public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.atlassian.bamboo.testutils.AcceptanceTestHelper

Class Overview

AcceptanceTestHelper nickf Oct 6, 2004 5:43:05 PM


Public Methods
static Properties loadProperties(String fileName)
Protected Methods
static File copyIntoTemporaryFile(String source, String fileName)
creates a temp file with a given filename from an input stream in the classpath or a file in the filesystem@return
static File loadFileFromClasspath(String source)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Properties loadProperties (String fileName)

Protected Methods

protected static File copyIntoTemporaryFile (String source, String fileName)

creates a temp file with a given filename from an input stream in the classpath or a file in the filesystem@return

protected static File loadFileFromClasspath (String source)
