Class | Description |
CodeCommit | |
CommitComponent |
A part of
ResultSummaryCommitsPage , representing a single commit section. |
JobResultViewLogs | |
PlanResultLogActivityPage | |
PlanResultTestsPage | |
QuarantineConfirmationDialog |
Confirmation dialog which is displayed before quarantining a test case.
ResultComment | |
ResultJobArtifactsPage | |
ResultJobArtifactsPage.Artifact | |
ResultSummaryCommitsPage |
A page containing all commits for a single build result.
ResultSummaryMetadataPage |
A page containing all metadata for a single build result.
TestCaseActionsComponent |
A pop-up list of actions which can be performed for a test case.
TestTableElement |
Represents test table as it appears on Build/Job result page on tab Tests
TestTableRowElement |
Represents row of test table
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