Interface | Description |
ExecutableAgentsHelper |
Utility class to determine which agents can build a Plan
ExecutionRequestResult |
Result for
PlanExecutionManager requests |
ExecutionStatus | |
ExecutionStatusProvider |
Provider of
ExecutionStatus s
Not to be used directly. |
FilteringPlanManager |
All methods in this class apply permission checks based on Acegi.
MovePlanService |
Service for moving plans between projects
NonBlockingPlanExecutionService |
An alternative to
PlanExecutionManager that will run the change detection in the background. |
Plan |
Mutable version of the plan.
PlanAwareContext |
A context that allows you to access a plan key if it's available
PlanDao |
DAO Manager for
Plan |
PlanExecutionConfig |
Used to control plan execution taking care of manual stages and plan restart
PlanExecutionLockService |
Locking manager for
PlanExecutionManager |
PlanExecutionManager |
Generic Execution Manager for
Plan 's |
PlanExecutionPermitter |
Service to check against the chain's
ConcurrentBuildConfig |
PlanFavouriteService |
Service for managing the plan 'favourite' flag.
PlanIdentifier |
Represents the minimal information about a Plan
PlanKeyProvider | |
PlanManager |
Manager for all Plan types within Bamboo
PlanParticle |
Description of Plan's product or dependency.
PlanParticleManager | |
PlanResultKeyProvider | |
PlanService |
Service for performing chain related config operations
PlanStatePersister |
Transactional service converting runtime representation of build or chain result into persistent
ResultsSummary object.
PlanStatePersisterService |
A wrapper to PlanStatePersister providing plan-level locking for operations affecting ResultSummaries.
StageIdentifier |
Used as a values holder for
ChainStage data for Plan execution
modification related to manual stages |
TopLevelPlan |
Marker interface that specifies that the implementing
Plan is a 'top level' object |
VcsLocationBambooSpecsState |
Enum | Description |
PlanExecutionConfig.PlanExecutionType |
Type of repeated plan execution
PlanType |
Plan Type descriptions to be used in the UI.
Exception | Description |
IncorrectPlanTypeException | |
MovePlansException |
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