultKey key)
void invalidateAllLatestResultSummaries()
@Internal void indexPlan(@NotNull ImmutableChain plan)
void hideDeletedPlan(PlanKey planKey)
void hideDeletedStage(Long stageId)
boolean isPlanBeingDeleted(PlanKey planKey)
void enterDeletionCodeSection()
void leaveDeletionCodeSection()
@NotNull <T extends PlanIdentifier> Set<T> filterOutDeletedIfNeeded(@NotNull Set<T> jobs)
@NotNull <T extends ImmutableChainStage> List<T> filterOutDeletedIfNeeded(@NotNull List<T> stages)
void onStageDeleted(long stageId)
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