Enables offloading of agent queue to disk.
Allow to use Freemarker template engine for Webhook payload rendering.
Whether logging in by passing URL parameters (os_username/os_password) is enabled.
Disable Application Link URL validation which prevents creation of applinks for localhost.
Size of buffer for compressing/decompressing artifacts.
Makes artifacts and logs compression tied to the global compression configuration.
Size of buffer for copying/saving artifact to disk.
Whether Bamboo Artifact Download task may ignore requirement to find at least one successful build result when condition is present.
Custom artifact temporary storage path.
Whether audit logs are disabled for RSS updates.
Lets you configure the maximum memory usage of ActiveMQ in MB.
Configure an interval between batches while processing build results in build expiry service.
Configure how many results should be processed by build expiry service at each run.
Configure a time limit for a transaction to remain open during the build expiry process.
A time to live in seconds for the cluster info cache.
Enables gRPC communication via proxy.
Unlocks different aspects of Freemarker debug output:
- output template names as html comments (BAM-8006)
Enable authentication in gRPC communication.
Saves generated keys for gRPC client to the node local home.
Location of Bamboo Shared Home.
Disables seamless restart feature.
Cipher class used for SSL keystore/truststore password decryption.
Path to SSL keys keystore file used for SSL connector for JMS (agent-server communication).
Path to SSL certificate truststore file used for SSL connector for JMS (agent-server communication).
Whether Bamboo manages SSL keys and certificates in JMS.
Specifies the maximum amount of remote agents able to load at one time
When set causes the classpath.zip of the Jar Remote class loader to be reset for each agent startup
Configure at what time should branch expiry run.
This setting configures the disk sync policy.
This setting configures how the broker will try to preallocate the journal files when a new journal file is needed.
Text the builders will look for when checking for build failure, currently only used by ant builder
Parent directory for temporary directories created for builds.
How long (in seconds) Bamboo Agent should wait before attempting to resend a build result.
Make the buildresults cache configurable
Text the builders will look for when checking for build success.
Configure maximum number of warnings stored per build.
Configure max size of build warnings in queue waiting to be sent to remote repositories.
Configure number of threads which will send build warnings to external servers.
Disable triggering plans globally in Bamboo.
Determines the pool size for ChainExecutionManager.
Sets the change detection cache TTL in seconds.
Whether Bamboo should fail on upgrade when version of Java is not supported
Whether Bamboo should fail on upgrade when version of Mysql is not supported
Cleaning temp dir on bamboo startup (disabled by default)
The duration (in seconds) after which a node is considered dead if no heartbeat is received.
The interval (in seconds) between two heartbeat jobs execution.
If Bamboo should automatically create allowlist record for SSH endpoint of new Bitbucket Server application link.
The number of threads to use for the gRPC client scheduler shared across all channels.
Hour (in 24h format, from 0 to 23) at which a daily cleanup of deleted Crowd entities is run.
Number of threads used to process entity deletion events from Embedded Crowd.
Number of days after which cleanup of deleted Crowd entities will swipe away all remaining user/group data from Bamboo.
Whether Bamboo should accept unknown host keys during ssh connection to SVN repository with private key
Use this flag to disable server ssh key validation.
Enabled custom Lucene indices functionality in plugins.
You can override the bucket used for EC2 agent bootstrap using this variable.
Whether unannotated endpoints (Servlets, Filters, Struts actions) need an authenticated user for access
Default timeout for com.atlassian.bamboo.rest.utils.RESTCall#getHttpClientWithTimeout()
Timeout is defined in milliseconds.
When creating new Plans, controls if the "Delete plan branch - After branch inactivity in repository" property should be enabled by default
When creating new Plans, controls if the "Delete plan branch - After branch was deleted from repository" property should be enabled by default
Deletes the remote agent when it goes offline.
An optional directory to attempt to load additional plugins from.
Prevents agents from automatically overriding auto-detected remote agent capabilities on new startup
Prevents agents from overriding remote agent capabilities from bamboo-capabilities.properties on startup
System property to disable all dark features in Bamboo.
Disable checking if database contains some data (only in DevMode).
Whether secret encryption logic should be skipped.
Whether Bamboo should skip optimization in fetching the main dashboard.
Disable validation of ips from X-FORWARDED-FOR headers when executing remote triggers (in other words, only request IP will be checked).
Allows to completely disable builds results states cleanup on startup.
Whether Bamboo should disable serialization security feature.
Globally disable sending build status updates to Stash after builds are executed.
Globally disable sending deployment updates to Stash (Bitbucket Server) after deployments are executed.
Globally disable sending rich build status updates to Stash after builds are executed.
