Uses of Interface

Packages that use OptionallyConvertibleFromConfig

Uses of OptionallyConvertibleFromConfig in com.atlassian.bamboo.fieldvalue

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.fieldvalue with type parameters of type OptionallyConvertibleFromConfig
<T extends OptionallyConvertibleFromConfig>
BuildDefinitionConverter.populate(org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration fromConfig, T optionallyConvertibleFromConfig)

Uses of OptionallyConvertibleFromConfig in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch

Subinterfaces of OptionallyConvertibleFromConfig in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch
 interface BranchIntegrationConfiguration
          This interface is used to store branch "integration strategy" settings - the thing that does the merge with an arbitrary branch (so called 'integration branch') prior to executing the jobs, and pushing the merge commit back to the repository after successful build.
 interface BranchMonitoringConfiguration
          This interface is used to store plan's branches monitor settings - the thing that monitors the repository for new branches in SCM and manages branches for that plan in Bamboo

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch that implement OptionallyConvertibleFromConfig
 class BranchIntegrationConfigurationImpl
 class BranchMonitoringConfigurationImpl
          This class stores branch detection parameters
 class BranchSpecificConfiguration
          Dumping ground for any configuration specific to a branch.

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