public class


extends BambooEntityObject
implements ArtifactDefinition
   ↳ com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject
     ↳ com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooEntityObject
       ↳ com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.artifact.ArtifactDefinitionImpl


Inherited Fields
From class com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooEntityObject
Public Constructors
ArtifactDefinitionImpl(String name, String location, String copyPattern)
Create a build artifact identified in the UI by the label.
ArtifactDefinitionImpl(ArtifactDefinition sourceArtifact, Job newProducerJob, boolean sharedArtifact)
Constructor used for cloning artifact definitions while a job is being cloned.
Public Methods
@NotNull String getCopyPattern()
Get artifact copy pattern
String getLocation()
Get artifact location
@NotNull String getName()
Get artifact name
@NotNull Job getProducerJob()
Get Buildable that is a producer of artifact
@NotNull List<ArtifactSubscription> getSubscriptions()
Get List of ArtifactSubscriptions on this ArtifactDefinition.
boolean isSharedArtifact()
Get value of "SharedArtifact" flag.
void setCopyPattern(String copyPattern)
Set copy pattern
void setLocation(String location)
Set artifact location
void setName(String name)
Set label
void setProducerJob(Job producerJob)
Set Buildable that is a producer of artifact
void setSharedArtifact(boolean sharedArtifact)
Set "SharedArtifact" flag
void setSubscriptions(List<ArtifactSubscription> subscriptions)
Set subscriptions on this artifact definition.
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooEntityObject
From class com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooIdProvider
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooObject
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.artifact.ArtifactDefinition
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.artifact.ArtifactDefinitionBase
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.NameProvider

Public Constructors

public ArtifactDefinitionImpl ()

public ArtifactDefinitionImpl (String name, String location, String copyPattern)

Create a build artifact identified in the UI by the label. We use the Ant style pattern match to identify the files that need to be copies across into the archive repository.

name The UI text label
location Directory to which copy pattern applies
copyPattern The ANT style copy pattern, relative to the source code directory

public ArtifactDefinitionImpl (ArtifactDefinition sourceArtifact, Job newProducerJob, boolean sharedArtifact)

Constructor used for cloning artifact definitions while a job is being cloned. Does not copy subscriptions.

sourceArtifact artifact definition to be copied
newProducerJob job that will produce artifacts according to the cloned definition

Public Methods

@NotNull public String getCopyPattern ()

Get artifact copy pattern

  • Ant-compatible copy pattern

public String getLocation ()

Get artifact location

  • artifact's contents path or null if none specified (then build root is supposed to be used)

@NotNull public String getName ()

Get artifact name

  • Artifact name

@NotNull public Job getProducerJob ()

Get Buildable that is a producer of artifact


@NotNull public List<ArtifactSubscription> getSubscriptions ()

Get List of ArtifactSubscriptions on this ArtifactDefinition.


public boolean isSharedArtifact ()

Get value of "SharedArtifact" flag.

  • true if ArtifactDefinition is marked as "SharedArtifact"

public void setCopyPattern (String copyPattern)

Set copy pattern

copyPattern new value of copy pattern

public void setLocation (String location)

Set artifact location

location new artifact location

public void setName (String name)

Set label

name new value of label

public void setProducerJob (Job producerJob)

Set Buildable that is a producer of artifact

producerJob new value of producer job

public void setSharedArtifact (boolean sharedArtifact)

Set "SharedArtifact" flag

sharedArtifact new value of "SharedArtifact" flag

public void setSubscriptions (List<ArtifactSubscription> subscriptions)

Set subscriptions on this artifact definition.

subscriptions non null list of ArtifactSubscription objects