Interface DeploymentTaskRequirementSupport

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRepositoryAwareTaskConfigurator, AbstractVcsTaskConfigurator, VcsBranchTaskConfigurator, VcsCheckoutTaskConfigurator, VcsCommitTaskConfigurator, VcsPushTaskConfigurator, VcsTagTaskConfigurator

@PublicApi public interface DeploymentTaskRequirementSupport
Allows creators of TaskTypes to specify Requirements.

There are three interfaces which you can use for this purpose TaskRequirementSupport: Preferred option. Will work for both deployment environments and for jobs (you can not implement the other interfaces if using this) BuildTaskRequirementSupport: Supports Jobs only. Only use if you require the job information to generate your task's requirements (can be used in conjunction with DeploymentTaskRequirementSupport) DeploymentTaskRequirementSupport: Supports Environments only. Only use if you require the environment information to generate your task's requirements (can be used in conjunction with BuildTaskRequirementSupport)

  • Method Details

    • calculateRequirements

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<Requirement> calculateRequirements(@NotNull @NotNull TaskDefinition taskDefinition, @NotNull @NotNull Environment environment)
      Populates the RequirementSet needed based off of the TaskDefinition
      taskDefinition - the task definition that would be causing the requirement to be needed.
      environment - the task definition belongs to