@Immutable public class


extends Object
implements PlanIdentifier DecoratedNavObject
   ↳ com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.beans.DecoratedPlan


Public Methods
ImmutableList<DecoratedPlan> getBranches()
@NotNull String getBuildKey()
This objects specific portion of the key.
@NotNull String getBuildName()
String getDescription()
@NotNull String getDisplayName()
long getId()
@NotNull String getKey()
ImmutableList<String> getLabelNames()
@Nullable PlanIdentifier getMaster()
The master plan iff the plan is a branched plan and it has a master.
@NotNull String getName()
Returns the full name for the build in the form of "project name - build name" e.g.
@NotNull ImmutableList<? extends DecoratedNavGroupObject> getNavGroups()
@Nullable DecoratedPlan getParent()
@NotNull PlanKey getPlanKey()
Get the PlanKey identifier for this Plan
@NotNull PlanType getPlanType()
@NotNull ProjectIdentifier getProject()
Returns the parent Project
ImmutableList<DecoratedStage> getStages()
@Nullable DecoratedNavObjectStatus getStatus()
@NotNull String getType()
boolean isResult()
boolean isSuspendedFromBuilding()
Checks if the build has been enabled / disabled.
@Nullable String replaceKey(String url, DecoratedNavObject originalObject)
Given an existing url (may be directly from the originalObject or may be with a static ${planKey} reference) generate the new url for this object
void setLabels(ImmutableList<String> labels)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooIdProvider
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.PlanIdentifier
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.DescriptionProvider
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.NameProvider
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.ww2.beans.DecoratedNavObject

Public Methods

public ImmutableList<DecoratedPlan> getBranches ()

@NotNull public String getBuildKey ()

This objects specific portion of the key. You probably want to use getPlanKey().

  • This objects specific portion of the key

@NotNull public String getBuildName ()

public String getDescription ()

@NotNull public String getDisplayName ()

public long getId ()

@NotNull public String getKey ()

public ImmutableList<String> getLabelNames ()

@Nullable public PlanIdentifier getMaster ()

The master plan iff the plan is a branched plan and it has a master.

@NotNull public String getName ()

Returns the full name for the build in the form of "project name - build name" e.g. "Confluence - HEAD"

  • String

@NotNull public ImmutableList<? extends DecoratedNavGroupObject> getNavGroups ()

@Nullable public DecoratedPlan getParent ()

@NotNull public PlanKey getPlanKey ()

Get the PlanKey identifier for this Plan

  • planKey

@NotNull public PlanType getPlanType ()

@NotNull public ProjectIdentifier getProject ()

Returns the parent Project


public ImmutableList<DecoratedStage> getStages ()

@Nullable public DecoratedNavObjectStatus getStatus ()

@NotNull public String getType ()

public boolean isResult ()

  • true if the nav object represents a result otherwise false

public boolean isSuspendedFromBuilding ()

Checks if the build has been enabled / disabled.

  • true if plan is disabled

@Nullable public String replaceKey (String url, DecoratedNavObject originalObject)

Given an existing url (may be directly from the originalObject or may be with a static ${planKey} reference) generate the new url for this object

url - to manipulate
originalObject - the object the original url may have belonged to
  • the new url referencing this object

public void setLabels (ImmutableList<String> labels)