Class MovePlanServiceImpl

  extended by com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.MovePlanServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MovePlanServiceImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements MovePlanService

Constructor Summary
MovePlanServiceImpl(PlanManager planManager, ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager, BambooPermissionManager bambooPermissionManager, BuildResultsIndexer buildResultsIndexer, ChainBranchManager chainBranchManager, com.opensymphony.xwork.TextProvider textProvider, PlanValidationService planValidationService, AuditLogService auditLogService, ScopedExclusionServiceImpl exclusionService, PlanExecutionLockService planExecutionLockService, ChainExecutionManager chainExecutionManager, ImmutablePlanCacheService immutablePlanCacheService)
Method Summary
 java.util.Map<PlanKey,PlanKey> movePlansToProject(java.util.Collection<TopLevelPlan> plans, Project project, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planKeyMappings, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planNameMappings)
          Moves a list of plans to a new project.
 java.util.Map<PlanKey,PlanKey> updatePlanDetails(Chain chain, Project project, java.lang.String newPlanKey, java.lang.String newBuildName)
 void validatePlanKeysAndNamesForProject(com.opensymphony.xwork.ValidationAware validationAware, Project project, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planKeyMappings, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planNameMappings)
          Validates a list of plan names and keys against a single project.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MovePlanServiceImpl(PlanManager planManager,
                           ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager,
                           BambooPermissionManager bambooPermissionManager,
                           BuildResultsIndexer buildResultsIndexer,
                           ChainBranchManager chainBranchManager,
                           com.opensymphony.xwork.TextProvider textProvider,
                           PlanValidationService planValidationService,
                           AuditLogService auditLogService,
                           ScopedExclusionServiceImpl exclusionService,
                           PlanExecutionLockService planExecutionLockService,
                           ChainExecutionManager chainExecutionManager,
                           ImmutablePlanCacheService immutablePlanCacheService)
Method Detail


public void validatePlanKeysAndNamesForProject(com.opensymphony.xwork.ValidationAware validationAware,
                                               Project project,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planKeyMappings,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planNameMappings)
Description copied from interface: MovePlanService
Validates a list of plan names and keys against a single project. Ensures that the plan names and keys don't conflict with each other or any existing plans/branches in the project.

Specified by:
validatePlanKeysAndNamesForProject in interface MovePlanService
validationAware - - to add errors to
project - - project to validate plans against
planKeyMappings - - Map of build id to plan key, of plans to validate
planNameMappings - - Map of build id to plan name, of plans to validate


public java.util.Map<PlanKey,PlanKey> movePlansToProject(java.util.Collection<TopLevelPlan> plans,
                                                         Project project,
                                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planKeyMappings,
                                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> planNameMappings)
                                                  throws MovePlansException
Description copied from interface: MovePlanService
Moves a list of plans to a new project. Assumes plan Key and name validation already complete.

Specified by:
movePlansToProject in interface MovePlanService
plans - to move
project - to move to
planKeyMappings - id/key for each plan to move (may be the same or new but must be already validated)
planNameMappings - id/name for each plan to move (may be the same or new but must be already validated)
Map of oldKey to newKey for all plans moved
MovePlansException - if a plan move fails. Plans previously moved will not be rolled back, all future plans to be moved will be aborted. The map of oldKey to newKey of already moved plans can be found in the Exception.


public java.util.Map<PlanKey,PlanKey> updatePlanDetails(Chain chain,
                                                                Project project,
                                                                java.lang.String newPlanKey,
                                                                java.lang.String newBuildName)
                                                 throws java.lang.Exception

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