Class AbstractErrorUpdateHandler

  extended by com.atlassian.bamboo.logger.AbstractErrorUpdateHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultErrorHandler, RemoteErrorUpdateHandler

public abstract class AbstractErrorUpdateHandler
extends java.lang.Object
implements ErrorUpdateHandler

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addErrorCollection(java.lang.String buildKey, ErrorCollection errors)
          Adds all the error messages in the errorCollection to the build
protected  java.lang.Long getCurrentAgentId()
 void recordElasticError(java.lang.String context, java.lang.Long agentId, java.lang.Throwable throwable, java.lang.String instanceId)
          Record an error resulting from Elastic Bamboo
 void recordError(BuildContext buildContext, java.lang.String context, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
 void recordError(PlanKey planKey, java.lang.String context)
 void recordError(PlanKey planKey, java.lang.String context, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
 void recordError(PlanResultKey planResultKey, java.lang.String context, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Record a build error against a build result
 void recordError(java.lang.String errorMessage)
 void recordError(java.lang.String buildKey, int buildNumber, java.lang.String context, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Record a build error against a build
 void recordError(java.lang.String buildKey, java.lang.String context)
          Record a build error against a build
 void recordError(java.lang.String buildKey, java.lang.String context, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Record a build error against a build
 void setAgentContext(AgentContext agentContext)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.bamboo.logger.ErrorUpdateHandler
createElasticError, createError

Constructor Detail


public AbstractErrorUpdateHandler()
Method Detail


public void recordError(java.lang.String buildKey,
                        java.lang.String context)
Description copied from interface: ErrorUpdateHandler
Record a build error against a build

Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void recordError(@NotNull
                        PlanKey planKey,
                        java.lang.String context)
Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void recordError(java.lang.String buildKey,
                        java.lang.String context,
                        java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Description copied from interface: ErrorUpdateHandler
Record a build error against a build

Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void recordError(@NotNull
                        PlanKey planKey,
                        java.lang.String context,
                        java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void recordError(java.lang.String buildKey,
                        int buildNumber,
                        java.lang.String context,
                        java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Description copied from interface: ErrorUpdateHandler
Record a build error against a build

Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler
buildKey - key of the build
buildNumber - number of the build - can be null
context - message
throwable - error


public void recordError(@NotNull
                        PlanResultKey planResultKey,
                        java.lang.String context,
                        java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Description copied from interface: ErrorUpdateHandler
Record a build error against a build result

Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void recordError(@Nullable
                        BuildContext buildContext,
                        java.lang.String context,
                        java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void recordError(java.lang.String errorMessage)
Specified by:
recordError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void recordElasticError(java.lang.String context,
                               java.lang.Long agentId,
                               java.lang.Throwable throwable,
                               java.lang.String instanceId)
Description copied from interface: ErrorUpdateHandler
Record an error resulting from Elastic Bamboo

Specified by:
recordElasticError in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


public void addErrorCollection(java.lang.String buildKey,
                               ErrorCollection errors)
Description copied from interface: ErrorUpdateHandler
Adds all the error messages in the errorCollection to the build

Specified by:
addErrorCollection in interface ErrorUpdateHandler


protected java.lang.Long getCurrentAgentId()


public void setAgentContext(AgentContext agentContext)

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