Class Summary |
BambooEcho |
BambooFieldValidate |
BambooFunctions |
BambooMergedResourceBundle |
BambooMockitoTestCase |
BambooPredicates |
BambooTestCase |
BambooTestUtils |
This class provides a collection of utility methods for use in the unit tests |
BambooValidate |
Place for all validation methods you can't find in org.apache.commons.validator framework |
Comparators |
ConfigUtils |
DebugUtils |
A class that allows you to easily add object identity / stack trace information. |
DefaultVelocityEngine |
This class provides a common place for configuring Velocity's nasty singleton controller. |
DurationUtils |
This class provide some Time formatting methods. |
ErrorCollectionUtils |
EscapeChars |
This class provides various character escaping utility methods, |
FileCopier |
This class provides common file copying code |
FilePermissionUtil |
Utility class for changing the file permissions using JDK1.6 File.setWritable and family if available, falling back to
executing a chmod command. |
FileVisitor |
This class uses patterns to identify determine which files should be visited. |
IpAddressValidator |
A class for checking to see if a String is a valid IP Address. |
JavaVirtualMachineDetector |
Based on comment from Vincent Massol on the forums: |
Pair<A,B> |
A simple Pair class |
Random |
This class generates random stuff! |
RandomGUID |
This class generates Global Unique Ids (GUIDS). |
RecentLazyReference<T> |
RecentLazyReference.IsTooOldPredicate |
ResourceResolver |
A utility class the allows a resource name to resolve a a file from:
Bamboo configiration folder - iff bootstrapManager is passed
Currently running directory
From the classpath
SystemProperty |
This class represents system properties as constants. |
Timer |
This allows graceful timeouts to time consuming tasks (such as sending emails). |
UnixWindowsCallable<V> |
UnixWindowsRunnable |
Which |
Finds an executable in the system environment |
XmlDiffFinder |
XmlDiffFinder.DefaultFieldChange |