Interface Comment

All Superinterfaces:
BambooIdProvider, BambooObject, CreationDateProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Comment extends BambooObject, CreationDateProvider
A comment on a build result in Bamboo
  • Field Details

    • getEntityId

      static final Function<Comment,Long> getEntityId
      Function that returns Comment's entityId
    • orderingByMostRecentFirst

      static final Comparator<Comment> orderingByMostRecentFirst
  • Method Details

    • getContent

      @Nullable @Nullable String getContent()
      The actual comment that was added
    • setContent

      void setContent(String content)
    • getEntityId

      long getEntityId()
      The id of object the comment was added to
    • setEntityId

      void setEntityId(long entityId)
    • getLastModificationDate

      Date getLastModificationDate()
      The date the comment was last modified
    • getCreationDate

      Date getCreationDate()
      The date the comment was created
      Specified by:
      getCreationDate in interface CreationDateProvider
    • getUser

      com.atlassian.user.User getUser()
      The user that created the comment
    • getUserName

      String getUserName()
      The username of the user that created the comment
    • setUserName

      void setUserName(String userName)