Completely disables polling BbS repositories for changes, even if applinks don't work or BbS plugin is disabled.
By default, before running any git operations, Bamboo contacts Stash to check whether its instance is available to handle requests.
Disable adding 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' to all pages served by Bamboo.
Whether Docker Pipelines functionality is disabled.
Enable connection testing during EC upgrade.
You can override the EC2 agent endpoint here, it will be used instead of the base URL.
Whether to enable Tunnel for http traffic to and from the agents.
Allow EC2 agents to ignore invalid certificates, if not using the tunnel
Whether to enable Tunnel for http and JMS traffic to and from the agents.
Set the key length used by EC2 tunnel encryption algorithm.
Property set on elastic agent that denotes the agent's name to use.
If it is set to a valid AWS id, it will be used to authenticate to S3 and copy logs there upon shutdown
If it is set to a valid AWS id, it will be used to authenticate to S3 and copy logs there upon shutdown
Lets you over ride the default elastic images used
Whether to enable SSL JMS endpoint.
When enabled, users with appropriate permissions can access agents through a terminal integrated with Bamboo.
Enable or disable serving of robots.txt file.
When enabled, enables applying the system XML parser workaround (BDEV-7924)
The delay in seconds between two calls of the failed ephemeral agents' launch queue scan.
The initial delay in seconds after which the first scan of the failed ephemeral agents' launch queue will be made.
The maximum number of retries that are going to be performed in case of the ephemeral agent launch failure.
The size of the queue failed ephemeral agents' launch requests sit in.
The number of ephemeral agents related logs kept for displaying on the pods' management UI.
The execution timeout of ephemeral agents' Kubernetes cluster related commands in seconds.
The idle timeout of ephemeral agents' Kubernetes cluster related commands in seconds.
The number of pods with inactive bamboo-agent container being deleted in one batch.
Optional property for tuning core pool size in Bamboo Event Manager
Optional property for tuning maximum pool size in Bamboo Event Manager
Period between checks of the Server state when export is waiting for the server to pause.
Timeout period to wait for running jobs to all be paused before running an export.
Decides whether LFS files will be fetched during source code detection and Specs processing.
Maximum size of uploaded files in megabytes
Default : true
env : bamboo.file.upload.max.size=50
java: -Dbamboo.file.upload.max.size=50
Filter out Maven artifact download progress status message in build log.
Number of lines for builders to look back to guarantee build successful.
Fire initial build automatically for manual build strategy on build creation
Whether Bamboo should pull Docker image to run Specs processing even if it exists at local Docker cache.
Defines the worst case resolution of times stored on filesystem.
Disable sending any Deployments data to Fusion plugin.
Whether Bamboo should use credentials file during https/http connection to git repository with user/password authentication
Use this flag to disable the feature and fallback to old credentials via url method.
Whether the Bamboo will send build statuses to Github.
If global 'export to specs' option should be visible in the ui.
Whether Bamboo should show new (true) or old (false) global repository ui.
Base url for Atlassian account avatars.
The number of threads to use for the gRPC server scheduler.
Repository refactoring: do not present legacy repositories that are already ported to new plugin system in create repository widgets.
Disable caching of static resources like JS or PNG.
Whether secret decryption should tolerate errors.
How often should Bamboo display import progress
How often Bamboo publishes issue updates to Jira, in seconds.
Maximum number of times Bamboo postpones updating Jira issue if issue is updated repeatedly.
Set if named inner classes should be ignored as individual test entities during junit report parsing.
Disables the use of local agents for the instance.
Lets you control how much information is showed in notifications
Whether the logs should be transferred like artifacts at the end of the build
Size of Bamboo's mail queue
Configure maximum number of threads to handle expensive messages concurrently.
How often do the test cases get evicted during test parsing.
Maximum number of database connection errors (the SQLState class '08') for which Bamboo will retry primary lock acquisition.
Max number of personal access token per user.
Overrides the maximum number of retries for operations that fail.
If the elastic agent still isn't alive after this timeout, the instance will be shut down.
If git repositories should be cleared on operation retry (applies to native git only)
Whether node alive watchdog is enabled.
The interval (in seconds) at which the node alive watchdog checks if the node is still alive and operational.
Disable notifications sending by email / XMPP
The number of physical queues under a single virtual per node queue.
Specifies the multiplier factor of the orphaned build monitor job's reaction delay.
Number of days between last pull request modification and 'now' before pull requests will be deleted.
Cron expression to schedule orphaned pull requests removal job.
Cron expression to schedule orphaned Specs states removal job.
Cron expression to schedule orphaned test case removal job.
