Uses of Class

Packages that use CacheId

Uses of CacheId in com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.hg

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.hg that return CacheId
 CacheId HgRepository.getCacheId(CachingAwareRepository.CachableOperation cachableOperation)
 CacheId BitbucketRepository.getCacheId(CachingAwareRepository.CachableOperation cachableOperation)

Uses of CacheId in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository

Methods in com.atlassian.bamboo.repository that return CacheId
 CacheId CachingAwareRepository.getCacheId(CachingAwareRepository.CachableOperation cachableOperation)
          Cache id has to fulfill the following: Given two Repository objects A and B, returning equal CacheId (in terms of equals()) and a cachable operation foo(), in the following sequence of calls made in a short time period: 1.

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