Interface TestCollationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TestCollationService

Collates TestClassResults and TestCaseResults from the file system after a TaskType execution

Method Summary
 void collateTestResults(TaskContext taskContext, java.lang.String filePattern)
          Collates TestClassResults and TestCaseResults from TaskContext.getWorkingDirectory() using the specified file pattern This method parses in the JUnit format by default.
 void collateTestResults(TaskContext taskContext, java.lang.String filePattern, TestReportCollector testReportCollector)
          Collates TestClassResults and TestCaseResults from TaskContext.getWorkingDirectory() using the specified file pattern You can implement your own TestReportCollector and pass it in to support other reporting formats
 void collateTestResults(TaskContext taskContext, TestReportProvider testReportProvider)
          Collates TestClassResults and TestCaseResults from the given TestReportProvider

Method Detail


void collateTestResults(@NotNull
                        TaskContext taskContext,
                        java.lang.String filePattern)
Collates TestClassResults and TestCaseResults from TaskContext.getWorkingDirectory() using the specified file pattern This method parses in the JUnit format by default. To implement support for an alternate reporting format see collateTestResults(TaskContext, String, TestReportCollector)

taskContext - of the executing Task
filePattern - to collect from the file system


void collateTestResults(@NotNull
                        TaskContext taskContext,
                        java.lang.String filePattern,
                        TestReportCollector testReportCollector)
Collates TestClassResults and TestCaseResults from TaskContext.getWorkingDirectory() using the specified file pattern You can implement your own TestReportCollector and pass it in to support other reporting formats

taskContext - of the executing Task
filePattern - to collect from the file system
testReportCollector - to collect tests using the provided pattern


void collateTestResults(@NotNull
                        TaskContext taskContext,
                        TestReportProvider testReportProvider)
Collates TestClassResults and TestCaseResults from the given TestReportProvider

taskContext - of the executing Task
testReportProvider - to collect tests from

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