Set the OSGi Service Invocation Timeout in milliseconds
Default: 10000ms, 10 seconds
The system PATH variable.
static final boolean
Whenever arbitrary path for export and backup allowed
Turns on the PDL and related stuff
The number of threads to use for the gRPC client scheduler shared across all channels.
The maximum number of elements in a single physical queue under virtual per node queue.
The maximum size in bytes of a single physical queue under virtual per node queue.
The number of threads the per node queue dispatchers' executor will use.
The interval between two consecutive logging entries of per node queue stats.
static final long
Hour (in 24h format, from 0 to 23) at which daily summary of performance is sent via Analytics.
Allows this Bamboo instance to measure performance data and to send it anonymously as statistical data to Atlassian.
Allows this Bamboo instance to measure performance data even if analytics are disabled.
Whether Bamboo should persist/restore runtime operations: builds and deployments in progress.
Enable REST resource to get information about the directories where artifacts, build logs, and build results will be stored.
Allows for the pool size for change detection to be modified.
Determines the number of seconds after which the IDLE thread will be removed from the "BAM::PlanExec" and "ChainExec" thread pool.
Whether Bamboo uses prioritizing algorithm to manage plans execution order.
How long (in seconds) does the Bamboo plugin system wait before deciding that a taken lock expired and will
be taken anyway.
How long (in seconds) does the Bamboo secondary node wait before deciding that primary node is no longer available.
Sets the pull request detection cache TTL in seconds.
Size of thread pool for pull request detection.
Interval between polling for open PRs in seconds.
If agent transport should use asynchronous dispatching.
Disables remote agent authentication on instance setup
Enables agent security token verification on instance setup
Sets token value for Agent authentication (if defined bamboo won't generate new token).
Configuring remote event broadcast back off on timeout exceptions: base length of 'quiet time' in seconds.
Configuring remote event broadcast back off on timeout exceptions: maximum broadcast break multiplier.
Disable sending any Deployments data to Fusion plugin.
Whether Bamboo should go through all the historical data (trigger information, audit logs etc.) when username is changed.
If repository stored specs detection should be disabled.
Controls POM sanitization during Specs processing (enabled by default)
Controls use of security manager during Specs processing (enabled by default)
Set the amount of parallel threads processing independent specs updates
Set the timeout on commands executed in the repository stored specs feature
Turns on the ROTP admin shortcuts
Turns on the ROTP header and related stuff
Turns on the ROTP project shortcuts
Whether Repository Stored Specs execution status comment at repository commit level is disabled.
A workaround for BAM-4069, allows us to search for build successful/failed messages.
If your agent side plugins rely on presence of file names in BuildContext, set this property to true.
Used during Bamboo setup phase.
Toggle showing exception stack traces on 500 error page
Default: true
When enabled, skips performing boot delegation workarounds on Bamboo startup
Whether Bamboo should skip locking local home.
Turns off MS SQL configuration check.
Normally, Bamboo will skip RSS processing for plans without changes.
If Bamboo should skip server-side merge.
Controls feature that allows disabling tracking of full history of all test cases.
Configure max length of accepted Yaml file when Java Specs are being processed.
Allows for the pool size for Bamboo Specs detection to be modified.
Enable divergent branches
Configure count of anchor elements for generated Yaml file when Java Specs are being processed.
Max depth of file inclusions in YAML Specs.
Authentication timeout for SSH proxy which Bamboo starts to fetch data for some repositories, e.g.
Idle timeout for SSH Proxy Client which Bamboo uses to fetch data from Bamboo Proxy Server for some repositories, e.g.
Idle timeout for SSH Proxy Server which Bamboo starts to fetch data for some repositories, e.g.
Read timeout for SSH Proxy Server which Bamboo starts to fetch data for some repositories, e.g.
Polling interval (in seconds) for Stash trigger type.
SVN authentication caching
SVN client to use temporary file for spooling repository files
Quartz cron expression to schedule the SystemInfoJob.
MIME encoding for text/plain resources defined in mimetypes.xml.
Allow installation of apps from filesystem via Universal Plugin Manager UI.
Configure how many results should be processed at each run of variable upgrade.
static final int
Configure at what time variable upgrade should run.
Whether Bamboo should check Lucene index' integrity on startup.
The duration in seconds, the queue reserves the queue item for the dedicated agent.
Size of Webhook's queue to send.
Max number or webhook send retries.
Size of thread pool for webhooks sending.
Timeout for webhook calls in ms.
Completely disables web sudo and related ip whitelisting checks.
The duration of the websudo session in seconds
We include a tolerance to the web sudo session duration comparison to account for slight differences in the clock's time across nodes.