public class


extends Object
implements ViewIssueField<V, E>
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.pageobjects.pages.viewissue.fields.NonInlineEditLabelsField

Class Overview

Labels field 'old style' - when inline edit is turned off.


protected final PageElement context
protected final String customFieldId
protected ExtendedElementFinder extendedFinder
protected final boolean isSystem
protected PageBinder pageBinder
protected Timeouts timeouts
Public Constructors
NonInlineEditLabelsField(PageElement context)
NonInlineEditLabelsField(PageElement context, int customFieldId)
Public Methods
LabelsDialog edit()
Triggers edit for the field from bview issue (if applicable) and returns the page object responsible for editing.
TimedQuery<Iterable<MultiSelect.Lozenge>> getValue()
TimedCondition hasValue()
Protected Methods
List<PageElement> getLozengeElements()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.pageobjects.pages.viewissue.fields.ViewIssueField


protected final PageElement context

protected final String customFieldId

protected ExtendedElementFinder extendedFinder

protected final boolean isSystem

protected PageBinder pageBinder

protected Timeouts timeouts

Public Constructors

public NonInlineEditLabelsField (PageElement context)

public NonInlineEditLabelsField (PageElement context, int customFieldId)

Public Methods

public LabelsDialog edit ()

Triggers edit for the field from bview issue (if applicable) and returns the page object responsible for editing. That object should be initialized and ready to use.

  • edit page object

public TimedQuery<Iterable<MultiSelect.Lozenge>> getValue ()

public TimedCondition hasValue ()

Protected Methods

protected List<PageElement> getLozengeElements ()