Class AgentAvailabilityHintHelper

  extended by com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.actions.plans.AgentAvailabilityHintHelper

public class AgentAvailabilityHintHelper
extends java.lang.Object

Method Summary
static java.lang.String getAgentUnavailabilityHint(PlanExecutableAgentsHelper planExecutableAgentsHelper, ElasticFunctionalityFacade elasticFunctionalityFacade, AdministrationConfigurationManager administrationConfigurationManager, com.atlassian.core.i18n.I18nTextProvider textProvider, Job job, boolean assumeInstanceForEveryImage)
          Returns a string describing the reason for which a job can't (won't) be built.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static java.lang.String getAgentUnavailabilityHint(@NotNull
                                                                   PlanExecutableAgentsHelper planExecutableAgentsHelper,
                                                                   ElasticFunctionalityFacade elasticFunctionalityFacade,
                                                                   AdministrationConfigurationManager administrationConfigurationManager,
                                                                   com.atlassian.core.i18n.I18nTextProvider textProvider,
                                                                   Job job,
                                                                   boolean assumeInstanceForEveryImage)
Returns a string describing the reason for which a job can't (won't) be built.

planExecutableAgentsHelper - the planExecutableAgentsHelper bean
elasticFunctionalityFacade - the elasticFunctionalityFacade bean
administrationConfigurationManager - the administrationConfigurationManager bean
textProvider - the textProvider bean
job - the job for which agent availability will be checked
assumeInstanceForEveryImage - if set to true, having an available EC2 image is treated as having an available EC2 agent
null if agent is (can be made) available, a String describing the unavailability reason

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