Uses of Interface

Packages that use AntPropertyManipulator   

Uses of AntPropertyManipulator in

Classes in with type parameters of type AntPropertyManipulator
 class DefaultPropertyManipulators<T extends AntPropertyManipulator>
 interface PropertyManipulators<T extends AntPropertyManipulator>
          A single configuration of PropertyManipulatorss.

Subinterfaces of AntPropertyManipulator in
 interface AntTaskPropertyConfigurator<T>
          Configures Ant task with properties from Bamboo task configuration.
 interface AntWebPropertyConfigurator
          Responsible for producing view/edit HTML and producing serialized form of the values received from user for storage in configuration.

Classes in that implement AntPropertyManipulator
 class AbstractBeanTaskPropertyConfigurator<T>
          Creates Ant task properties of arbitrary type given they support the Ant property model.
 class AbstractBeanWebPropertyConfigurator
 class AbstractPropertyManipulator

Abstract manipulator that supports properties by type.

 class AbstractSingleValueTaskPropertyConfigurator<T>
          Abstract configurator for simple properties with only one value corresponding to the property name.
 class BooleanTaskPropertyConfigurator
 class BooleanWebPropertyConfigurator
 class ByteTaskPropertyConfigurator
          Long task property configurator.
 class CharacterTaskPropertyConfigurator
          Long task property configurator.
 class DoubleTaskPropertyConfigurator
          Double task property configurator.
 class FileSetWebPropertyConfigurator
 class FileTaskPropertyConfigurator
 class FileWebPropertyConfigurator
 class FloatTaskPropertyConfigurator
          Float task property configurator.
 class GenericBeanTaskPropertyConfigurator

AntTaskPropertyConfigurator for arbitrary beans.

 class IntegerTaskPropertyConfigurator
 class LongTaskPropertyConfigurator
          Long task property configurator.
 class NameEntryWebPropertyConfigurator
 class PasswordWebPropertyConfigurator
 class PrimitiveNumberWebProperyConfigurator
          Common configurator for all primitive Java numbers, which will render a simple text field.
 class ShortTaskPropertyConfigurator
          Long task property configurator.
 class SimpleFieldPropertyConfigurator
          Property configurator for simple fields stored as strings.
 class StringTaskPropertyConfigurator
 class StringWebPropertyConfigurator

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