public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


Public Methods
void addErrorCollection(String buildKey, ErrorCollection errors)
Adds all the error messages in the errorCollection to the build
void createElasticError(String context, Long agentId, ThrowableDetails throwableDetails, String instanceId)
Create an error regarding Elastic Bamboo.
void createError(String planKey, Integer buildNumber, Long agentId, String context, ThrowableDetails throwableDetails)
void recordElasticError(String context, Long agentId, Throwable throwable, String instanceId)
Record an error resulting from Elastic Bamboo
void recordError(String errorMessage)
void recordError(BuildContext buildContext, String context, Throwable throwable)
void recordError(String buildKey, String context, Throwable throwable)
Record a build error against a build
void recordError(String buildKey, String context)
Record a build error against a build
void recordError(String buildKey, int buildNumber, String context, Throwable throwable)
Record a build error against a build
void recordError(PlanKey planKey, String context, Throwable throwable)
void recordError(PlanResultKey planResultKey, String context, Throwable throwable)
Record a build error against a build result
void recordError(PlanKey planKey, String context)

Public Methods

public void addErrorCollection (String buildKey, ErrorCollection errors)

Adds all the error messages in the errorCollection to the build

public void createElasticError (String context, Long agentId, ThrowableDetails throwableDetails, String instanceId)

Create an error regarding Elastic Bamboo.

public void createError (String planKey, Integer buildNumber, Long agentId, String context, ThrowableDetails throwableDetails)

public void recordElasticError (String context, Long agentId, Throwable throwable, String instanceId)

Record an error resulting from Elastic Bamboo

public void recordError (String errorMessage)

public void recordError (BuildContext buildContext, String context, Throwable throwable)

public void recordError (String buildKey, String context, Throwable throwable)

Record a build error against a build

public void recordError (String buildKey, String context)

Record a build error against a build

public void recordError (String buildKey, int buildNumber, String context, Throwable throwable)

Record a build error against a build

buildKey key of the build
buildNumber number of the build - can be null
context message
throwable error

public void recordError (PlanKey planKey, String context, Throwable throwable)

public void recordError (PlanResultKey planResultKey, String context, Throwable throwable)

Record a build error against a build result

public void recordError (PlanKey planKey, String context)