Class AbstractUnsafeCodeDecorator<T>

Type Parameters:
T - type of unsafe entity
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AbstractUnsafeCodeDecorator<T> extends Object

Abstract class for decorating unsafe entities (e.g. classes from plugins).

This class is intended to help implementing classes wrap methods from the underlying entity and react on unexpected exceptions by logging them instead of rethrowing.

This class exposes some utility methods to wrap execution of actual methods with BambooPluginUtils.callUnsafeCode(BambooPluginUtils.Callable).

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractUnsafeCodeDecorator

      protected AbstractUnsafeCodeDecorator(@NotNull T entity)
      Creates a new instance of the decorator for the entity.
      entity - entity to decorate
  • Method Details

    • getEntity

      @NotNull public T getEntity()
      Wrapped entity.
    • executeUnsafeCode

      @Nullable protected <V> V executeUnsafeCode(@NotNull @NotNull String methodName, @NotNull @NotNull Callable<V> unsafeCallable)
      Helper method to execute unsafe code and log exception if any occurs.
      Type Parameters:
      V - result type
      methodName - name of the executed method
      unsafeCallable - callable which will execute the unsafe method
      result of execution or null, if unexpected exception occurs
    • executeUnsafeCode

      @NotNull protected <V> V executeUnsafeCode(@NotNull @NotNull String methodName, @NotNull @NotNull Callable<V> unsafeCallable, @NotNull V defaultValue)
      Helper method to execute unsafe code and log exception if any occurs.
      Type Parameters:
      V - result type
      methodName - name of the executed method
      unsafeCallable - callable which will execute the unsafe method
      defaultValue - default value to return if unexpected exception occurs
      result of execution or default value, if unexpected exception occurs
    • executeUnsafeCode

      @NotNull protected <V> V executeUnsafeCode(@NotNull @NotNull String methodName, @NotNull @NotNull Callable<V> unsafeCallable, @NotNull @NotNull Supplier<V> defaultValueSupplier)
      Helper method to execute unsafe code and log exception if any occurs.
      Type Parameters:
      V - result type
      methodName - name of the executed method
      unsafeCallable - callable which will execute the unsafe method
      defaultValueSupplier - supplier of default value to return if unexpected exception occurs
      result of execution or default value (lazily calculated), if unexpected exception occurs
    • executeUnsafeCode

      protected void executeUnsafeCode(@NotNull @NotNull String methodName, @NotNull @NotNull Runnable unsafeRunnable)
      Helper method to execute unsafe code and log exception if any occurs.
      methodName - name of the executed method
      unsafeRunnable - runnable which will execute the unsafe method