Uses of Class

Packages that use SystemProperty

Uses of SystemProperty in com.atlassian.bamboo.utils

Fields in com.atlassian.bamboo.utils declared as SystemProperty
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_DB
          Whether the user can select an unsupported database or not.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ANT_HOME
          Location of ANT
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ARTIFACT_HANDLER_DARK_FEATURE
          Turns on the artifact handler UI.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ARTIFACT_SIZE_LIMIT_PER_BUILD
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ATLASSIAN_DEV_MODE
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BAMBOO_DELETION_ENABLED
          If this is set to 'false' then the background deletion service will not delete objects within Bamboo that are ImmutableDeletable.isMarkedForDeletion() This is only useful for support purposes
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BAMBOO_FREEMARKER_DEBUG
          Unlocks different aspects of Freemarker debug output: - output template names as html comments (BAM-8006)
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BAMBOO_HOME_FROM_ENV
          Location of Bamboo Home
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BAMBOO_HOSTED_MODE
          Executes Bamboo in hosted mode
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BAMBOO_HOSTED_TEST_MODE
          Executes Bamboo in hosted mode for functional tests
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BAMBOO_MAX_AGENTS_LOADING
          Specifies the maximum amount of remote agents able to load at one time
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BAMBOO_RELOAD_AGENT_CLASSPATH
          When set causes the of the Jar Remote class loader to be reset for each agent startup
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BUILD_FAILED_MARKER
          Text the builders will look for when checking for build failure, currently only used by ant builder
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BUILD_PARENT_JAVA_IO_TMPDIR
          Parent directory for temporary directories created for builds.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BUILD_RESULTS_CACHE_SIZE
          Make the buildresults cache configurable
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BUILD_SUCCESSFUL_MARKER
          Text the builders will look for when checking for build success.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.BUILDING_DISABLED
          Disable building plans globally in Bamboo
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.CVS_CHECKOUT_FORMAT
          CVS checkout format, the default behavior is to checkout in BINARY format, although this can be overidden with either TEXT or NONE
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.CVS_FORCE_CHECKOUT_TO_LATEST
          A flag that forces Bamboo's CVS repository to checkout to the latest of that particular branch / HEAD, rather than using the -d flag, which seems to have compatibility issues in some cases.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.CVS_TIME_DIFF
          The CVS Server's time offset in minutes if different to Bamboo Server
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.DEFAULT_CVS_ROOT
          Default CVS Root (CVS server!)
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.DEFAULT_P4_EXE
          Default Perforce p4 executable
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.DEFAULT_PERFORCE_CLIENT
          Default Perforce Client
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.DEFAULT_PERFORCE_PORT
          Default Perforce Port (Perforce server!)
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.DEFAULT_PERFORCE_USER
          Default Perforce User
          Prevents agents from automatically overriding remote agent capabilities on new startup
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.DISABLE_BRANCH_DETECTION
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.DISABLE_CLOSED_BRANCH_DETECTION
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.EC2_IGNORE_CERT_CHECK
          Allow EC2 agents to ignore invalid certificates, if not using the tunnel
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.EC2_TUNNEL_ENABLED
          Whether to enable Tunnel for http traffic two and from the agents.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ELASTIC_AGENT_LOG_AWS_ID
          If it is set to a valid AWS id, it will be used to authenticate to S3 and copy logs there upon shutdown

Default : empty Usage: env : bamboo.ec2.agentLogAwsId=XXXXXXX java: -Dbamboo.ec2.agentLogAwsId=XXXXXXX

static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ELASTIC_AGENT_LOG_AWS_SECRET
          If it is set to a valid AWS id, it will be used to authenticate to S3 and copy logs there upon shutdown

Default : empty Usage: env : bamboo.ec2.agentLogSecret=XXXXXXX java: -Dbamboo.ec2.agentLogSecret=XXXXXXX

static SystemProperty SystemProperty.ELASTIC_IMAGE_AMI_ID
          Lets you over ride the default elastic images used
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.EVENT_MANAGER_CORE_POOL_SIZE
          Optional property for tuning core pool size in Bamboo Event Manager
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.EVENT_MANAGER_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE
          Optional property for tuning maximum pool size in Bamboo Event Manager
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.FILTER_MAVEN_LOG_FOR_DOWNLOAD_STATUS
          Filter out Maven artifact download progress status message in build log.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.FIND_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_IN_LAST
          Number of lines for builders to look back to guarantee build successful.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.FIRE_INITAL_BUILD_FOR_MANUAL_STRATEGY
          Fire initial build automatically for manual build strategy on build creation
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.HG_CHANGE_SET_LIMIT
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.HG_COMMAND_FORCE_DEBUG
          Whether mercurial plans output more verbose logs from hg commands.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.LOG_LINES_FOR_NOTIFICATIONS
          Lets you control how much information is showed in notifications
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.MAVEN_HOME
          Location of MAVEN 1
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.MAVEN2_HOME
          Location of MAVEN 2
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.MAX_VCS_OPERATION_RETRIES
          Overrides the maximum number of retries for operations that fail.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.PATH
          The system PATH variable.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.PLAN_EXECUTION_DETECTION_THREADS
          Allows for the pool size for change detection to be modified.
          A workaround for BAM-4069, allows us to search for build successful/failed messages.
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.SVN_CACHE_CREDENTIALS
          SVN authentication caching
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.SVN_SPOOL_TO_FILE
          SVN client to use temporary file for spooling repository files
static SystemProperty SystemProperty.SVN_WC_FORMAT
          Default format of SVN workspaces

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.utils that return types with arguments of type SystemProperty
static<SystemProperty> BambooPredicates.systemPropertyHasValue()

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.utils with parameters of type SystemProperty
protected  void BambooMockitoTestCase._preserveSystemProperties(SystemProperty... properties)

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