Uses of Interface

Packages that use NameProvider

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo
 interface Describable

Uses of NameProvider in

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in
 interface Author
 interface AuthorData
 interface ExtendedAuthor

Classes in that implement NameProvider
 class AuthorCachingFacade
 class AuthorDataImpl
 class AuthorImpl
          Deprecated. since 3.3
 class ChangeAuthor

Uses of NameProvider in

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in
 interface Buildable
 interface Job

Classes in that implement NameProvider
 class BuildObjectForTests
 class DefaultJob
 class TestBuildObjectForTests

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains
 interface Chain
          Mutable version of ImmutableChain.
 interface ChainStage
 interface ChainStageResult
          Represents the result of a ChainStage execution

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains that implement NameProvider
 class ChainStageImpl
 class ChainStageResultImpl
 class DefaultChain

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains.cache

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains.cache
 interface ImmutableChainStage
          An immutable version of ChainStage.

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.chains.cache that implement NameProvider
 class ImmutableChainStageImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan
 interface Plan
          Mutable version of the plan.
 interface PlanIdentifier
          Represents the minimal information about a Plan
 interface StageIdentifier
          Used as a values holder for ChainStage data for Plan execution modification related to manual stages
 interface TopLevelPlan
          Marker interface that specifies that the implementing Plan is a 'top level' object

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan that implement NameProvider
 class AbstractChain
 class AbstractPlan
 class PlanIdentifierImpl
 class PlanPermissionSkeleton
 class StageIdentifierImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.artifact

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.artifact
 interface ArtifactDefinition
 interface ArtifactDefinitionBase
 interface ArtifactDefinitionContext
          This class contains additional artifact information.
 interface ArtifactSubscription
          Interface for Artifact Subscription
 interface ArtifactSubscriptionSubstitutionAware
 interface ConsumedSubscription

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.artifact that implement NameProvider
 class ArtifactDefinitionContextImpl
 class ArtifactDefinitionImpl
 class ArtifactSubscriptionImpl
 class ArtifactSubscriptionSubstitutionAwareImpl
 class ConsumedSubscriptionImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch
 interface BambooVcsBranch
 interface ChainBranch
          Represents a branch of a plan.
 interface ChainBranchIdentifier
 interface VcsBranch

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch that implement NameProvider
 class BambooVcsBranchImpl
 class ChainBranchIdentifierImpl
 class ChainBranchImpl
 class VcsBranchImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch.cache

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.branch.cache that implement NameProvider
 class ImmutableChainBranchImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.cache

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.cache
 interface ImmutableChain
          Represents a Chain that is immutable.
 interface ImmutableChainBranch
          Interface of an immutable version of ChainBranch
 interface ImmutableJob
          Immutable, threadsafe cacheable version of Job
 interface ImmutablePlan
          Represents a Chain that is immutable.
 interface ImmutableTopLevelPlan
          Represents a TopLevelPlan that is immutable.

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.cache that implement NameProvider
 class AbstractImmutableChain
 class AbstractImmutablePlan
 class ImmutableChainImpl
          A ImmutableChain implementation that also implements Chain and throws UnsupportedOperationException for mutators.
 class ImmutableJobImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.descriptor

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.descriptor that implement NameProvider
 class TaskModuleDescriptorImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.hg

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.hg that implement NameProvider
 class BitbucketRepository
 class HgRepository

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.project

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.project
 interface Project
          Represents a Bamboo project object.
 interface ProjectIdentifier
          Represents the minimal information about a project

