Interface ScopedExclusionService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ScopedExclusionService

Classes implementing this interface let you execute code guarded by mutual exclusion locks. You should use methods of this class directly only if there are no adequate methods in $ScopedExclusionServiceHelper class. All taken locks are exclusive. A lock is always taken in a scope. For example a lock on PROJECT_DATA scope defined by project name 'MINE-ALLMINE' would be different than a lock taken on JOB_KEY scope with name 'MINE-ALLMINE'. You can use any object for locking, but since this service is shared, it's very important to lock the same objects that other users of service lock within the same exclusion scope. That's why use of ExclusionScopeType or, better yet $ScopedExclusionServiceHelper is strongly recommended.

Nested Class Summary
static class ScopedExclusionService.ExclusionScopeType
          Predefined exclusion scopes.
static interface ScopedExclusionService.ExclusiveFunction<F,V,E extends java.lang.Throwable>
          Function to call once the object is locked.
static interface ScopedExclusionService.GeneratorCallable<V,E extends java.lang.Throwable>
          Generator called to generate new names for objects.
Method Summary
<S,V,E extends java.lang.Throwable>
withLock(java.lang.Enum<?> scopeType, S objectToLock, ScopedExclusionService.ExclusiveFunction<S,V,E> function)
          Executes function with lock taken in a given scope and object name.
<S,V,E extends java.lang.Throwable,F extends java.lang.Throwable>
withNewLockedObject(java.lang.Enum<?> generationScope, S objectToLockDuringGeneration, java.lang.Enum<?> generatedObjectScope, ScopedExclusionService.GeneratorCallable<S,F> objectGenerator, ScopedExclusionService.ExclusiveFunction<S,V,E> function)
          Executes code with a new, unique name generated within given exclusion scope and locked for exclusive use.

Method Detail


<S,V,E extends java.lang.Throwable> V withLock(@NotNull
                                               java.lang.Enum<?> scopeType,
                                               S objectToLock,
                                               ScopedExclusionService.ExclusiveFunction<S,V,E> function)
           throws E extends java.lang.Throwable
Executes function with lock taken in a given scope and object name.

scopeType - type of scope (if we wanted to lock a Job, this would be JOB_KEY - jobs are locked by key)
objectToLock - object to lock within scope (if we wanted to lock a Job, this would be job key)
function - the function to call
the result of function
E - exception thrown from function
E extends java.lang.Throwable


<S,V,E extends java.lang.Throwable,F extends java.lang.Throwable> V withNewLockedObject(@NotNull
                                                                                        java.lang.Enum<?> generationScope,
                                                                                        S objectToLockDuringGeneration,
                                                                                        java.lang.Enum<?> generatedObjectScope,
                                                                                        ScopedExclusionService.GeneratorCallable<S,F> objectGenerator,
                                                                                        ScopedExclusionService.ExclusiveFunction<S,V,E> function)
                      throws E extends java.lang.Throwable,
                             F extends java.lang.Throwable
Executes code with a new, unique name generated within given exclusion scope and locked for exclusive use. Objects to lock are generated by objectGenerator. If the generated object is already locked, the generator will be asked for a new object. The whole generation (including all unsuccesful lock attempts) will be run with an exclusive lock held on objectToLockDuringGeneration within generationScope. As soon as a valid object, locked within generatedObjectScope is generated: - other generations within the same scope may continue and - the function will be called. - the generation lock is dropped

E extends java.lang.Throwable

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