Interface ArtifactHandler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractArtifactHandler, AbstractLocalArtifactHandler, AbstractRepublishingArtifactHandler, AgentLocalArtifactHandler, ArtifactHandlerDecoratorSupport, ArtifactHandlerPackagingDecorator, BambooRemoteArtifactHandler, RemoteTransferFallbackArtifactHandler, S3ArtifactHandler, ServerLocalArtifactHandler

public interface ArtifactHandler extends BambooPluginModule
Handles artifact storage. Should provide 'local' (i.e. per plan basis) and 'global' storage. Artifacts in 'global' storage should not be removed when producing result (plan) is removed.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • publish

      @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerPublishingResult publish(@NotNull @NotNull ResultKey resultKey, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactDefinitionContext artifact, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactPublishingConfig artifactPublishingConfig, @Nullable @Nullable BuildLogger buildLogger) throws Exception
    • retrieve

      @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactRetrievalStatus retrieve(@NotNull @NotNull ResultKey clientKey, @NotNull @NotNull Artifact artifact, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactSubscriptionContext artifactSubscription, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactRetrievalConfig artifactRetrievalConfig) throws Exception
      Retrieve arbitrary Artifact. Artifact is found by the information in artifact parameter.
      clientKey - identifier of plan or deployment doing the download
      artifact - artifact information
      artifactSubscription - download details (e.g. target path, copy pattern)
      artifactRetrievalConfig - handler specific configuration
    • getSupportedAgents

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<AgentType> getSupportedAgents()
    • getModuleDescriptor

      @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerModuleDescriptor getModuleDescriptor()
    • canHandleArtifact

      boolean canHandleArtifact(ArtifactDefinitionContext artifact, Map<String,String> artifactHandlersConfiguration)
    • getDefaultConfiguration

      @NotNull @NotNull Map<String,String> getDefaultConfiguration()
    • getSpeed

      int getSpeed(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,String> artifactHandlersConfiguration)
      Return approximate transfer speed of this artifact handler in bytes per second for the specified configuration. Result of this method might be taken into account when deciding which artifact handler to use if multiple handlers are enabled.
      artifactHandlersConfiguration - artifact handler configuration
      approximate transfer speed in Bps, for example: LOCAL_SPEED, LAN_SPEED, WAN_SPEED
    • removeArtifactFromStorage

      void removeArtifactFromStorage(@NotNull @NotNull Artifact artifact, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
      Removes artifact files for a single artifact.
    • removeArtifactFromStorage

      void removeArtifactFromStorage(@NotNull @NotNull PlanResultKey planResultKey, @NotNull @NotNull ImmutableArtifactDefinitionBase artifact, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
      Removes artifact files for a single artifact. Called when removing ArtifactLink Should not remove artifacts that were moved to global storage.
    • removeArtifactFromStorage

      void removeArtifactFromStorage(@NotNull @NotNull ResultKey resultKey, @NotNull @NotNull ImmutableArtifactDefinitionBase artifact, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
      Removes artifact files for a single artifact. Called when removing ArtifactLink Should not remove artifacts that were moved to global storage.
    • removeArtifactsFromStorage

      void removeArtifactsFromStorage(@NotNull @NotNull PlanResultKey planResultKey, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
      Removes artifact files for a single plan result. Called when removing ResultsSummary Should not remove artifacts that were moved to global storage.
    • removeArtifactsFromStorage

      void removeArtifactsFromStorage(@NotNull @NotNull PlanKey planKey, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
      Removes artifact files for all results of a single chain or job. Called when removing Plan Calling it for chain removes only the shared artifacts. Should not remove artifacts that were moved to global storage.
    • removeAllArtifactsOfChain

      default void removeAllArtifactsOfChain(@NotNull @NotNull PlanKey planKey, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
      Removes artifact files for all results of a single chain. Called when removing Chain Should not remove artifacts that were moved to global storage.
    • moveArtifactToGlobalStorage

      boolean moveArtifactToGlobalStorage(@NotNull @NotNull Artifact artifact, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider) throws IOException
      Move artifact to a 'global storage'. Artifacts in 'global storage' should only be removed when removeArtifactFromStorage(Artifact, ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider) is called. It is not a requirement to physically move the files as long as the above contract is fulfilled.
      artifact -
      true if move successful
    • getArtifactLinkDataProvider

      @Nullable @Nullable ArtifactLinkDataProvider getArtifactLinkDataProvider(ArtifactLink artifactLink, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
    • getArtifactLinkDataProvider

      @Nullable @Nullable ArtifactLinkDataProvider getArtifactLinkDataProvider(Artifact artifact, @NotNull @NotNull ArtifactHandlerConfigProvider artifactHandlerConfigProvider)
    • getMaxUnarchivedFilesPerArtifact

      long getMaxUnarchivedFilesPerArtifact(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,String> artifactHandlersConfiguration)

      Returns the maximum number of files that can exist per artifact which will not be compressed and combined into a single archive. If the threshold is exceeded, artifacts will be packaged into a single file before publishing.

      ArtifactHandler does not need to treat archived artifacts differently - from ArtifactHandler perspective the packaging is transparent. Artifact files will be compressed before invoking #publish method and decompressed after invoking #retrieve method.

      This method should return NEVER_ARCHIVE if packaging of artifacts is disabled, to always send files unarchived.

      artifactHandlersConfiguration - artifact handler configuration
      maximum number of files per artifact that should not be packaged into a single file