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.project that implement NameProvider
 class DefaultProject
 class ProjectIdentifierImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository
 interface BranchAwareRepository
          Repository that supports setting and getting the current branch.
 interface BranchDetectionCapableRepository
          Repository that supports retrieving information about open branches.
 interface BranchingAwareRepository
          Repository that supports branching operation.
 interface BranchMergingAwareRepository
 interface CachingAwareRepository
          Should be implemented by repositories supporting caching of its method calls.
 interface CommitIsolationAwareRepository
          Whether the repository supports commits being broken up into individual builds
 interface CustomRevisionDataAwareRepository
          Repository that uses additional information for change detection.
 interface CustomVariableProviderRepository
          Allows the Repository implementation to provide variables specific to the repository.
 interface IncludeExcludeAwareRepository
 interface InitialBuildAwareRepository
          Allows the Repository to perform custom actions
 interface MavenPomAccessorCapableRepository
          Defines a repository which can setup itself using Maven SCM url as defined in
 interface PushCapableRepository
          Repository that supports pushing changes back to the remote repository.
 interface QuietPeriodAwareRepository
          Repositories that implement this method will continue to collect changes for every QuietPeriodAwareRepository.getQuietPeriod() up to QuietPeriodAwareRepository.getMaxRetries() times.
 interface Repository
          Basic contract for interfacing with various version control repository systems.
 interface RepositoryData
          Runtime representation of repository configuration.
 interface RepositoryDataEntity
          Represents repository as persisted in the db.
 interface RepositoryDefinition
 interface RepositoryDefinitionEntity
          Deprecated. since 4.0 use RepositoryDataEntity
 interface SelectableAuthenticationRepository
 interface StandaloneRepository
          Represents Repository that does not require Plan for configuration and thus is 'visible' to Global Repository feature.
 interface TaggingAwareRepository
          Repository that supports tags.

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository that implement NameProvider
 class AbstractRepository
          This class provides common repository implementation code,
 class AbstractStandaloneRepository
          This class provides common repository implementation code for Repositories that can be used by Global Repository feature.
 class DecoratedRepositoryDefinition
          Decoration of repository used when displaying on the UI.
 class RepositoryDataEntityImpl
 class RepositoryDataImpl
 class RepositoryDefinitionEntityImpl
          Deprecated. since 4.0 use RepositoryDataEntityImpl
 class RepositoryDefinitionForTest
 class RepositoryDefinitionImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.cvsimpl

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.cvsimpl that implement NameProvider
 class CVSRepository
          This class provides a CVS implemention of the Repository interface.

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.nullrepository

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.nullrepository that implement NameProvider
 class NullRepository

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.perforce

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.perforce that implement NameProvider
 class PerforceRepository
          This class provides a Perforce implementation of the Repository interface.

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.svn

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository.svn that implement NameProvider
 class SvnRepository
          This class provides a Subversion repository for Bamboo.

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.resultsummary.tests

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.resultsummary.tests
 interface TestCaseResult
          Represents a run of a TestCase.
 interface TestClassResult
          Represents a run of a test class.
 interface TestClassResultDescriptor

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.resultsummary.tests that implement NameProvider
 class TestCaseResultImpl
 class TestClassResultImpl

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.task

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.task
 interface TaskModuleDescriptor
          Note that this should not be directly used by plugin developers.

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.testutils

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.testutils that implement NameProvider
 class TestStageDetails

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.utils

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.utils
 interface DescriptionProvider
          General interface for entities providing name and description without ability to change them

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.utils that return types with arguments of type NameProvider
static<NameProvider> Comparators.getNameProviderCaseInsensitiveOrdering()
          Do not use this for plans unless you know the plans you are sorting are within the same parent (e.g.
static<NameProvider> Comparators.getNameProviderOrdering()
static<NameProvider> BambooPredicates.hasNameProviderEqualName(java.lang.String name)

Uses of NameProvider in

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in
 interface BuildAgent
          Represents a UI view of a given build agent
 interface LocalBuildAgent

Classes in that implement NameProvider
 class BuildAgentImpl
 class LocalBuildAgentImpl

Uses of NameProvider in

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in
 interface PostConfigurableRepository
          Deprecated. since 3.4 not compatible with Global Repository feature.
 interface RepositoryEventAware
          An interface that allows the repository to do something before and after the checkout / update occurs
 interface RequirementsAwareRepository

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.actions.agent

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.actions.agent that implement NameProvider
 class BuildAgentDecorator

Uses of NameProvider in com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.beans

Classes in com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.beans that implement NameProvider
 class DecoratedPlan

Uses of NameProvider in

Subinterfaces of NameProvider in
 interface DecoratedPersonaBuildStatistics

Classes in that implement NameProvider
 class DecoratedAuthorBuildStatistics
 class DecoratedUserBuildStatistics

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