public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Navigate filter functionality.


Public Methods
void addFavourite(int id)
Add filter as favourite to the current logged in user.
void allFilters()
Navigate to manage all filters
long createFilter(String filterName, String filterDesc)
Creates a filter with the specified name and description
void deleteFilter(int id)
Delete the specified filter.
void favouriteFilters()
Navigate to favourite filters.
void findFilters(String filterName, String authorUsername)
Does a filter search from a filter search form page with the given search criteria.
String getActionBaseUrl()
Return the basic URL of the action.
void goToDefault()
Navigate to the default filters page for this FilterNavigation.
void manageSubscriptions(int filterId)
Navigate to manage subscriptions for a given filter
void myFilters()
Navigate to manage my filters
void popularFilters()
Navigate to manage popular filters
FilterNavigation projects()
Goes to the project tab of the filterpicker popup (only visible with showProjects param).
void removeFavourite(int id)
Remove filter as favourite from the current logged in user.
List<FilterItem> sanitiseFavouriteFilterItems(List<FilterItem> expectedItems)
Return a new list containing new expected items based on the given ones which are stripped of any field expectations that are not designed to be met by this FilterNavigation implementation's favourite view.
List<FilterItem> sanitiseSearchFilterItems(List<FilterItem> expectedItems)
Return a new list containing new expected items based on the given ones which are stripped of any field expectations that are not designed to be met by this FilterNavigation implementation's search results view (including popular filters).
void searchFilters()
Navigate to search filters

Public Methods

public void addFavourite (int id)

Add filter as favourite to the current logged in user.

id The id of the filter

public void allFilters ()

Navigate to manage all filters

public long createFilter (String filterName, String filterDesc)

Creates a filter with the specified name and description

filterName the name of the filter.
filterDesc the description of the filter.
  • the id of the newly created filter

public void deleteFilter (int id)

Delete the specified filter.

id the id of the filter to delete.

public void favouriteFilters ()

Navigate to favourite filters.

public void findFilters (String filterName, String authorUsername)

Does a filter search from a filter search form page with the given search criteria. Client is left on filter search results screen.

filterName the name of the filter, possibly "" but not null.
authorUsername the name of the author or "" but not null.

public String getActionBaseUrl ()

Return the basic URL of the action.

  • this.

public void goToDefault ()

Navigate to the default filters page for this FilterNavigation.

public void manageSubscriptions (int filterId)

Navigate to manage subscriptions for a given filter

filterId id of the filter

public void myFilters ()

Navigate to manage my filters

public void popularFilters ()

Navigate to manage popular filters

public FilterNavigation projects ()

Goes to the project tab of the filterpicker popup (only visible with showProjects param).

  • this.

public void removeFavourite (int id)

Remove filter as favourite from the current logged in user.

id The id of the filter

public List<FilterItem> sanitiseFavouriteFilterItems (List<FilterItem> expectedItems)

Return a new list containing new expected items based on the given ones which are stripped of any field expectations that are not designed to be met by this FilterNavigation implementation's favourite view.

expectedItems the template items to expect.
  • equivalent expected items for this favourite filters view.

public List<FilterItem> sanitiseSearchFilterItems (List<FilterItem> expectedItems)

Return a new list containing new expected items based on the given ones which are stripped of any field expectations that are not designed to be met by this FilterNavigation implementation's search results view (including popular filters).

expectedItems the template items to expect.
  • equivalent expected items for this search results view.

public void searchFilters ()

Navigate to search filters